This weekend, Sen. Robert F. Bennett felt the heat from Utah's Tea Party. They were not happy with him, so Bennett was put out of the game.
It was interesting to see this happen, considering Bennett's super reign in the state. But, I start to wonder if there's something we can learn from this?
I bring this up because if you read other LGBT blogs or their comments, you always have those folks who claim 'Come November, we will either not vote, vote for someone else or some other threat' if DADT or ENDA don't pass this year. Well, those threats are cute, but really... They're empty.
How can we make these threats if we don't have a strong plan? When I read these comments or posts, I always ask, "Who are we going to replace these Do-nothing Dems with?"
We should take this time to find that LGBT supportive candidate and start promoting him or her in the next election. Like the Tea Party, they find their strong supporter and go all the way for them. I mean, in some ways they have successful with Scott Brown and ousting Bennett. Could we take a page from their playbook?
I think it could work, maybe GetEQUAL could use this notion to rally up the people. Perhaps this will be a more successful act rather than those rallies which are forgotten within 48 hours.
I would like to hear from you. I think this is a tactic we could try. So far, our efforts are 'okay', but nothing is breaking the wall.
Please share your thoughts.
1 comment:
There are some of us who'd run but we don't have the stomach for the bullshit we'd have to put up with if we got elected.
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