I hate the song, Let It Go
Monday, March 31, 2014
Interesting Quote: College football defensive end Mitch Eby
"Being gay may be something that defines me, but it does not limit me. It is such a small part of who I am. I am the same person you all know, no different than before. I'm still the kid that is obsessed with pretty much anything having to do with sports, I'm still the kid that some of you love to call stupid nicknames like ‘mom' and ‘hot dog,' and I'm still someone who will continue to go out there every day and push myself and push my teammates to be the best football team around. I am your teammate, I am your classmate and I am your brother. And I know that my brothers will continue to stand by my side, no matter what."source
Hate Leader Scott Lively gives an Interesting Interview on the UK's Channel 4 - WATCH
Britain's Channel 4 actually chatted with the hate leader, Scott Lively. Inigo Gilmore met with him and learned how crazy this man is.
Scott claims that he had nothing to do with influencing the anti-gay energy in Uganda and Obama is secretly gay. Chile, see this mess for yourself.
Scott claims that he had nothing to do with influencing the anti-gay energy in Uganda and Obama is secretly gay. Chile, see this mess for yourself.
First Look: Neil Patrick Harris in Broadway's 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch'
Neil said:
“I’ve lost 20 pounds. I’m in the craziest couture outfits, and I’ve got all this makeup on. But they made me custom heels, so at least those fit well.”What do you think?
Former Student sentenced in the Robert Champion Jr. Death Case
Some news on the Robert Champion Jr. case.
Quick recap: Robert Champion was a gay student that was hazed to death by members of the FAMU marching band. This case has been going on for a few years and now, we have some movement.
Jessie Baskin was sentenced to 51 weeks in the county jail, five years of probation, and 300 hours of community service for participating in Robert's death. This is the first case to come, others will possibly follow.
Fifteen others were charged with manslaughter. Seven have been sentenced with a mix of probation and community service. One of the former band members, Caleb Jackson is awaiting sentencing.
Random Rant
The weekend goes by so fast... I need another couple of days!
Sometimes, I need a week of nothing to do. A few days of watching the 'Homewives' and sitting around the apartment. Work is so blah, so I hope a new job with shake me out of this funk.
I'm tired of wearing a tie and dress pants. I got cute jeans, 15 pairs in fact. I want to wear them sometimes!
I feel like I'm buying more dress clothes than fun clothes.... Yeah, this rant is all over the place. Just proof that I need a change in careers.
I will make this happen soon.
Sometimes, I need a week of nothing to do. A few days of watching the 'Homewives' and sitting around the apartment. Work is so blah, so I hope a new job with shake me out of this funk.
I'm tired of wearing a tie and dress pants. I got cute jeans, 15 pairs in fact. I want to wear them sometimes!
I feel like I'm buying more dress clothes than fun clothes.... Yeah, this rant is all over the place. Just proof that I need a change in careers.
I will make this happen soon.
Mozilla release an official support of Equality and Inclusion
When Mozilla appointed Brendan Eich CEO of their company, they found themselves in a bit of drama. In 2008, Brendan donated a $1000 to the Prop 8 campaign. Once word hit the streets, folks were boycotting the company.
Yesterday, the company released a statement:
Over the past few days we have been asked a number of questions about Brendan Eich’s appointment as CEO. This post is to clarify Mozilla’s official support of equality and inclusion for LGBT people.They are really trying to clean this up. I applaud them, but Brendan should be the one talking.
Mozilla’s mission is to make the Web more open so that humanity is stronger, more inclusive and more just. This is why Mozilla supports equality for all, including marriage equality for LGBT couples. No matter who you are or who you love, everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally.
We realize that not everyone in our community or who uses our products will agree with this. But we have always maintained that as long as you are willing to respect others, and come together for our larger mission, you are welcome. Mozilla’s community is made up of people who have very diverse personal beliefs working on a common cause, which is a free and open internet. That is a very rare and special thing.
Mozilla has always worked to be a welcoming community, committed to inclusiveness and equality for all people. One voice will not limit opportunity for anyone. That was true yesterday and will be true tomorrow.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Days Of Our Lives makes History hosting the First Same-Sex Marriage on a Soap Opera
My favorite Soap Opera makes history next week by hosting Will and Sonny's wedding. The storyline will happen in 3 episodes! Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakis will be married by another fan favorite... Marlena Evans! There will be more surprises as the wedding unfolds.
Here's a sneak peek
Interesting Quote: Rev. Christopher Senyonjo
"They said I should condemn the homosexuals. I can't do that, because I was called to serve all people, including the marginalized. But they say I am inhibited until I recant. I am still a member of the Anglican church."
