Friday, January 29, 2016
Hot Cover: Ryan Reynolds for Men's Health
Ryan has always been a hottie, and to see him on the cover if Men's Health is something to marvel at.
It's hard to believe he's almost 40. Stay hot, Ryan.
Did Marvel CEO donate a Million bucks to Donald Trump?
This is depressing for a comic book reader.
Donald Trump announced the Marvel's CEO Ike Perimutter donated a million dollars to Trump's veterans gig.
THR reports
During the event, Trump made note that Marvel Entertainment CEO Ike Perlmutter and his wife, Laura, will donate $1 million to the fundraiser.This stabs my geek heart. I never knew Ike was... a fool. Really, a million dollars?
"One of the great, great men of our country in terms of business and talent," Trump said.
A rep for Perlmutter said: "The Perlmutters are thrilled to support their friend Donald Trump in his efforts to help veterans."
The Perlmutters also donated $2 million to Marco Rubio's campaign this season.
I can't
Interesting Quote: Jussie Smollett
“I absolutely, with everything in my heart, I swear to you, believe that at people’s core, they want to be good — and I will cry about it because I believe it so much. I don’t believe that we were created to hate. I believe that we were created only to love. Love is the root of the happiest of times and of wars. Love, or lack of love — but love is the root of everything.”
Read more about Jussie here
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Anti-Gay Pastor's Church is up for Auction
There is a God...
Hate Pastor James Manning is about to lose his church. Dude hasn't paid his bill and city is coming to collect! And if he can't get it together, his church will be put up for public auction next month!
According DNAinfo, Pastor Manning said the issue besets around unpaid water and sewage bills. He vows to fight the order, believing his church’s tax exempt status protects him. But seriously, it doesn't.
Here's more:
Manning said he found out about the public auction last week and was previously unaware that there was a legal case against his church despite the fact that the case began in September 2009 and his lawyer filed an answer to the complaint a month later.It would be so funny if his church becomes a new gay club, bathhouse or a space for NY Jacks
What Manning didn’t say is that there are nine federal tax liens against him totaling more than $355,000 from as far back as 2002. He also owes New York State for more than $28,000 and other creditors more than $30,000, public records show.
According to city records, the Internal Revenue Service released a federal lien against Manning in 2006 and the Bank of New York Mellon was assigned that lien in 2010.
The church does receive $186,000 in tax exemption benefits from New York City, records show.
The city’s Department of Environmental Protection would not say if churches are exempt from water and sewage charges, but the agency's website lists $194,000 in outstanding water bills.
Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee will attend the Trump's Veterans Event
Lord, this keeps getting better and better.
Desperate to be seen and heard, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum will attend Donald Trump's pro-veterans tonight. Yes, more losers for your viewing eyes.
The Hill reports
Huckabee said that he didn't speak with Trump directly about the plans, but that his staff had expressed interest in conversation with the Trump campaign. He added that he doesn't believe the decision to join Trump at the event sends a negative message to those candidates taking part in the main-stage debate.
"It's to honor the troops, it's not an endorsement of Donald Trump's candidacy. I'm still running for president, we've got the caucuses Monday night, but I'm delighted to join with Donald Trump in an effort to salute the veterans," Huckabee said Thursday on CNN's "Wolf."
"I'm not invited to the main stage, I would have loved to have been on that stage ... if they aren't sitting out in the audience watching me, I don't feel any compulsion that I have to be there for that debate.
This is the 30th Anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
30 years ago today, the space shuttle Challenger exploded, killing all seven astronauts. I remember being at school and we were all called to the library to watch the news.
Where were you on that day?
Protester attacks Trump with tomatoes
Andrew Joseph Alemao, 28, was arrested for throwing two tomatoes at Trump you can barely see it, but it happened.
Joseph was taken into custody by the Secret Service and members of the UI Police. He should be awarded for his efforts.
