Monday, April 8, 2013

What in the Hell is an 'Accidental Racist'?

In my final post of the day, I had to show this 'video' for this horrid song called 'Accidental Racist' by Brad Paisley and LL Cool J. I don't know what they were trying to do, but whatever it was... It didn't work.

In fact, it's causing a bit of a backlash. Watch the video, listen to the lyrics


behrmark said...

I don't think I can put it into words but I totally get the Brad Paisley lyrics. Overall the LL Cool J part didn't work for me (could he have tried to be more lyrical?)

Anonymous said...

Anyone who flies the Stars & Bars is an Intentional Idiot for flying the flag of a defeated rebellion that's known to be a symbol for slavery and for being against integration.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.