Monday, May 2, 2011

Question of the Day

What are your feelings about Osama Bin Laden's death?


Bob said...

I did a post about it.
I'm happy he's dead.
I don't like celebrating it.

Prince Todd said...

I'm not happy. I'm not sad. I'm just relieved.
I don't get the celebrations...except the college students. They will find any excuse to binge drink.

apitt said...

After hearing it, I really have no feelings about it. I don't know what to think.

Judy C. Adanna said...

The celebrating crowds look like the mobs who cheered in the streets of Afghanistan after 9/11.
What are the odds that one of these people will be related to or married to or friends with someone who is killed in the eventual retaliation? Well, who cares about that, right? Party on, Wayne.

David Dust said...

I can tell you that in NYC, people are THRILLED. And after all we've gone through, feeling celebratory is completely appropriate.

Anonymous said...

It took 10 years to find the mutt and kill him?

Otherwise meh, I knew he was in a safe house somewhere just cooling his heels until it was politically beneficial that he die.

I do fear he'll now be a martyr to the cause.

Anonymous said...

The caucasians are I feel he was running for his life from something Bush started.I don't think Osama had any thing to do with it. He is a scapegoat.

Saddam brought the poison gas from America that killed the Kurds.Osama got weapon from America to fight the follow me??

Stan said...

There are probably many more to take his place. His death doesn't change or bring back anyone he is responsible for killing. I am glad though that Obama gets credited and not a Republican.
I agree with Price Teddy. College kids will find any excuse to party.

SteveA said...

I'm elated - it's a great victory for Madam Justice!

Kyle Leach said...

Personally V-Apprehension about what is to come in the next few decades, tentative feelings of closure surrounding his death, and severe disappointment in citizens who have grown very little(judging by their behavior) in the last ten years.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.