The Barbie Doll Evolves, celebrating different Body Types
After all this time, Barbie is switching it up!
The new collection features different body types of Barbie dolls. I think this is amazing! post:
Girls everywhere now have infinitely more ways to play out their stories and spark their imaginations through Barbie. Along with more overall diversity, we proudly add three new body types to our line. Here’s a look at why we did this, and the team that made it possible. #TheDollEvolves
Indiana Senate Committee Advances Bill that leaves out the Transgender Community
Yesterday, Indiana's Senate committee stopped SB 66, an strong anti-gay RFRA bill.
But the fight wasn't over, later that day, the same group heard SB 100 and SB 344. SB 100 would create LGBT protections state wide, similar to the already existing anti-discrimination protections already based on race, disability and age. SB 100 would also give exemptions to small businesses and religious organizations.
SB 344 would allow cities to keep their ordinances, but not provide protections for the transgender community. Well, after the debate, SB 344 advanced to the Senate. The organization, Indiana Competes responded to the decision:
This evening, members of Indiana Competes, a coalition of more than 425 Hoosier businesses and associations, joined LGBT rights supporters and faith leaders to testify before the Senate Rules Committee. Senate Bill 344 was amended and passed out of committee and will be up for consideration by the full Senate. The following statement should be attributed to Peter Hanscom, initiative director of Indiana Competes:Freedom Indiana also responded:
“The legislature had a chance to strengthen Indiana tonight and make our state more competitive, but this opportunity was not seized. We want to believe the General Assembly is sincere in their efforts to pass meaningful legislation to eliminate discrimination, but tonight’s hearing showed Indiana missing another opportunity.
“The Hoosier business community has said from the beginning that Indiana must be a place that welcomes all, not most. We respect the legislative process and will continue to work with the General Assembly, but we will not support a final bill that does not provide for equal rights for the entire LGBT community.
“Business owners, faith leaders and anti-discrimination supporters have shared the message tonight that Senate Bill 344 is still woefully inadequate because it leaves out the transgender community and provides numerous allowances for additional discrimination. That is not the answer.”
“Lawmakers still aren’t listening. Tonight, they took a bad bill and made it worse for LGBT people in our state who have to live each day in fear that they could be fired, denied housing or turned away from a public place for who they are.This battle continues.
“Senate Bill 344 continues to fall far short of ending legal discrimination against LGBT people in our state. As amended, it repeals the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act but replaces it with substandard protections that omit transgender people entirely and provide religious carveouts that undermine the very purpose of the civil rights law. We will continue to work with lawmakers to fix this bill, but we are disappointed that they have not made the substantive changes we know a majority of Hoosiers want to make our state open and welcoming to all people.
Anti-Gay Lawmaker caught on Grindr raises questions on Outing
Over the weekend, Virginia's LGBT newspaper, GayRVA posted some interesting information about one of their GOP lawmakers.
This lawmaker was caught on Grindr. No big deal, right? Well, this lawmaker has an strong anti-gay record in the state.
To see an anti-gay lawmaker on the gay hook-up website is truly something to talk about. But there's been issues about outing this particular person. Journalist Brad Kutner (who broke the story) will not out the lawmaker. He said:
“Outing” someone is not something to be taken lightly and often comes off as tacky or vengeful. The legislator we’re addressing with this letter has a voting record which would make an openly gay man shake their head in disgust, but he hasn’t been specifically vocal on LGBTQ issues. This is one of the reasons we’re choosing to leave them anonymous, however we hope this message reaches their desk and they’ll consider the words below if and when they have a chance to vote on LGBTQ related bills in the future.Interesting. I know many folks would out this guy for his self-hating actions. However, does Brad have a point? Is it petty to out this guy?
