I knew this was coming. John McCain and some GOPers are threatening to filibuster a DADT repeal.
Armed Services Republicans threatened Wednesday to filibuster the defense authorization bill if it comes to the floor with Democrat-backed language repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
Armed Services ranking member John McCain said Thursday that he would “without a doubt” support a filibuster if the bill goes to the floor with repeal language.
“I’ll do everything in my power,” the Arizona Republican said, citing letters from the four service chiefs urging Congress not to act before a Pentagon review of the policy is complete. “I’m going to do everything I can to support the men and women of the military and to fight what is clearly a political agenda.”
Damn you, McCain! Why are you doing this? Oh, I guess this is his attempt to get reelected. However, I hope GetEQUAL goes after him and the other folks involved in this possible filibuster.
This old curmudgeon needs to sit down!
Do they even have enough votes for that?
What's wrong with all these people? I'm really tired of so much ignorance.
He is one of those tired old men who will never change his ways because he's too stuck in the mud to move.
Unless Artizona moves his ig'nant ass outta office.
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