Confession... I just watched this movie for the first time 2 months ago.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Was Shepard Smith demoted by Fox News after telling them he wanted to Come Out?
The streets are talking and word is Fox News anchor Shepard Smith was demoted after he approached Roger Ailes about coming out as gay. And... Roger maybe, possibly demoted Shep from his prime-time slot to an afternoon slot.
Gawker reports:
A few weeks before approaching Ailes about coming out, Smith surprised Fox staffers by bringing his boyfriend, a 26-year-old Fox producer named Gio Graziano, to a company picnic at Ailes’s compound in Garrison, New York. Held annually on Independence Day weekend, the picnic is a small gathering—only executives, on-air talent, and their frontline producers are invited—so Smith likely felt comfortable bringing along his steady partner.
Despite the intimate venue, the new couple put several Fox executives on high alert. According to multiple sources with knowledge of the picnic, the most dramatic reaction came from Bill Shine, the channel’s Executive Vice President of Programming. Shine “flipped out,” one source said, when Smith introduced Graziano to attendees. (Within and outside of Fox, Shine, who is 50 and grew up on Long Island, carries a reputation for insensitivity toward gay people. “He’s a major, major homophobe,” a Fox insider said.)
Hmmm, if that's the case, why is he still there?
The Latest News from JEM the Movie
Entertainment blog, SHEKnows caught up with Aubrey Peeples (Jem) and Stefanie Scott (Kimber) to talk about the Jem and the Holograms movie.
In the interview, we learn that they have been practicing and playing instruments, watched the series and recorded songs for the film.
And as a bonus, meet the guy who's playing Rio.
Gay Entertainment Mogul David Geffen is Interested in buying the LA Clippers
Guess who's interested in possibly buying the LA Clippers... Entertainment mogul and openly gay David Geffen.
LA Times reports that David is interested in buying the Clippers if the NBA owners force Sterling to sale the team.
An email from David's office stated:
"If the Clippers become available he would be interested in buying the franchise."David Geffen is no joke, folks. He is worth $6.2 billion according to Forbes. And here's another interesting piece, David tried to buy a controlling stake in the LA Clippers several years ago, but was rebuffed by owner Donald Sterling.
Maybe now is a good time for him.
Andrew Sullivan's views on the Donald Sterling drama
Andrew Sullivan has been in a bit of hot water defending Brendan Eich.
He was a part of the letter discussing the attack against Brendan, which pissed off several LGBT activists. However, he takes a different approach with the Donald Sterling drama.
Andrew said:
To respond to each question in turn: yes, of course, if an owner of a business makes baldly racist remarks urging public dissociation from an entire racial group, private sector sanctions – from the NBA or fans or sponsors – are “permissible.” They are always permissible in a free country. That’s why Brendan Eich is out of a job. The second question is whether what is permissible is proper or justified, and that will always depend on the specific case. I think it’s obviously appropriate in the Sterling case – because the remarks are horrifyingly racist. If Brendan Eich had made comments telling his friends to keep away from faggots, if he’d used any such terminology or had ever been shown to have discriminated against gays in the workplace or in his daily interactions, then his case would be very similar. But no such comments are in the public or private record, and there’s zero evidence that he ever acted in the workplace to harm gay employees. Au contraire, which is why gay Mozilla employees were divided about his ouster, with some supporting him. Sterling’s remarks, in contrast, reveal him to be a crude, foul bigot – which is why there is no division at all among African-Americans in the league – or beyond the league – about his fate.I think you can't compare the two incidents, but it is interesting to see Andrew's take of this.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
The Quick and Dirty on the Donald Sterling Drama
Okay, a lot has happened about Donald Sterling and the LA Clippers, so I will try to re-cap.
Donald Sterling is BANNED FOR LIFE
Which is good, but if you didn't see it, check out Spike Lee's opinion of this drama
And right now, this is the LA Clippers' Website
Donald Sterling is BANNED FOR LIFE
Which is good, but if you didn't see it, check out Spike Lee's opinion of this drama
And right now, this is the LA Clippers' Website
US Dept. of Education Announces Title IX Protects Transgender Students
The National Center for Transgender Equality reports that U.S. Department of Education's Title IX law prohibits discrimination against transgender students. This is a huge move for safety of our Trans students in college.