What do you think?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Interesting Quote: Academy CEO Dawn Hudson
I want to address what you said about political correctness, which makes me a little crazy. The Academy is tradition-bound, it is rule-bound, it is not trying to be politically correct, never has been. We are an elite institution. That elite institution is part of who we are, and that definition won't change. We are the best of the best in the film industry. We don't feel that we have looked far and wide enough for the best of the best. It's not about political correctness, it's about building the best team, the best institution, the best artists. Because unless you have the best artists as members, unless you have the best artists voting on the Academy Awards, you don't have a real reflection of the best of our film culture. We're not talking about [just these] nominations. The nominations we can't control.
Please check out the rest of the article. It's very interesting
Trump whines over Megyn Kelly, threatens to Boycott Fox News Debate
Donald Trump is a crybaby.
He's whining about being in the Fox News Debate because of Megyn Kelly. For some reason, he's afraid of her.
Here's more
His campaign later released a statement firmly declaring that Trump "will not be participating in the Fox News debate." He will instead host an event on behalf of veterans that night, his press release said.Fox News defended Megyn to the Gods, however Trump plans on not showing up.
Trump's chief complaint was that Fox News host Megyn Kelly will be one of the three moderators. He has complained about her supposedly biased coverage for months.
"I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly. I think she's a third-rate reporter. I think she, frankly, is not good at what she does. And I think they could do a lot better than Megyn Kelly," Trump said at the press conference, later criticizing her as a "total lightweight."
I can't wait to see who yields first.
New film 'The Birth Of A Nation' is the Daring of Sundance
This movie is the talk of the town.
At the Sundance Film Festival, the screening of The Birth of a Nation caused a megastorm. And that's a good thing. This film has gathered so much praise and money, it's crazy.
Filmmaker and star of the film, Nate Parker is truly talented and blessed.
Check it out
And the film's debut, the crowd applauded, giving this film one of the longest standing Os in the Sundance's history.
Militia Leader Ammon Bundy arrested after confrontation with FBI, One Militia Member Dead
USA Today reports
Shots were fired during the arrest of members of the armed group. In a statement Tuesday, the FBI said one individual "who was a subject of a federal probable cause arrest is deceased." No other information about the deceased was immediately released.
Another person received non-life threatening injuries and was taken to a local hospital.
Those arrested are:
* Ammon Edward Bundy, age 40, of Emmett, Idaho
* Ryan C. Bundy, age 43, of Bunkerville, Nevada
* Brian Cavalier, age 44, of Bunkerville, Nevada
* Shawna Cox, age 59, Kanab, Utah
* Ryan Waylen Payne, age 32, of Anaconda, Montana
Also arrested, in Burns, at about 5:50 p.m., was:
* Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy, age 45, Cottonwood, Arizona
Officials said all six of those arrested face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Juan Torres-Falcon: 29 Death Drops for my 29 years
This is something else.
Actor Juan Torres-Falcon decided to give us all a treat for his birthday. He trotted all around NYC and dropped for the children.
In his YouTube Video description, he wrote:
For this my 29th year I decided to share the wisdom I've gained the only way I know how: by doing 29 unusually slow Death Drops all over Manhattan.
Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. endorses Donald Trump
Today in WET MESS, Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed Donald Trump today.
This clearly sends the message that evangelicals are completely out of their minds.
The Washington Post writes:
In a statement announcing his endorsement, Falwell called Trump “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”
Falwell’s move has long been expected since he has showered praise on the billionaire in recent weeks and developed a rapport with Trump. But the timing of the formal announcement is significant, coming as Trump and Ted Cruz compete intensely in Iowa for the support of social conservatives.It's so insane, I can't even... I can't even.
“It is truly an honor to receive Jerry’s endorsement. Not only is he a high-quality person, with a wonderful family, whom I have great respect for — I also consider him a very good friend and his support means so much to me,” Trump said in a statement.
Interesting Quote: Sir Ian McKellen
“As a representative of the industry they’re in, it’s receiving complaints which I fully sympathise with. It’s not only black people who’ve been disregarded by the film industry, it used to be women, it’s certainly gay people to this day. These are all legitimate complaints and the Oscars are the focus of those complaints of course.”