Rev. Christopher Senyonjo is an Ugandan Cleric who ministers to the gay community.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
RuPaul's Drag Race Producers issue a Poo-Putt Apology over Anti-Trans Segment
RuPaul's Drag Race got messy a few weeks ago.
In one of the mini-challenges, the cast members played a game where they had to identify if a woman or a drag star was a “female” or a “she-male”.
Several folks called out RuPaul over that segment. For a while the RuPaul's peeps were quiet, but yesterday they sent this message:
“We delight in celebrating every color in the LGBT rainbow. When it comes to the movement of our trans sisters and trans brothers, we are newly sensitized and more committed than ever to help spread love, acceptance and understanding,” said RuPaul Charles, Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato, Tom Campbell, Steven Corfe and Mandy Salangsang.Ummm.... That's a clear non-apology.
Then Logo said:
“We have heard the concerns around this segment. We are committed to sharing a diverse range of trans stories across all of our screens and look forward to featuring positive and groundbreaking stories of trans people in the future.”Really? Are we still making non-apologies in 2014? Please, do better. That segment hurt a part of our community. You could be a bit more considerate and apologize.
I Missed the Earthquake AGAIN
Our local stations reported a moderate earthquake at 5.3 near La Habra, Cali-Cal last night.
Earlier La Habra shook at 8:03pm, it was only a 3.6. Then, there was another quake, a 2.9 in Brea, Cali-Cal... And I didn't feel a thing!!!
I want to experience a decent Earthquake! Yes, I'm an action junkie and I always miss the shakes. Oh well, maybe next time.
Friday, March 28, 2014
Pastor James Manning: Assault on The Bride of Christ by Homo Demons
Sounds like a 70s horror movie, right?
Attorney General Eric Holder: Same-Sex Marriages in Michigan will be recognized by the federal government.
"I have determined that the same-sex marriages performed last Saturday in Michigan will be recognized by the federal government. These families will be eligible for all relevant federal benefits on the same terms as other same-sex marriages. The Governor of Michigan has made clear that the marriages that took place on Saturday were lawful and valid when entered into, although Michigan will not extend state rights and benefits tied to these marriages pending further legal proceedings. For purposes of federal law, as I announced in January with respect to similarly situated same-sex couples in Utah, these Michigan couples will not be asked to wait for further resolution in the courts before they may seek federal benefits to which they are entitled.
“Last June’s decision by the Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor was a victory for equal protection under the law and a historic step toward equality for all American families. The Department of Justice continues to work with its federal partners to implement this decision across the government. And we will remain steadfast in our commitment to realizing our country’s founding ideals of equality, opportunity, and justice for all.”
What I learned from my students
This generation of young gays are doing soooo much!
I was talking with one of my students and he told me a handful of stuff. He just ended an open relationship with another guy. Sleeping around is cool among friends and apparently, hook-up parties are the norm.
He asked about my views on sex partners and hook-ups. I told him in my day, you kept the number of your sex partners less than five and everyone didn't deserve a shot.
My student laughed and said, "That's sweet and harsh."
I asked why did he think that?
He said: "Because instead of getting laid, you were getting bitter early."
Bitter? Wow.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
President Obama names the First Black and Gay man to head the Office of National AIDS Policy
I missed this yesterday. President Obama named Douglas M. Brooks head of the Office of National AIDS Policy. Douglas is the first Black and gay man in this role (good stuff)
President Obama said:
"Douglas’s policy expertise combined with his extensive experience working in the community makes him uniquely suited to the task of helping to achieve the goal of an AIDS-free generation, which is within our reach."Douglas has an impressive background in the field. He has served on the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, former senior vice president for community, health, and public policy at the Justice Resource Institute in Boston, and has served on the boards of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, AIDS United, and the National Black Gay Men's Advocacy Coalition.
Good luck, Douglas
In Tennessee: Senate passes Religious Anti-Discrimination Bill
Foolishness in my homestate.
On Monday, state lawmakers approved legislation that allows students to express their religious views at school.
These senators passed the Religious Viewpoints Anti-discrimination Act. This messy ass bill will allow students to act out their religious views in public spaces, meet as religious groups, and express their views in assignments.
The Tennessee American Civil Liberties Union wasn't pleased. They said:
"While purporting to prevent discrimination against students expressing religious viewpoints, SB 1793/HB 15 47 crosses the line from protecting religious freedom into creating systematic imposition of some students’ personal religious viewpoints on other students. Should this pass, students with a range of religious beliefs, as well as non-believers, would likely routinely be required to listen to religious messages or participate in religious exercises that conflict with their own beliefs.”This is a mess waiting to happen. I hope the Governor doesn't sign this bill.
