I'm really trying to understand this, but here it is.
D.C. Black Pride hired Wale, a well known straight rapper (I haven't heard of him) to perform during the event. Well, Wale found out it was a 'Gay' event and quickly pulled out:
Wale, 25, became a nationally recognized rapper in 2006, when his song “Dig Dug (Shake It)” caught the eye of a record company producer who arranged for a wider distribution of his music. Among other things, he has performed on MTV and appeared recently on the David Letterman Show.
Fowlkes said Black Pride organizers were startled this week when they received two e-mails from Wale’s agent, one saying the rapper had to cancel due to “family obligations,” and the second saying he didn’t know Black Pride was a gay-related event when he agreed to appear.
“We were clear about what kind of event this is,” Fowlkes told the Blade. “After doing this for 20 years, we certainly don’t want to put ourselves and the artist in an uncomfortable situation by not telling them what we are.
“We’re Black Gay Pride, and the people coming out there are members of our community,” he said. “We made that very clear.”
Fowlkes said Black Pride officials believe homophobia was the underlying reason that Wale cancelled his appearance. He said Wale’s agent has refunded an advance fee that Black Pride made to book the rapper, but noted the group is considering taking legal action for what Fowlkes described as a breach of contract.
Here's my question. Why would they hire a straight rapper, when there are many gay rappers out there? There's Tory Fixx, Big Nugg, Deadlee, Cazwell, Johnny Dangerous, Tim'm and more. I know Wale is popular in D.C., but he ain't LGBT.
Call me old fashion, but if it's a Gay event, I want Gay performers.
I'm with ya! While I understand that a larger name "straight" rapper will probably get more people to show up. (Without attendance they don't make back the money invested in throwing the event. Many yearly gay events have gone over the rainbow due to lack of community support and attendance.)
I would think they would go with someone who has already shown that they are supportive and man enough to perform for a LGBT oriented event. There has to be SOME big name rappers that would do it.
Regardless, I am too old to know who the above rapper is. While I have heard his name I'm not familiar with his music. I doubt they would try and trick him into performing. To be honest we're better off knowing his stance on homosexuality, at least then the large gay black population of D.C. can stop any support they may have given him otherwise.
Okay, I dub thee "old fashion."
If we're to learn anything from the TeePee-ers, it's to continue to embrace diversity. Why must we only get gay performers for gay events? It's not time to circle the wagons and be exclusively homo. Embrace the queer-friendly just as fiercely as you embrace the fellow LGBT-ers.
The organizers said they told him it was a gay event when they booked him. Before you start hating on the D.C. organizers, give them the benefit of the doubt. (Just as you correctly give Obama the benefit of a doubt and research before reacting.)
@paisley, I know this wasn't directed at me but...The gay community in all honesty has a long way to go as far as accepting diversity is concerned. The lack of that is probably one of the reasons their is a need for a Black Gay Pride Event in the first place.
But anyways, I don't think a pride event is about circling wagons either. I do think it's giving the opportunity for members of our community to step into the limelight and be acknowledged, supported and advertised to their peers who support them.
I want to see gay or gay friendly businesses, merchants, Doctors, restaurants, realtors, florists and performers represented so that I can know who they are and that they exist. This way I can patronize their services, buy their CD's, attend their concerts, promote them online, etc. Because we know the mainstream media won't! That's what community is for, isn't it?
I understand an event wanting to bring in the performers who can potentially draw in the biggest crowd. But at a gay pride event I think it is paramount that you promote and utilize people within the community being celebrated.
I have heard of Wale, but don't know his music. But of the gay artists/rappers that were listed, I only know one of them. Shouldn't GAY money at a PRIDE event be going towards those struggling talented performers who represent me before it's going to someone who hasn't even acknowledged supporting the community? (And at this point obviously doesn't!)Why give him our money? Why should he get the publicity that those other gay artists need? Which artists do you think would appreciate the opportunity more?
Do I think all performers or participants have to be gay at these events? Absolutely not. But I do think that if an acknowledged LGBT person, group or organization can provide the services needed. They should get first dibs.
I'm glad that Wale was honest with his feelings! I'd hate to see the funds from that community going into his pocket. He could just as easily have faked it for a paycheck. Now maybe that opportunity can go to someone that was listed or to someone that actually openly supports our community.
Uh, I don't know. All I can say is he probably freaked out because his popularity is rising and his record company warned against the event. I'll have to hear all side of the story before I make a judgment.
He must be either really stupid or got cold feet!
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