Monday, January 25, 2016
Planned Parenthood Secret Videographers Indicted for Criminal Charges
Well, I bet they wasn't ready for that one.
Late today, Planned Parenthood was cleared by a grand jury of any wrongdoing about fetuses and whatnot, however the two creators of those edited videos were indicted on criminal charges!
Yes, that sting mission backfired big time. Here's more
Secret videographers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony that carries a punishment of up to 20 years in prison. Daleiden received an additional misdemeanor indictment under the law prohibiting the purchase and sale of human organs.The karma is so good
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the surprising indictments Monday after a two-month investigation.
"We were called upon to investigate allegations of criminal conduct by Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast," said Anderson, a Republican. "As I stated at the outset of this investigation, we must go where the evidence leads us. All the evidence uncovered in the course of this investigation was presented to the grand jury. I respect their decision on this difficult case."
Academy Members whine about the New Voting Rules
More interesting info about the Academy's changes.
Now that diversity seems to be at the forefront, some of the voters are hurt, victimized and shocked at the overhaul. Yes, my friends, white privilege is flooding out in these responses to the new initiative.
THR has some of these responses from the older white Academy voters. I'll share a few with you:
"It's trying to clear the decks so the show can go on in February without people screaming," vented Sam Weisman, 68, of the directors branch. "As a member who has stepped partially away from the industry, it feels like someone like me is being victimized. I'm in the mentoring phase of my life — I teach — so I'm now supposed to not be relevant, even though I'm being as relevant, in working with young artists, as people who have current credits are. And, by the way, I've contributed a lot of time to the Academy as a judge for the Nicholl Fellowships and the Student Academy Awards. So basically they're saying that I don't matter anymore. It seems like this is a hastily put-together reaction to a firestorm."As you can see, this change has called many in question and their responses are very telling. All I ask is that people think about why this happened and why there are drastic measures going down. If folks were keen of this issue, we wouldn't be at this point of action. So, I say "Lick it up, and deal."
Tab Hunter, 84, a member of the actors branch, concurred, calling the announcement "bullshit." He elaborated, "Obviously, it's a thinly-veiled ploy to kick out older white contributors — the backbone of the industry — to make way for younger, 'politically-correct' voters. The Academy should not cave in to media hype and change the rules without talking to or getting votes from all members first."
Documentary branch member Arnold Schwartzman, an Oscar winner for 1982's Genocide, was aggrieved on behalf of his fellow members. "I'm quite angry," he said. "I'm all right, I've got my Oscar. But what about all of those people that were elected to the Academy because they are skilled, but who never got an Oscar nomination?" He continued, "I just resent being characterized by some people as a racist. We judge films on the merits. There were some great films with white people that didn't get in that I was upset about. Race had nothing to do with any of it."
The times are a'changing
Interesting Quote: George Clooney
If you think back 10 years ago, the Academy was doing a better job. Think about how many more African Americans were nominated. I would also make the argument, I don’t think it’s a problem of who you’re picking as much as it is: How many options are available to minorities in film, particularly in quality films?
I think we have a lot of points we need to come to terms with. I find it amazing that we’re an industry that in the 1930s, most of our leads were women. And now a woman over 40 has a very difficult time being a lead in a movie. We’re seeing some movement. Jennifer Lawrence and Patricia Arquette have made the loud pronouncement about wage disparity, have put a stamp on the idea that we got to pay attention. But we should have been paying attention long before this. I think that African Americans have a real fair point that the industry isn’t representing them well enough. I think that’s absolutely true.