Interesting Quote: Kylie Minogue
“I didn’t become a gay icon or become popular in the gay community for doing something specific. That happened just because I was being myself.”
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
I took a walk on Runyon Canyon this weekend. It is a crazy ass path, but it was great to get some fresh air and clear my head.
I think if I do this once a week, I can gain a sense of balance.
James David Manning says Gays are Preying on Black Men
Lord, this man.
The more he talks... It just gets worst. James David Manning continues his hate for gays in a recent interview. In this piece from Vocativ.com, this fool believes that gays are preying on Black men.
He said:
“The white homo who now lives in the community—and there are a lot of them that moved up here—they brought their restaurants, they brought some of their lifestyle, they brought their Starbucks coffee with them…and like anybody else, they prey on black men, they convert black men,” he says. “Not only those who live here, but in the office buildings all over New York City and places around America where homosexuals have supervisory positions. Just like in the Jungle Fever movie by Spike Lee, about the black man and the white woman in the office leaving the black woman who’s up in the hood and the white woman takes her man. The white homos are going to take the black woman’s man.”So the White Gays are the demons attacking Black men... Child, please.
What's That? Marco Rubio supports the First Black, Openly Gay Federal Judge Nominee?
Hell is getting cold.
Sen. Marco Rubio isn't standing in the way of Florida judicial nominee Darrin Gayles. Marco is allowing the Senate Judiciary Committee to go forward with Gayles' nomination for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
Marco has submitted his blue slip to the committee. This blue slip is the 'ok' for a candidate to move forward. Florida Democrat Bill Nelson also turned in his blue slip, which gives the committee chairman Patrick Leahy the sign to move forward with a hearing.
Darrin has more steps to take in the process. If he gets it, he will be the nation's first black, openly gay man to serve as a federal judge.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Bill Donohue: 'Straight Is Great' Group Will Overwhelm NYC Pride Parade - WATCH
Bill Donohue wanted to participate in NYC Pride Parade, but now, he's withdrawing. Why? He doesn't want to go to the parade training sessions.
Mozilla/Firefox CEO called out for Prop 8 Donation
So, the new CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, is in the hot seat.
Back in 2008, this man donated $1000 to support Prop 8. Now as folks hold him accountable, Brandon went to his site and expressed his point of view:
A donation that I made in support of California Proposition 8 four years ago became public knowledge and sparked a firestorm of comments in the last few days, mostly on Twitter.Hmmm, whatever, dude.
People in other countries or other U.S. states do not know why “Mozilla” was listed in the donation data. Donors above a certain amount are required by the State of California to disclose their employer. Mozilla had nothing to do with the donation.
I’m not going to discuss Prop 8 here or on Twitter. There is no point in talking with the people who are baiting, ranting, and hurling four-letter abuse. Personal hatred conveyed through curse words is neither rational nor charitable, and strong feelings on any side of an issue do not justify it.
In contrast, people expressing non-abusive anger, sadness, or disagreement, I understand, grieve, and humbly accept.
Interesting Quote: Ken Ham
So why does God allow Bill Maher to continue his increasing God-hating comments? He really is tempting God. It’s as if he’s saying, “Come on God, I’m saying more and more outrageous things about You—come on—come and get me!” Bill Maher is blaming God for death because he does not want to accept that he is a sinner in need of salvation. He wants to be his own god—he shakes his fist at the God who created man and also provides the gift of salvation for those who will receive it.
If only he would follow this verse: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9).
Black U.S. Protestants for Marriage Equality increases
Black Protestants in the U.S. are a part of the growing number of groups supporting marriage equality.
According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, Black Protestants are coming around.
Here's more:
'The sharpest change has occurred among black Protestants, only 32% of whom favored same-sex marriage in our aggregated 2013 polling,' Pew Research notes.Changes are happening.
'A survey we conducted last month found that figure has now risen to 43%,' the organization continues.
The study also points to an uptick 'among white mainline Protestants (from 55% in 2013 to 62% this year).'
Monday, March 24, 2014
American Horror Story will be called “Freak Show” and the Cast's Confirmed
The fourth season of American Horror Story will be called “Freak Show,” and many of our favorites are returning. Jessica Lange is the German manager of the last freak shows in the U.S. and Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Angela Bassett, and Frances Conroy are also coming back.
from EW
Set in Jupiter, Florida, in 1950, Freak Show finds Jessica Lange playing a German ex-pat who is managing one of the last freak shows in the U.S. Her group of “unusuals”? Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Angela Bassett, and Frances Conroy all play performers whom Lange’s character has rescued; Denis O’Hare and Emma Roberts are also in talks to return. Freak Show’s 13 episodes will track this group as they do anything to keep their business around.