Here's more from the NCTE press release:
"This announcement is a breakthrough for transgender students, who too often face hostility at school and refusal by school officials to accept them for who they truly are," said NCTE Director of Policy Harper Jean Tobin. "It is now clearer than ever that schools nationwide are responsible for ensuring that transgender students are respected and safe, and students can seek protection from the Department of Education and the courts if schools fail to do so."
Recent research indicates that 80% of transgender students feel unsafe at school because of who they are [GLSEN 2012]. While the guidance does not address specific forms of discrimination against transgender students, recent actions by the Departments of Justice and Education make clear that schools must provide equal access to all school facilities and programs consistent with a student's gender identity. A 2013 federal settlement with the Arcadia, California school district, on behalf of a transgender boy excluded from school restrooms and field trip accommodations, requires school officials to treat the student as male for all purposes. Earlier this month, the Department of Justice issued guidance stating the nondiscrimination based on gender identity requires domestic violence shelters and other grantees under the Violence Against Women ACT (VAWA) to provide equal access consistent with a person's gender identity.
This historic statement on gender identity is embedded in a larger guidance document on the responsibilities of schools to prevent and respond to sexual violence against any student-part of a package of guidance and resources announced by the Obama Administration today to address this widespread problem. Also being launched is a new website,, collecting resources for students and schools and reporting settlements with schools related to sexual violence on campus. NCTE applauds the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and the federal agencies involved in this effort.
"Sexual violence in schools is shockingly common in the U.S. and needs to stop," said NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling. "That the Federal Government is addressing sexual violence is so important. And it is also important, and honestly a relief, that the Department of Education is clarifying Title IX in a way that will make schools safer for transgender students."
While the Department of Education took the opportunity of issuing the sexual violence guidance to also clarify that transgender students are protected under Title IX, this protection is not limited to the context of physical or sexual violence and extends to all forms of discrimination in education. NCTE has long pressed for this guidance along with other LGBT advocates, and now urges the Department of Education to issue further detailed guidance on the rights of transgender students.
Here is the cast of STAR WARS: EPISODE VII
Here are the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII.
Harrison Ford (Han Solo)
Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa)
Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker)
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)
Anthony Daniels (C-3PO)
Kenny Baker (R2-D2)
New Folks
Adam Driver (as the villain of the film)
John Boyega
Daisy Ridley
Oscar Isaac
Andy Serkis
Domhnall Gleeson
Max von Sydow
No roles were listed for any of the newbies, but more to come.
The Miami Heat protest against Donald Sterling
The Miami Heat joined in on the silent protest against Donald Sterling.
Last night in Charlotte, the Heat players huddled up and ditched their team shirts. They, just like the Clippers, sported their warm-up shirts inside out.
I wonder how many more teams will do the same
Last night in Charlotte, the Heat players huddled up and ditched their team shirts. They, just like the Clippers, sported their warm-up shirts inside out.
I wonder how many more teams will do the same
Monday, April 28, 2014
Warner Bros. says Justice League is coming in 2017 or 2018
It's true!
Warner Bros. will release Justice League movie... in 2017 or 2018.
According to Warners' President, the Batman vs Superman film will lead into Justice League, directed by Zack Snyder. The script is still being worked on and no word on the other heroes joining the film. At this time, we know that Wonder Woman, Bats, Superman and Cyborg will be featured.
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and Jason Momoa are also tied or somewhat linked to the project as well.
So we may learn more during Comic-Con.
DJ E-Z Rock has Died
DJ E-Z Rock or known as Rodney Bryce died of as-yet unknown causes. He was 46 years old. If you don't remember, he was DJ and producer of the huge hit “It Takes Two,” in 1988.
This was the jam back in High School. DJ E-Z Rock will be missed and loved.
Beyonce announces Summer Tour, "On The Run"
From the Press Release:
Members of Beyonce’s Fan Club will have access to pre-sale tickets beginning Tuesday, April 29 at 8am local time. For details visit,
Exclusively, Chase credit and debit customers will receive advance access to purchase tickets from Tuesday, April 29 at 10am through 10pm local time. A non-exclusive presale window will continue through Thursday, May 1 at 10pm local time. Chase credit and debit customers will also have exclusive access to purchase a Chase Lounge VIP ticket package which includes a private pre-show lounge with food, drinks, music and more.[/B]
Tickets for “ON THE RUN TOUR: BEYONCE AND JAY Z” go on sale to the general public starting Friday, May 2 through the Live Nation Mobile APP and at
Beginning today, Monday, April 28, fans can visit or more information about getting early access to tickets on Wednesday, April 30 at 10:00am local time.
