Today I was surfing the web, checking out all the blogs and sites of interest. Then I came across Towleroad's post called, Obama Appoints 'Proud Homophobe' to Panel on Oil Spill. I read the post and thought, "okay". But then, it hit me... Obama didn't appoint Jonathan Katz, it was the Energy Secretary Steven Chu who appointed him.
But somehow, it turned into Obama's fault. How? If I hired someone for a Hall Director position and they turn out to be a racist, should my boss be at fault? No.
This ain't the first I've seen stuff like this. AmericaBLOG, Pam's blog and others sometimes put out misinformation, half-truths and foolishness which is just wrong and misleading. I've talked about this before and never cease to amaze me how this still happens.
BTW, here are other examples of this issue: Example 2, Example 3 and Example 4
And the scary thing is, these blogs are supposedly the top go-to-places for LGBT leadership and awareness. If these blogs are considered our best, then we need to hold them accountable for their actions. We can not allow any form of misinformation to distort our path. We should demand the truth, honesty and just plan ole respect.
Don't give me bullshit in a box and call it a gift. Be real with me.
When I post anything, I try to give you the complete truth and my view. But I won't manipulate a story just to get you on my side. That's a disservice to you, to the cause and myself. If anything, I will always be real with you. Our civil rights journey must have a clear path to the goal. But it's riddled in drama and deception, we just get confused and lost.
We can't accept this level of malarkey and call it news. Hell, this is what Fox News does. Do we want our info to be this distorted? We deserve better and we should do better. My biggest fear is for our allies to see this mess in our top blogs and judge our community on the carelessness of a few.
We can't allow that, we just can't.
So in closing, if I ever mislead, trick or just flat out lie to you, please, call me out. I want to make sure that I keep it real with you. I feel it my duty to give the truth and the correct information. If I don't then I have to ask myself, "Why am I doing this?"
I've been trying to hold those bloggers accountable for a long time because many of them have mislead, tricked, or flat out lied.
It's been to little or no avail mostly because people write me back accusing me of being petty and having a grudge because several of them let an anti-gay activist dig out my old skeletons and they cut and run from it.
Well, duh?
If people were unwilling to do anything about that, what makes you think they'll say something against the John and Pam's of this world?
That's the sad part, because there are only a few would call them out.Are we that desperate for leadership, we will accept this? Their mishandling of things will only us. We have to hold them accountable.
In total agreement with you and that is what's scary. Those blogs you've listed I rarely goto because they have presented blatant untruths as FACT and that is even MORE dangerous than the President's ALLEGED homophobia.
V, you know I've been saying this on my own blog for awhile now. It's the desperate attempt to feel validated amongst their "peers" that allows such idiocy. Hence, why I always call them out and be done with it.
You have no idea how bad it is. Both Nelson G and I have been subjected to provably false hate blogs at Truth Wins Out and elsewhere.
Those bastards want to hurt people!
I'm doing an expose on this shit for Polari, a gay mag in the UK.
Enough is enough!
More research for my Polari Magazine story:
Marriage Equality USA tells me that other gay rights groups actively tried to insure that Equality USA failed to get Repeal Prop 8 onto the next ballot! This kind of BS boggles the mind!
People like us need to stand up and shout!
Thank you Viktor for this! You're absolutely right. These blogs post irresponsible slanted stuff with the goal to build and keep up resistance and hate towards the president.
They most definitely need to be called out on it.
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