Let’s look back at some of the nominees. I think around 2004, certainly there were black nominees — like Don Cheadle, Morgan Freeman. And all of a sudden, you feel like we’re moving in the wrong direction. There were nominations left off the table. There were four films this year: “Creed” could have gotten nominations; “Concussion” could have gotten Will Smith a nomination; Idris Elba could have been nominated for “Beasts of No Nation;” and “Straight Outta Compton” could have been nominated. And certainly last year, with “Selma” director Ava DuVernay — I think that it’s just ridiculous not to nominate her.
But honestly, there should be more opportunity than that. There should be 20 or 30 or 40 films of the quality that people would consider for the Oscars. By the way, we’re talking about African Americans. For Hispanics, it’s even worse. We need to get better at this. We used to be better at it.
#OscarsSoWhite forces Changes in the Academy
Due to the backlash of the Oscar nominees being so white, the academy has got together and reset the rules.
The new rules will increase the number of women and minorities in the academy by 2020 and limiting lifetime voting rights. Personally, I wish they can fast forward this for next year, but hey, you can't fight city hall.
LA Times have the scoop:
The new rules will increase the number of women and minorities in the academy by 2020 and limiting lifetime voting rights. Personally, I wish they can fast forward this for next year, but hey, you can't fight city hall.
LA Times have the scoop:
The new academy rules are designed to speed up the process of change, as the board passed a series of measures that would remove from its voting rolls members who have not been active in the film industry for many years and establish a precedent requiring active engagement in the industry for new members. The new rules stipulate that:It's a great first step, however, it's a bigger problem within the studios. The changes have to start with the writers, creators and director. The next step is to get these studios together.
• Each new member's voting status will last 10 years and will be renewed if that member has been active in motion pictures during that decade.
• Members will receive lifetime voting rights after three 10-year terms or if they have won or been nominated for an Academy Award.
• Those who do not qualify for active status will be moved to emeritus status, which means they enjoy the privileges of membership, such as access to screenings and events, but cannot vote on the Oscars.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Former Cop Daniel Holtzclaw will serve ALL 263 years for Sexual Assaulting Black Women
From Colorlines
Moments ago, an Oklahoma City judge sentenced former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw to 263 years for the rape and sexual assault of eight Black women and girls. The sentence will run consecutively.
Holtzclaw was found guilty in December, with the jury convicting him of 18 of a possible 36 charges of first-degree rape, second-degree rape, sexual battery, forcible oral sodomy, procuring lewd exhibition, indecent exposure, burglary and stalking. The jury agreed with prosecutors who argued that Holtzclaw, who is White and Japanese, specifically sought out Black women in poor areas and intimidated them into keeping his crimes a secret. The all-White jury recommended 263 years of prison time.Before the sentencing, Daniel's team tried to get him another trial. However, the judge said NOPE!
60% of Americans are Cool with the Gays
According to Gallup, 60% of Americans say they are satisfied with the acceptance of gays and lesbians in the U.S.
I guess folks are coming around?
Here's more
I guess folks are coming around?
Here's more
Gallup first polled on Americans' satisfaction with acceptance of gays and lesbians in 2001, when about a third reported being satisfied. Over the next eight years, this figure hovered between 32% and 40%. The level of satisfaction climbed in each poll between 2006 and 2014 amid a state-by-state battle for marriage rights. During this time, the federal government also repealed the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy and the Supreme Court struck down much of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.Interesting
Gallup asks Americans who say they are dissatisfied with the acceptance of gays and lesbians if that dissatisfaction stems from their desire to see more acceptance or less acceptance. Similar percentages currently choose each explanation. Both of these figures have declined over the years as overall satisfaction has climbed, with a much greater decline in the percentage who are dissatisfied and want less acceptance.
Lawmakers discuss the "Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act" UPDATE
In my home state, lawmakers are discussing the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act. This bill's purpose is to null and void all same-sex marriages in the state. Why are they doing this mess? I don't know, considering how they will be sued in a federal court.