“On The Run: Beyonce and JAY Z,” in partnership with #BeyGOOD, will donate $1 from every ticket purchased to the Shawn Carter Foundation to support students. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from each Chase Lounge VIP Ticket Package will also be donated to The Shawn Carter Foundation.
StrangeLore Update: The Patrick promo
Nick Robles has finished another fantastic promo for my graphic novel, StrangeLore. This is the villain, Patrick.
He is completely deadly and insane. Blessed with unspeakable powers, Patrick wants to be worshipped and feared like his ancestors. The only thing that stands in his way is Jackson and Brandon.
TV Executive Garth Ancier speaks out on Michael Egan's Sex Abuse Case
This is from his tweets:
"Thanks and gratitude to my friends, family and colleagues for your support this week. I wanted you all to hear from me personally and know that I intend to fight with every resource available this vile, unwarranted assault on my reputation. The intimidation tactics used in this transparent get-rich-quick scheme employ as their weapons of choice press conferences in tandem with frivolous lawsuits which shamelessly exploit homophobic fears and stereotypes. The mere fact that I have never so much as set foot on the estate in Hawaii where the plaintiff and his attorney claim numerous incidents took place and that Hawaiian law provided a convenient legal loophole for the plaintiff speaks volumes about the credibility of their allegations, not a single one of which is true. While I recognize we sadly live in a time where one is only innocent until allegations go viral on the Internet I remain confident that all of these allegations made against me will be exposed for the lies that they are and that the truth about my character will prevail."
Sunday, April 27, 2014
LA Clippers Owner Donald Sterling's Racist Rant Drama
I'm sure y'all heard about Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling.
This idiot told his girlfriend (who's Black and Mexican) that he doesn't want her to bring Black folks to his games or post pictures with Black folks on social media.
This mess ran wild on social media yesterday. Then NBA greats and celebs spoke out against him. If you haven't heard the rant.
Whoomp, here it is
Donald has a history of racist acts. This man is rotten and sad! Please hold this racist fool accountable for this mess.
I hope this ruins his team.
This idiot told his girlfriend (who's Black and Mexican) that he doesn't want her to bring Black folks to his games or post pictures with Black folks on social media.
This mess ran wild on social media yesterday. Then NBA greats and celebs spoke out against him. If you haven't heard the rant.
Whoomp, here it is
Donald has a history of racist acts. This man is rotten and sad! Please hold this racist fool accountable for this mess.
I hope this ruins his team.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
HRC announces an Aggressive plan to bring LGBT Equality to the South
HRC just announced a new initiative to bring LGBT equality to the South.
It's called Project One America, and it's comprehensive campaign that will start in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas. The project has a three-year budget of $8.5 million and a dedicated staff of 20
Here's more from the HRC's site:
"Right now, this country is deeply divided into two Americas—one where LGBT equality is nearly a reality and the other where LGBT people lack the most fundamental measures of equal citizenship. Project One America is an unparalleled effort to close that gap, and it opens up a bold, new chapter in the LGBT civil rights movement of this generation. In this grand struggle for equality, we can’t write off anyone, anywhere," said HRC President and Arkansas native Chad Griffin.
Project One America is the very first campaign of its kind to work exclusively on LGBT equality in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas—where there are no non-discrimination protections for LGBT people at the state or local level in employment, housing or public accommodations, and where each state’s constitution expressly prohibits marriage equality.
"Despite the legal landscape, it’s long past time that the country stopped treating the South like the ‘finish line’ for equality. HRC has more than 57,000 members and supporters in these states, and there are millions more fair-mined people ready to stand on the right side of history," Griffin said.
Griffin will be visiting Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas on May 5th-7th as part of a three-state tour of press and public events to kick off Project One America.
Project One America will focus on making progress on three fronts—changing hearts and minds, advancing enduring legal protections, and building more inclusive institutions for LGBT people from the church pew to the workplace.
Russell Tovey's Instagram features the cast of Looking and Kevin Keller Archie Style
Unlike some blogs that troll Congressmen's Instagram accounts, I troll stars.