Interesting Tweet: Ellen Page
2 da Pastor who wrote me-Being gay isn't a belief.My soul isnt struggling& I don't want arms of Heavenly Father around me.A girls arms? Yes.
— Ellen Page (@EllenPage) March 22, 2014
UPDATE Pics and Video of Quicksilver, Ultron, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye in The Avengers: Age of Ultron - WATCH
An Italian paper post pics from The Avengers: Age of Ultron set.
And a quick video from the set
We have pics Quicksilver and Ultron, maybe? After the jump
Google celebrates Dorothy Height's Birthday
Dorothy Height was one of the pivotal leaders and activists during the Civil Rights Movement. She continued being an activist throughout her entire life.
Before her death in 2010, Dorothy was named the Godmother of the Civil Rights Movement by President Obama.
Here's a favorite quote from her
"I have been in the proximity of, and threatened by, the Klan; I have been called everything people of color are called; I have been denied admission because of a quota. I've had all of that, but I've also learned that getting bitter is not the way."Please google Dorothy to learn more
Interesting Quote: Vice President Joe Biden
"My grandkids, my children, and their kids are going to be shocked, it shocks the conscious that this very moment in American history, in some states, an employer can fire you just because of who you are, or who you love. It’s close to barbaric. I mean think about this, a man, no I really mean this. Imagine, imagine, 20 years from now, as America look back and say how in the hell could that have ever been allowed? The country’s moved on. The American people have moved on, it’s time for the Congress to move on, and pass ENDA. Pass ENDA now. Not tomorrow, now!"
Nathan Phelps on his Father's (Fred Phelps) Death
“Fred Phelps is now the past. The present and the future are for the living. Unfortunately, Fred’s ideas have not died with him, but live on, not just among the members of Westboro Baptist Church, but among the many communities and small minds that refuse to recognize the equality and humanity of our brothers and sisters on this small planet we share. I will mourn his passing, not for the man he was, but for the man he could have been. I deeply mourn the grief and pain felt by my family members denied their right to visit him in his final days. They deserved the right to finally have closure to decades of rejection, and that was stolen from them.source
Even more, I mourn the ongoing injustices against the LGBT community, the unfortunate target of his 23 year campaign of hate. His life impacted many outside the walls of the WBC compound, uniting us across all spectrums of orientation and belief as we realized our strength lies in our commonalities, and not our differences. How many times have communities risen up together in a united wall against the harassment of my family? Differences have been set aside for that cause, tremendous and loving joint efforts mobilized within hours…and because of that, I ask this of everyone – let his death mean something. Let every mention of his name and of his church be a constant reminder of the tremendous good we are all capable of doing in our communities.
The lessons of my father were not unique to him, nor will this be the last we hear of his words, which are echoed from pulpits as close as other churches in Topeka, Kansas, where WBC headquarters remain, and as far away as Uganda. Let’s end the support of hateful and divisive teachings describing the LGBT community as “less than,” “sinful,” or “abnormal.” Embrace the LGBT community as our equals, our true brothers and sisters, by promoting equal rights for everyone, without exception. My father was a man of action, and I implore us all to embrace that small portion of his faulty legacy by doing the same.”
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Pastor James David Manning tries to Clarify 'Stoning Gays'
Crazy ass James David Manning stepped in it when he advocated for stoning gays. Once that video hit the webs, it went semi-viral. Now, he wants to clarify things... Oh well.
In his 8 minute ramble, he tries to change up his story. He said:
I never said that I would stone homos. I never said that. I never said that I would ask anyone else to stone homos. I never said that. What I did say is what the Bible says, and I gave several verses within the word of God that would demonstrate why I believe that Jesus would stone homos.You can watch this fool's rant after the jump
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Interesting Quote: Frank Mugisha
Today's Uganda is a different story. As the director of Sexual Minorities Uganda, the country's leading lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights organisation, I have been on an advocacy trip in Europe and the US, encouraging the international community to speak out against the recently passed anti-homosexuality act, which myself and a core group of Ugandans who support human rights are now challenging in the constitutional court. As I prepare to return home, I know a law has been passed that will tyrannise my life and that of many Ugandans I know. The outlook is bleak. As a gay Ugandan, I know I am one of thousands. But as someone who has chosen to be "out" and is still living in Uganda, I am in a minority of fewer than 20 people.source
5 Women who could Rock the Jem the Movie Team
So, I learned that Jem's creator Christy Marx and (Jem's voice) Samantha Newark are NOT involved with the Jem movie. They were told a film was coming, but not much after that.
