The Commandant of the Marine Corps has come out flat out saying he opposes repeal – in fact the Commandant of the Marine Corps said that they would have to look at living arrangements that the Marine Corps has, so the implications of this change in law has to be assessed carefully. Instead apparently the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who said today, it’s carried in the news today, that “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy will be nothing but a memory by year’s end, Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared Wednesday.” So I think it’s good that we review every policy no matter what it is from time to time and review of the policy is something that I know, Tony, you and I would agree on, but a preemptive repeal without any study, without any assessment on the impact of battle effectiveness is in my view putting our social agenda, or the liberal social agenda, ahead of national security.
John talking to Tony Perkins about DADT
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