And thanks to a few gay geeks, I found this little post on Russell Tovey's account.
Dan Parent is the greatest
And thanks to a few gay geeks, I found this little post on Russell Tovey's account.
Dan Parent is the greatest
Interesting Quote: Cliven Bundy
I took this boot off so I wouldn’t put my foot in my mouth with the boot on. Let me see if I can say something. Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness and maybe I don’t know what I actually said. But you know, when you talk about prejudice, we’re talking about not being able to exercise what we think and our feelings. We don’t have freedom to say what we want. If I call — if I say negro or black boy or slave, I’m not — if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offended, then Martin Luther King hasn’t got his job done then yet. They should be able to — I should be able to say those things and they shouldn’t offend anybody. I didn’t mean to offend them.Want to hear him? Poof
Friday, April 25, 2014
5 Actresses that COULD HAVE been Shana in the JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS Movie
First off, this is no hate on Aurora Perrineau. Just wanted to get that out of the way
So, they cast a bi-racial woman to play Shana Elmsford, one of the Holograms in the Jem and Holograms movie.
Is that good? NO! Not at all!
So, you may say "Why is that a problem? She's part Black." Yes, that's totally true, but Shana isn't bi-racial... She is a Brown-skinned African-American.
Some may say, "Well, it's no different when they cast Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury." Ah, but it is.
This Light-Skinned/Dark-Skinned issue has plagued our community for hundreds of years. The old belief is the Lighter shade of Black is better than the Darker shade. That notion was used a lot during slavery and managed drift all through time to the current generation.
Again, this is no shade on Aurora. I'm sure she is a competent actress with a bright future ahead of her.
But her casting brings up so many deep rooted issues with Hollywood and their depiction of Black people in film. Many girls and boys were happy to see a character that looked like them and challenged a lot of stereotypes besetting Black folks. To see this change, kinda breaks many Shana fans' hearts.
With that said, I found some actresses that could have played the part. They are listed after the jump.
Jason Collins Appointed for Member of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition
From the White House:
President Obama announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts: Jason Collins, Appointee for Member, President’s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. Jason Collins is a professional basketball player with the Brooklyn Nets, where he has played since 2014. Previously, he played for the Washington Wizards, the Boston Celtics, the Atlanta Hawks, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the Memphis Grizzlies, and the New Jersey Nets. He joined the National Basketball Association in 2001 after playing for Stanford University, where he was a National Association of Basketball Coaches third team All-American and a member of the All-PAC-10 first team. Mr. Collins is a partner with the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Mr. Collins received a B.A. from Stanford University.Get it, Jason
Bryan Singer's Statement on Sexual Abuse Allegations
“The allegations against me are outrageous, vicious and completely false. I do not want these fictitious claims to divert ANY attention from ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past.’ This fantastic film is a labor of love and one of the greatest experiences of my career. So, out of respect to all of the extraordinary contributions from the incredibly talented actors and crew involved, I’ve decided not to participate in the upcoming media events for the film. However, I promise when this situation is over, the facts will show this to be the sick twisted shake down it is. I want to thank fans, friends and family for all their amazing and overwhelming support.”
Ray Fisher to Play Cyborg in the Batman vs Superman film
Theater actor Ray Fisher has been pick to be Vic Stone or Cyborg for Batman vs Superman.
The role is big yet, but his part will grow as they get close to the Justice League universe.
So congrats, Ray.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Cliven Bundy: Are Black People 'Better Off As Slaves'
Nevada rancher and conservatives' champion Cliven Bundy is a hot ass mess.
This fool was in a standoff with federal rangers over grazing rights. Since 1993, Cliven let his cattle graze on federal land without paying, now he owes more than $1 million in grazing fees.
When federal agents came to confront Cliven on this bill, he had an armed militia there to support him.
Foolishness all around!
Since then, he has become a hero to Teabaggers and conservatives, thinking he could help lead a movement against Obama and his arrogance.
But before he becomes the next 'Joe The Plumber', they may want to see this clip
yeah, typical
This fool was in a standoff with federal rangers over grazing rights. Since 1993, Cliven let his cattle graze on federal land without paying, now he owes more than $1 million in grazing fees.
When federal agents came to confront Cliven on this bill, he had an armed militia there to support him.
Foolishness all around!