It was also interesting to see three men at the front of this project. After all of this info, I have to ask...Where are the women?
If they want strong support for this film, they need Christy's involvement and Samantha's input. However, they are trying to find some more gender diversity, I have some choices for them after the jump.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Oh Snap! Federal Judge strikes down Michigan's Ban on Same-Sex Marriage
U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman has just shot down Michigan's ban on same sex marriage. Yes, that law is unconstitutional! At this time, there is no word if same sex marriages will begin immediately.
More to come!
Read Michael Sam's Letter to Editor
This is cool
From my first recruiting trip to the University of Missouri, I felt something extraordinary and special — something I didn't feel anyplace else.
I didn't have a name for it then; I do now. It's called family.
And to me that family is defined by unconditional love.
Certainly you cheered my successes, but you also picked me up when I fell.
Maybe most importantly, you gave me a chance to live my truth without judgment, without hesitation and with great discretion and respect.
When I came out last month, I did it with the confidence that my Mizzou "family" would always be there for me.
To put it mildly, the love and acceptance I felt was amazing.
The day after the announcement, my name was spelled out in the stadium; fraternities hung #StandWithSam banners; then when I went to the basketball game to honor the football team's Cotton Bowl victory, I worked hard not to cry because of the amazing reception.
I have a long journey ahead of me, a lot of hard work and many dreams I want to fulfill.
But I do it with the confidence that my Mizzou family will be there for me every step of the way.
I will continue to work my hardest; I will strive to make you all proud.
And I will be a Tiger forever.
Kate Bush returns to the Stage
After 35 years, the icon Kate Bush will return to the stage again!
Kate will play 15 shows at London’s Eventim Apollo starting August 26th. It is a part of her new Before the Dawn series of shows.
I'm excited, but I wish she would come to the US. We need her here too.
But I'm glad she's back on stage.
15 Questions/Concerns I have about the JEM movie
As my 'Jem Movie' hangover wears off, reality sets in.
The idea of Jon M. Chu making this film has stirred up some questions and concerns. So, in my favorite form, I will bullet point my concerns.
- Jon M Chu gave us the horrid G.I. Joe film. In it, the Baroness was evil because Duke broke up with her. Cobra Commander was Duke's best friend and the Baroness' brother.
- The Jem mythos has been changed, now she's a teen and an orphan.
- It's set in today's time, not the 80s. That could be interesting and a mess.
- It seems that men are leading this Jem movie... Not sure I like that. It needs gender diversity.
- Is Christy Marx involved? She created Jem, are they talking to her?
- Are The Misfits in the film?
- How will they explain the holograms and Synergy?
- If they are teens, where are they living? Especially if Jerrica is an orphan, who's looking after them?
- Does Jon M. Chu understand Jem?
- How serious will be story be? I hope it's not a comedy.
- Will more writers join the project?
- How far will they stray from the original material?
- Will Kimber be Jerrica's real sister?
- Are the Starlight Girls in the movie?
- What kind of band will Jem and the Holograms be?
I'm sure more questions will come, but I hope Jon and his team are on it.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
A JEM Movie is actually Being MADE!!! UPDATE
A Jem and the Holograms feature film is coming thanks to the director Jon M. Chu. They have made a video to push this venture! I am excited, worried, but excited!
Watch the video below
More details are available at JemTheMovie.com!
THR reports big changes to the Jem mythos:
According to the producers, Jem is being reimagined "for a whole new generation with themes of being true to who you are in a multitasking, hyperlinked social media age." Ryan Landels wrote the script, which, per the producers, centers on an orphaned teenage girl who becomes an online recording sensation. She and her sisters embark on a music-driven scavenger hunt -- one that sends them on an adventure across Los Angeles in an attempt to unlock a final message left by her father.
Westboro Baptist Church responds to Fred's Death with More Hate
Westboro Baptist Church thanks God for Fred Phelps Sr.’s passing: http://t.co/5GJU1lXuZj pic.twitter.com/lDx0CyEink
— Westboro Baptist (@WBCSays) March 20, 2014
They are tweeting like Scandal's is on.
Check out their foolishness here.
Former Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps Sr. is Dead
Fred was the former head of the hateful Westboro Baptist Church. The family and the members will continue their 'mission', but it will be interesting to see where they go from here.
Interesting Quote: George Michael
"For some strange reason, my gay life didn't get easier when I came out. Quite the opposite happened, really. The press seemed to take some delight that I previously had a 'straight audience,' and set about trying to destroy that. And I think some men were frustrated that their girlfriends wouldn't let go of the idea that George Michael just hadn't found the 'right girl' [yet]."
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.