X-Men movie news!
Odd cutie, James McAvoy will play Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men: First Class movie:
James McAvoy has signed on to play a young Charles Xavier, aka Professor X, in “X-Men: First Class,” which Matthew Vaughn is directing for Fox.I think it is good choice.
According to Fox, “First Class” will “chart the epic beginning of the X-Men saga.
This was an excellent casting decision.
I'm still confused Victor, is this a reboot or a prequel to the other X-Men flicks. A reboot would be better we could get the original line-up and go from there. Get a Scott who is dating a Jean that is his same age rather than old enough to be his Mommy.
it's a bit of both, but mostly a prequel
Danggit! So that means it'll be Storm, Beast, Prof. X, Magneto, maybe a young, young Scott Summers and Jean Grey? Can't think of who else was an older character in those X-Movies. Most of the original X-Men were teeny weeny kids in those flicks. (Iceman, Angel,kinda Cyclops)
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