I'm going to tell you a secret... I'm not a huge fan of GetEQUAL.
I was excited for them in the beginning, but somewhere down the lane, things got weird. Like a friendship that took a turn in 'one-night stand-ville'.
To me, it seemed that GetEQUAL went from super activists to the Heckle & Jeckle Show. To many folks they are as Teabaggers, brats and rude hipsters. In fact, they seem to have accomplished getting arrested more than getting things done.
But if I could, I would present these 5 ideas to help them get back on track:
- Work with our allies in Congress to organize townhall meetings. It would be good see the Senators, talk to our community about issues and possibly develop strategies.
- Develop a list of Senators to vote for or avoid in November. We need to know who are LGBT friendly and who stand with us no matter what. GetEQUAL could get some folks to provide that list of Senators and post the info on their site.
- Please heckle our enemies! Is that so hard? Instead of heckling Obama or Nancy Pelosi, GetEQUAL could attack folks like John McCain, NOM, Family Research Council. These peeps are not on our side at all. I mean, why be an activist group if you don't go after the people who are the reason of your existence? GetEQUAL needs to send to a message to our haters, not our allies.
- Gather more people. The smattering of protesters makes the our cause and their purpose look weak. Recruit more folks!
- Get Organized! When I see these protest, they look like high school bake sales. Please plan these protests wisely.
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