Friday, April 5, 2013

Brendon Ayanbadejo cut from the Baltimore Ravens

Brendon was cut from the Ravens yesterday. However, he assured his fans and the public that it's not because of his pro-Gay stance.

Brendon took to Facebook with this message:
"Just a heads up I did an interview today and no way said I was cut because my views. I said my talk was louder than my production and at 36 when you are not producing it is a fair move. You can find cheaper guys to do what I do. Ravens are the best organization in the NFL period!"
I'm sure Brendon will be alright. As this door closes, I'm know a few will open for him.


Anonymous said...

Brandon's career, if it isn't over now, will be very soon. Linebackers are usually done by the time they reach 30-32. Seeing them play until age 36 or older is the exception rather than the norm.

Bob said...

I think, no matter what he does, it'll be great.

K. Clark said...

I'm sure he'll survive. As far as football is concerned,he'll probably be sitting beside Michael Strahan in a suit doing analysis soon enough. We can only hope:)

kayman said...

Something tells me there is something ado to his stance. He won't say it aloud not to burn any bridges but I don't buy it being coincidental. These ninjas these days love to play that game when somebody is "too outspoken". Especially after the team just won a championship...

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.