Since then, he has become a hero to Teabaggers and conservatives, thinking he could help lead a movement against Obama and his arrogance.
But before he becomes the next 'Joe The Plumber', they may want to see this clip
yeah, typical
Meet the Cast of the JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS movie
This was just announced on THR
Here are Jem and the Holograms
Aubrey Peeples is Jem
Stefanie Scott is Kimber
Hayley Kiyoko is Aja
Aurora Perrineau will play Shana
Here are Jem and the Holograms
Aubrey Peeples is Jem
Stefanie Scott is Kimber
Hayley Kiyoko is Aja
Aurora Perrineau will play Shana
Kevin Clash Cleared of Sexual Abuse Charges
Some good news.
Kevin Clash, known for the voice of Sesame Street‘s Elmo has been cleared of the three sexual abuse charges due to a statute of limitations law by the U.S. Court of Appeals from last July.
Some may remember that Kevin was accused of sexually molesting a few men who were underage at the time, however each of these folks had a bad history that dented their credibility. Not saying it couldn't had happened, but their lives were quite interesting to say the least.
Anyway, the mess is almost done. One case is reportedly still pending, the Sheldon Stephens case.
So more to come
Interesting Quote: Stone Cold Steve Austin
“I don’t give a sh*t if two guys, two gals, guy-gal, whatever it is, I believe that any human being in America, or any human being in the goddamn world, that wants to be married, and if it’s same-sex, more power to ‘em. What also chaps my ass, some of these churches, have the high horse that they get on and say ‘we as a church do not believe in that.’ Which one of these motherf*ckers talked to God, and God said that same-sex marriage was a no-can-do?” OK, so two [men] can’t get married if they want to get married, but then a guy can go murder 14 people, molest five kids, then go to fucking prison, and accept God. And he’s going to let him into heaven? After the fact that he did all that shit? See that’s all horseshit to me, that don’t jive with me."
HRC President Chad Griffin speaks out on Jo Becker's Book
Chad writes an Op-ed in The Advocate, addressing the criticisms from folks about Jo Becker's book "Forcing The Spring". While she don't give a damn about her haters, Chad does.
Here's the jump off from his article:
Most troubling of all is the impression that I personally am unaware or dismissive of the decades of hard work — often done in the face of personal risk and even harm — that made possible last year's groundbreaking marriage equality decisions from the United States Supreme Court. I want to respond to that line of criticism in particular, because it could not be further from the truth. And anyone who treats the successes of the past few years as the full story of this movement is missing something essential.Real Talk... Chad shouldn't be attacked for this. He didn't write the damn book. However, haters going hate.
Beyonce and Jason Collins lands covers for Time 100 Most Influential People in the World
TIME magazine reveals their 11th annual “Time 100 Most Influential People in the World” with Beyonce landing the main cover and Jason Collins getting one of the inside covers.
Jo Becker has no F**ks to give about the Haters of her book "Forcing The Spring"
MSNBC host Ronan Farrow chatted with Jo Becker over her new book Forcing the Spring: The Fight for Marriage Equality. I joked about it earlier, mostly because folks are losing their minds over it.
Yeah, her book is a bit much with the praises and 'who did what' stuff. But, at the end of the day, her book is out there and she can give a f**k what you think. I'm not Team Jo, I just admire her guile.
Watch after the jump
Gay Conservatives release a Statement over the Resignation of Mozilla's CEO Brandon Eich
58 gay conservatives and I guess, allies, signed on a public statement condemning the "attack" on Mozilla's CEO Brendan Eich. Their post is called "Freedom To Marry, Freedom To Dissent: Why We Must Have Both."
Basically, they are pissed that we made him resign. Here's a piece of their statement:
The gay rights struggle is about freedom and equality for all. The best and most free society is one that allows the largest number to live true to their core beliefs and identities. It is a society that allows its members to speak their minds and shape their own aspirations.Curious? Read the rest here
The natural consequence of true liberty is diversity. Unless a society can figure out a way to reach perfect agreement, conflicting views will be inevitable. Any effort to impose conformity, through government or any other means, by punishing the misguided for believing incorrectly will impoverish society intellectually and oppress it politically.