Anywho, check it out here. And thanks to the folks back home for telling me about this
UPDATE After 90 minutes of mess, the Tennessee House Committee voted down the anti-gay marriage bill.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
DC Films New Movie Logos
DC Films releases new movie logos for their upcoming projects during the Dawn of the Justice League Special last night.
Check them out
Wonder Woman comes out in 2017. The Batman v Superman film is coming in March
Check them out
Wonder Woman comes out in 2017. The Batman v Superman film is coming in March
Montana State Football & Rugby player come out as gay
Montana State University in Bozeman has a special guy on their the football team. His name is Brandon Davis and he just came out yesterday.
And I open letter on, Brandon talks about his experience coming out, leaving Louisiana Tech football and finding his way in rugby.
Check out this video where he talks about his experiences.
And I open letter on, Brandon talks about his experience coming out, leaving Louisiana Tech football and finding his way in rugby.
Check out this video where he talks about his experiences.
First Look at some Footage from the Wonder Woman film
Last night, CW revealed some footage from Wonder Woman movie.
While, it's exciting to see, I'm not a far of them focusing on her warrior nature. Diana is more than that.
Hopefully, we will see her caring side too.
While, it's exciting to see, I'm not a far of them focusing on her warrior nature. Diana is more than that.
Hopefully, we will see her caring side too.
Interesting Quote: Mark Hamill
“His sexuality is never directly addressed in the films. Luke is whatever the audience wants him to be, so you can decide for yourself.”source
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Track Palin was Arrested for Domestic Violence and Intoxication
So, Sarah Palin endorsed Trump... And her son, Track, was charged in Wasilla on domestic violence and weapons charges yesterday.
Here are the receipts or rather the court records. Race Track was charged with:
Assault in the fourth degree (That's what we call... domestic violence)
Interfering with a report of domestic violence
Possession of a weapon while intoxicated.
Three misdemeanors, folks. See it here
Just a family of winners.
Sarah 'Moose Mess' Palin endorses Trump for President
In today's foolishness, Sarah Palin jumped on the Trump train.
NYT reports:
“I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president,” Ms. Palin said in a statement provided by his campaign.
Her support is the highest-profile backing for a Republican contender so far.
“I am greatly honored to receive Sarah’s endorsement,” Mr. Trump said in a statement trumpeting Mrs. Palin’s decision. “She is a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for. I am proud to have her support.”
To say that Her support is the highest-profile backing for a Republican contender so far. isn't saying much
WATCH Idris Elba on Lack of Diversity in Films and Television
Here's a piece of his speech
Idris asked:
“We need to count up what everybody has, see the lay of the land, and see who has which careers in TV."“Who makes TV? Who’s allowed on TV? And when they get the opportunity, which roles do they play, off and on screen?"“Are black people normally playing petty criminals? Are women always the love interest or talking about men?"“Are gay people always stereotyped? Are disabled people ever seen at all?"“Do some people have their careers taken away on a whim? Is their talent unfairly ignored?”
Watch the entire speech here
Kate Bush speaks on David Bowie
Kate Bush paid tribute to David Bowie on her Facebook page.
The Goddess said:
David Bowie had everything. He was intelligent, imaginative, brave, charismatic, cool, sexy and truly inspirational both visually and musically. He created such staggeringly brilliant work, yes, but so much of it and it was so good. There are great people who make great work but who else has left a mark like his? No one like him.
I’m struck by how the whole country has been flung into mourning and shock. Shock, because someone who had already transcended into immortality could actually die. He was ours. Wonderfully eccentric in a way that only an Englishman could be.
Whatever journey his beautiful soul is now on, I hope he can somehow feel how much we all miss him.
Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs responds to the #OscarsSoWhite Issue
The #OscarsSoWhite campaign has truly ignited a firestorm. Besides social media, Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee are planning to boycott the Oscars.
As the fire continues to burn, Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs released a statement
Is this lip service or a push for change?
As the fire continues to burn, Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs released a statement
Is this lip service or a push for change?
