Shirley Q Liquor or Charles Knipp is known for his Blackface Drag a few years ago. Many peeps were not feeling this "act" and it was quite clear that the LGBT folks of color were no fans.
Now if you don't know about Miss Liquor, here's some insight:
Well, she been on the low until now... She's back and headlining a new show at Russian River Resort during the weekend on Juneteenth(a well-known Black celebration). Why are they hiring her? Do they understand what "Blackface" is?
I know some folks think it just jokes, but if you see and hear Shirley, you realize she is pushing stereotypes to the limit. I don't think it's funny to call yourself a "welfare queen" and talk about your 19 kids. Her act is an insult, pure and simple.
Several groups are calling a boycott of Shirley. If you are interesting putting in your 2 cents, please call the Russian River Resort at (707) 869-0691, they are also on Facebook too.
Let them know this foolishness ain't cute.
They understand what it means. They don't care.
It just shows that the rainbow is not tolerant of ALL the colors it comprises.
F**K Shirley Q. Liquor.
Yes it is black face drag and some people just DO NOT GET IT why this is so offensive.
I completely support calling the Russian River resort and telling them that they should cancel "Miss Liquor's" contract
I have heard of her and I'm still confused. Is she a white guy in drag doing blackface? I knew who she was. I thought it was a black drag queen. I do find her to push the envople and the sterotype thing though. Last I heard of her she was on RuPauls album Redhot and they did a show together at a black and white ball here in PA about four years ago. She is pretty volgar!
It's interesting that you have links to your RuPaul posts below your post. If I remember correctly she actively supports Shirley Q. Liquor. Does anyone have any idea as to why?
To answer everybody's question about RuPaul in four words, self-depreciating black male. That's why RuPaul supports a bigot like Charles Knipp.
I've been saying for years that the mainstream LGBT culture has a real serious bias against blacks although black LGBTs are always caught in the middle. Hence why most black LGBTs maintain their own separate spaces (bars and nightclubs) and events to feel a sense of acceptance amongst themselves versus always being looked upon with disgust and disdain just because of their skin color by non-black LGBTs. Until their is some form of reconciliation and true inclusion and not just tokenism, is displayed in the mainstream LGBT culture and leadership then you will continue to see idiots like Charles Knipp allow to run-a-mok. As well as the maintaining separation of black LGBTs and the mainstream LBGT culture and spaces.
Sometimes the truth hurts a bit too much! I personally find miss Shirley right on the spot. If you can't laught at yourself who can you poke fun at? Get over your uptight selves......
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