The test of our commitment to liberal principles is not our eagerness to hear ideas we share, but our willingness to consider seriously those we oppose.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Top 10 Things EDITED from Jo Becker's book, Forcing The Spring
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Andrew Sullivan and Dan Savage are just a few who attacked Jo for "re-writing" history. But I realized that Jo didn't put the whole truth in her book. Let me share the edited parts:
- B613 created the HRC.
- Michelle Obama is one of the secret donators to Get Equal.
- After watching Noah's Arc: Jumping The Broom, President Obama evolved on Gay Marriage.
- Ted Olsen wrote the first draft of Prop 8.
- Brian Brown was stood up on in 1998, which led him to organize the anti-gay group NOM.
- HRC planted Ken Mehlman in the Bush Administration.
- Hillary Clinton told Joe Biden to spill the beans on Meet The Press.
- Chad Griffin is a Time Lord or the unNumbered Doctor.
- GOProud is the shadow organization under the HRC.
- AG Eric Holder is member of Hydra.
SCOTUS Upholds Michigan’s Affirmative-Action Ban, Sotomayor pissed
In a 6-2 Supreme Court decision last night, Justice Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Samuel Alito and few others voted to uphold the 2006 Michigan constitutional amendment ban on affirmative action based on race, gender, ethnicity, or national origin in hiring or college admissions.
The one judge that was NOT on board... Was Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Oh, she was over it for real!
She said:
"But without checks, democratically approved legislation can oppress minority groups. Michigan voters "changed the basic rules of the political process in that state in a manner that uniquely disadvantaged racial minorities."But that's not all. Please read her 58 page dissent
Federal judge denies NOM’s motion to Intervene in the Oregon's Same-Sex Marriage Case
Oh snap! In Oregon, Judge Michael McShane denied NOM's meddling ass from intervening in the oral arguments in federal lawsuit challenging the state's gay marriage ban.
NOM taunted they would jump into this case, claiming they're fighting for the rights of Americans or some crap! Well, the judge wasn't hearing that. Now, the oral arguments will go as scheduled today without NOM's foolishness.
But the judge could consider NOM’s motion to intervene in the next case scheduled on May 14th. If their motion is accepted, the judge will schedule a second briefing on summary judgement or move the case to trial.
Again, NOM, are you tired of losing?
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The First Lawsuit Challenging Georgia's Gay Marriage Ban has been Filed
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Shelton Stroman and Chris Inniss |
This is so good!
Lambda Legal has filed the lawsuit on behalf of seven people to challenge the state of Georgia's constitutional ban on same-sex marriages.
Back in 2004, the state ban overwhelmingly passed, but now folks want to destroy the ban and move forward for marriage equality.
ABC News reports
Shelton Stroman and Chris Inniss, a suburban Atlanta couple, are among the plaintiffs in the lawsuit filed Tuesday. They've been together for about 13 years, own a pet boarding and daycare business together and adopted their 9-year-old son, Jonathan, as an infant.I am loving this because a Black couple is a part this battle in the South. As this progresses, I hope their faces continues the evolving views of Black folks in the South.
"We just want to make sure that other families like ours are treated just like everyone else's family," Stroman told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "It's really hurtful and offensive that the state of Georgia is refusing to treat our families fairly."
Gay marriage is legal in 17 states and the District of Columbia, and Stroman and Inniss have considered going to one of those spots to get married. But they said they're frustrated that their union would have no legal standing in Georgia, and they still wouldn't have the state legal benefits of marriage.
read the filing here
NOM files a motion to Intervene in Oregon's Same-Sex Marriage Case
Back in Feburary, Oregon's Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum decided not to defend the gay marriage ban during a court challenge from same-sex couples.
As the case moves forward to end the ban, NOM brings their broke asses in to start trouble. These bastards want to intervene the Oregon case.
This is what they wrote in their blog:
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) said it will file a motion in federal court later today seeking to intervene in the case challenging the constitutionality of the 2004 state ballot measure that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. NOM seeks to protect the interests of its members in Oregon which include a County Clerk, professionals in the wedding industry and voters who supported the 2004 amendment to the state constitution. The group said the intervention filing became necessary when the state Attorney General refused to mount a defense of the amendment, a situation that creates a "collusive" lawsuit where the public's interests are unrepresented.You know what? I hope they get pushed out of this battle. Haven't they lost enough?