I don't get Evangelicals
I am truly struggling with evangelicals. I mean, I've always struggled with evangelicals, but I'm not understanding their purpose, cause or their belief system.
For them to support anyone like Donald Trump or Ted Cruz is quite interesting, and a bit scary.
These are people who are phonies and liars. I don't understand how they could support these particular candidates. It just doesn't make any sense to do so, I mean how do you hold your faith so high that you can't see the bullshit in front of your face?
The last time I checked, God and Jesus were all about love, acceptance and bringing people together. But evangelicals seem to except bigotry and deception as key qualities. It's hard for me to take them seriously, because everything they stand for goes against the true teachings of Jesus.
It's difficult for me to believe that these people are genuinely into their faith. Makes me wonder if they even realize how backwards and naïve they come across.
Maybe somebody's God will show them the way.
Check Out this Fan Made Trailer of Masters of the Universe/Star Wars
This was made by Mike Furth... Enjoy
Monday, January 18, 2016
Co-Founder of The Eagles Glenn Frey has Died
Glenn Frey has passed away today. His cause of death was a combination of complications from rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis, and pneumonia.
TMZ reports
Frey had been battling intestinal issues for months and had surgery in November. We're told in the last few days his condition took a turn for the worse. He died in New York City. Glenn co-wrote and sang most of the Eagles hits, including "Take It Easy," "Tequila Sunrise," "Lyin' Eyes," and "Heartache Tonight," to name a few. He also co-wrote "Hotel California" and "Desperado" with Don Henley and took home 6 Grammys with the band.
After the Eagles' 1980 breakup, Glenn launched a successful solo career, recording numerous hits ... most notably "The Heat Is On" and "You Belong to the City."
Glenn also got into acting, snagging a recurring role on "Miami Vice."
He reunited with the Eagles in '94 for their monster Hell Freezes Over tour and recorded music till the end, releasing what would be his fifth and final solo LP, "After Hours," in 2012.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer had been fighting intestinal issues for awhile but his condition relapsed before the holidays, forcing the Eagles to pull out of their Kennedy Center Honors appearance in December. At the time, the band said he needed major surgery that would require a lengthy recovery.
Dating Paranoia is Real
So, I met this guy over the holiday break. We've been in contact in the past, but we finally got together after some 'cute' texting. Once we met, we completely connected. We have a lot in common and he fits what I'm looking for.
But, I also have this underlying fear. The week we spent watching movies, eating and getting to know each other was great. However, I can't help but to think this is too good to be true. I shouldn't be so doubtful, but if I've learned anything from gay men is that when they're not ready, they will leave. Cut and run, leaving a mess for you to clean.
So far, he's not like that. He's been great, I think I'm just scared. I should just enjoy what happening and go with the flow.
Lord, has years of dating made me this paranoid?
Friday, January 15, 2016
Birther Suit: The Challenge of Ted Cruz's Citizenship has Started
This was going to happened.
After Trump and Cruz battled over who can run for president, I kinda thought it was done. Well, I was wrong. Somebody from Texas has filed against the senator to prove if he's a natural born citizen.
Here's more:
Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz should be disqualified from the race because he isn’t a “natural-born citizen,” a fellow Texan claims in a “birther” challenge filed against the senator in a U.S. court.Lord, the madness.
The suit seeks a court definition of the term to clarify whether Cruz -- who was born in Canada to an American mother -- can or can’t serve if elected.
“This 229-year question has never been pled, presented to or finally decided by or resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court,” Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz Sr. said in his 28-page complaint. “Only the U.S. Supreme Court can finally decide, determine judicially and settle this issue now.”
Claiming that “time is of the essence” because of the rapidly approaching Iowa caucuses and March 1 Super Tuesday primaries, Schwartz asked that the case be expedited for resolution by the nation’s highest court as soon as possible.
RuPaul's DragCon Returns to LA!
