Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So I blog a lot about politics, gay stuff, horror movies and comic books at times. But I really don't talk about my real life.

I work at University of Southern California, I'm an Assistant Director of Residential Education, I'm obsessed with Ralph Lauren and Jamba Juice. And I have an awesome partner. However, I've been thinking about switching or adding a different career. Student Affairs is my chosen career path, but creating stories is another passion of mine.

I have written scripts, drawn comics and completed a book throughout the years. This blog is another way for me to improve my writing skills. Just recently, I applied to the USC Cinema School, and if you don't know, USC is well known for their Cinema School. The admission letters will go out in a month, and I have to say that I'm a little nervous.

If I get in, great, I can begin my new journey in creating gay and horror films. If I don't, life goes on. But I will try again, I can't take defeat well at all.

I don't know why I'm sharing this, but I thought I would put it out there. Changing careers will be crazy, especially now at 35. Still, if I get this chance I'm taking it. I'm sure this will be fun, stressful and challenging. But I like that, it's the spice of life.


Unknown said...

it is good to learn about the personal things in your life from time to time...GAY HORROR MOVIES? I am down with that...

Son of Baldwin said...

Good luck, man!

KAOS said...

Thanks for the insight Mr Mysterious! I really hope you get into USC Cinema School; it's a courageous move and you should be rewarded for that.

Interesting that you look at blogging as a way to improve your writing skills, it's the same for me.

Eric Arvin said...

Good luck! And good for you for going after your dreams!

Ron Buckmire said...

Good luck!!

A few years ago I applied and got into UCLA law school and ended up not going--I often think about I would be doing differently now if I had made a different choice!

David Dust said...

Seriously, it takes a brave man to up and change direction in his life. I did it when I was in my early 20's (when I moved to NYC), but I didn't have an established direction yet. But to do it now would scare me to death. Good luck.

Speaking of scared to death, I feel like my LIFE is a gay horror movie! :)

Thanks for sharing - it's always nice to know a little more about my blogger friends.


Viking Zombie Boyfriend said...

I visit your blog every day, so it's really cool to learn more about you. Best of luck!

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.