"Marriage in Oregon is worthy of defense, yet the Attorney General has abandoned her duty to defend the marriage state constitutional amendment enacted overwhelmingly in 2004 and in effect has switched sides," said Brian Brown, president of NOM. "As a membership organization, we speak on behalf of our members, including a County Clerk in the state, several professionals in the wedding industry, and voters. All of these individuals have a particularized interest in the outcome of the litigation, yet their interests are not being represented. We are working to protect the interests of our members who support true marriage against a collusive lawsuit that has the state joining with the plaintiffs against the interests of our members, and the state's voters."
The challenge to Measure 36, the state constitutional amendment defining marriage, is currently scheduled for oral argument in federal district court in Eugene on Wednesday, April 23rd.
Bryan Singer Accuser names 3 other Major Hollywood Players in Lawsuits
Michael Egan, the man who claims "X-Men" director Bryan Singer sexually assaulted him when he was 15, has filed new lawsuits against 3 other Hollywood mega-players.
These men are Garth Ancier, David Neuman and Gary Goddard.
TMZ reports:
Ancier has a slew of hits under his belt, including The Ricki Lake Show, which he created. He headed up the Fox entertainment group and produced 21 Jump Street, Married ... with Children, The Simpsons and In Living Color. He also developed Home Improvement at Disney. And at NBC he put The West Wing on the air.Lord, who else was involved?
Neuman is the former president of Disney TV. Goddard produced off-Broadway shows.
According to the new lawsuits, Ancier sexually abused Egan numerous times by sodomizing him, forcing oral sex and fondling him -- when he was 15 at an Encino estate. The suit goes on to allege Ancier sexually abused Egan in Hawaii 2 years later.
The suit against Goddard and Neuman are similar -- alleging they were part of a Hollywood sex ring, giving Egan alcohol and drugs and sexually assaulted him at the Encino estate and in Hawaii.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Henry Cavill looking Buff and Hot for Batman vs Superman
Henry is already in shape and ready to put the cape back on! And this lucky fan, Octavio, got a chance to feel the Man of Steel!
Lucky bastard! (Just Kidding)
Pic credit to Octavio Oropeza (Facebook)
more pics here
Lucky bastard! (Just Kidding)
Pic credit to Octavio Oropeza (Facebook)
more pics here
Harvey Milk Forever Stamp will have a Dedication Ceremony at the White House and a San Francisco Ceremony
From the White House
The U.S. Postal Service officially revealed the Harvey Milk Forever Stamp today. The stamp’s official first-day-of-issue ceremony will take place May 22 at the White House.
The public is invited to attend the May 28 Harvey Milk Forever Stamp special dedication ceremony in San Francisco. Details on the time and location will be forthcoming. Customers may order the Harvey Milk stamp now at for delivery following the May 22 stamp issuance.
The stamp image is based on a circa 1977 black and white photograph of Milk in front of his Castro Street Camera store in San Francisco taken by Daniel Nicoletta of Grants Pass, OR. Antonio Alcalá of Alexandria, VA, was art director for the stamp.
Harvey Milk was a visionary leader who became one of the first openly gay elected officials in the U.S. when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. Milk’s achievements gave hope and confidence to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community in the United States and elsewhere at a time when the community was encountering widespread hostility and discrimination. Milk believed that government should represent all citizens, ensuring equality and providing needed services.
His political career was tragically cut short less than a year after he took office in California when he and San Francisco Mayor George Moscone were assassinated on Nov. 27, 1978.
In 2009, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama.
Interesting Quote: Derrick Gordon
"Don't wait. Take advantage of everything that you have in front of you. Don’t wait because you’re scared. Don’t wait until you’re 35 or 40-years-old and done playing the sport that you love. Because it’s stressful to live that way. I cried most of the nights when I was in the closet just because it starts to take a toll on you just because you’re worried about how people are going to think about you and what they’re going to say about you. Take advantage of it now. It’s going to make your life so much easier."
via HuffPo
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Words of Wisdom from Laverne Cox's mother, Gloria
During the GLAAD Awards, Laverne's mother joined her on stage for her award. Later backstage, Gloria had some great words to share with the world, via Access Hollywood.
"Understanding, and praying, and talking, and continuing to talk. And, most of all, love." As for her advice to parents of LGBT children, Gloria said, "Listen. Listen to your children, take note of actions, and talk. Open dialogue…that's the most important thing."WATCH this great moment
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- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.