This could be fun
Hollywood, CA (January 15, 2016) – On Friday, January 15, singles tickets go on sale for the second annual RuPaul’s DragCon, taking place on Saturday, May 7 & Sunday, May 8, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Produced by drag legend RuPaul together with World of Wonder Productions – the creators of the global TV phenomenon, RuPaul’s Drag Race – RuPaul’s DragCon is a HERstory making celebration of the art of drag and self-expression for all.
Tens of thousands will be on hand to mix and mingle with world-renowned drag stars and celebrities, and experience exclusive attractions including screenings, panel discussion, lip sync contests, drag HERstory lessons, fashion and make up tutorials for men and women, and once-in-a-lifetime autograph and photo ops.
Featuring hundreds of sickening vendors, RuPaul’s DragCon transforms the LA Convention Center into a gag-worthy destination for unique apparel, art, make up, custom shoes and many other fabulous products!
Price for single day tickets is ($30). Price for the 2-day all-access tickets are ($50).
The upcoming RuPaul’s DragCon is expected to dramatically exceed last year’s inaugural event, with the increased attendance tripling the Convention Center floor space. So don’t hesitate. Several ticket packages are selling out fast.
“Last year, the launch of RuPaul’s DragCon exceeded everyone’s expectations” said RuPaul. “It was like Star Wars for gay people! So get ready, because this year it’s RuPaul’s DragCon - ‘The Fierce Awakens’ and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever.”
Tickets are available at starting at $30. (Please note: VIP Experience tickets have sold out). The RuPaul's DragCon gift bag is a must have and is still available. Fans can purchase photos and autographs at the show. For more info follow DragCon @RuPaulsDragCon, or Facebook
Hot Teaser Trailer: 10 Cloverfield Lane
Is this a Cloverfield sequel?
Not sure, however Producer JJ Abrams said this recently:
“The idea came up a long time ago during production. We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.”Hmm, well, check it out
Interesting Tweet: Hillary Clinton
2 1/2 hours of this? Imagine 4 years. #GOPdebate
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) January 15, 2016
NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre challenges Obama to Gun Debate
NRA's leader finally popped up from the garbage to challenge President Obama to a hour long debate on guns.
He said:
He said:
“I’ll meet you for a one-on-one, one-hour debate — with a mutually agreed moderator — on any network that will take it. No prescreened questions and no gasbag answers. Americans will judge for themselves who they trust and believe on this issue — you or the NRA. Let’s see if you’re game for a fair debate.”WATCH
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Oscars Stay White again! #OscarsSoWhite 2.0
Once again, the Oscars are White as snow.
The nominations came out today and basically, every nominee is white. This year, we had stellar work from actors/actresses or color. Michael B. Jordan in "Creed", Idris Elba in “Beasts of No Nation”, Mya Taylor in “Tangerine” were phenomenal and yet were ignored. Director and writers of color were also ignored as well.
I'm not sure why this is not carefully watched within the industry. With the majority of the Oscar voters being white men in their 60s, I'm not sure if they're actively looking at the diversity of the film industry. It just feels like a big White Boys Club of Filmmakers. And no shade to Jennifer Lawrence, but "Joy" was basically the same role she's played in every David O. Russell film.
I'm telling you, it just doesn't feel right. So many films are getting snubbed for 'favorites' and it's not cool. I'm glad that social media is calling this out because if we don't bring attention to this, we may never have a diverse group of nominees
Actor Alan Rickman has Died
Today, we lost actor Alan Rickman to cancer.
He was a talented actor, mostly known for playing Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films. Alan's other roles are also of note. He was Hans Gruber in Die Hard, Metatron in Dogma, Harry in Love Actually, and Alexander Dane in Galaxy Quest.
What I really remember Alan from is the film, Dark Harbor. In it, he's in an interesting and dangerous relationship with Norman Reedus. Here's the scene that stayed with me.
Alan will be missed. Thank you for your talents.
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- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.