"I, Darren Wilson, hereby resign my commission as a police officer with the City of Ferguson effective immediately. I have been told that my continued employment may put the residents and police officers of the City of Ferguson at risk, which is a circumstance that I cannot allow. For obvious reasons, I wanted to wait until the grand jury made their decision before I officially made my decision to resign. It was my hope to continue in police work, but the safety of other police officers and the community are of paramount importance to me. It is my hope that my resignation will allow the community to heal. I would like to thank all of my supporters and fellow officers throughout this process."Whatever.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Murderer Darren Wilson Resigns
This killer resigned yesterday. Here is his letter:
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
New (Kinda) Research: Three quarters of whites don’t have any non-white friends
According Robert Jones of the Public Religion Research Institute, most white Americans don't have non-white friends. This research done in August, but it has popped up again due to the Michael Brown case.
This chart/pic is very telling and sad in a lot of ways
Are we that far apart?
This chart/pic is very telling and sad in a lot of ways
Are we that far apart?
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Garth Brooks cancels Tonight Show appearance due to the Civil Unrest in Ferguson
Singer Garth Brooks made a bold move yesterday. Due to the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, Garth has canceled a Thanksgiving appearance on NBC's "Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon"
He posted this on Facebook
Post by Garth Brooks.
Go, Garth!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Tale of Two Cops: How Bob McCulloch failed to prosecute Darren Wilson, but Press Charges on Dawon Gore
Hmmm, I'm a bit confused with this story.
So, Dawon Gore, a 13-year veteran of the St. Louis County Police team, was charged with a felony assault after striking a MetroLink passenger on the hand with a baton.
Officer Gore was jailed, as well, on a $3,500, cash-only bond and accused of using excessive force against the passenger. Interesting... I guess, 12 gun shots isn't excessive, but one baton hit on the hand is.
And guess who the prosecutor was on this case... Good ole Bob McCullough, who recommended to press charges.
This is some bullshit, Bob McCulloch, and the country knows it!
HIV in the United States: At A Glance
Not so good news, folks!
- More than 1.2 million people in the United States are living with HIV infection, and almost 1 in 7 (14%) are unaware of their infection.
- Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSMa), particularly young black/African American MSM, are most seriously affected by HIV.
- By race, blacks/African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV.
Not good at all.
Mississippi's Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down
Last night, U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves struck down Mississippi’s marriage ban on same-sex couples, however the decision has been put on hold for two weeks.
Buzzfeed reports:
“Today’s decision may cause uneasiness and concern about the change it will bring,” U.S. District Court Judge Carlton Reeves wrote. “Mississippi continues to change in ways its people could not anticipate even 10 years ago. Allowing same-sex couples to marry, however, presents no harm to anyone. At the very least, it has the potential to support families and provide stability for children.”
In the 72-page ruling, Reeves found that “[g]ay and lesbian persons are full citizens that share the same rights as other citizens, including the right to marry.”
The case was brought by same-sex couples seeking marriage and marriage recognition, as well as the Campaign for Southern Equality, and the parties are represented by Roberta Kaplan of Paul Weiss — the lawyer who represented Edie Windsor in her challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act.
Arkansas dropped their ban as well. The South is moving forward!
Read the ruling here
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Interesting Quote: Michael Sam
"If I had it my way, I never would have done it [come out] the way I did, never would have told it the way I did. I would have done the same thing I did at Mizzou. Which was to tell my team and my coaches and leave it at that. But since I did tell my team, word got out. People think the word didn't get out. It did. Or it did and it didn't. They kept it confined within our family. But the recruiters knew, and reporters knew, and they talked to each other, and it got out. If I didn't have the year I did, nobody would have cared. But I did have that year. And a lot of people knew. Someone was gonna ask me, 'I heard you told your team a secret.…' Well, I was comfortable with who I was, and I wouldn't have denied it. And then I wouldn't have been able to control the story. But I have no regrets. Some people can argue that I had the potential to go higher in the draft. But I think everything happens for a reason. It looks good to see me in the position I'm in now, because I can show the world how good I am and rise up the ranks. I'm at the bottom now. I can rise up, show I'm a football player. Not anything else. Just a football player."
Terry Bean takes leaves of absence from HRC board
Terry Bean will take a leave of absence from the Human Rights Campaign's board, until further notice.
HRC spokesperson, Fred Sainz released this statement:
"Terry Bean has taken a voluntary leave of absence from the HRC board until his issues are resolved. Bean is just one of 80 board members, none of whom have daily oversight or responsibility for any of our programs."Again, Terry Bean was arrested and charged with third-degree sodomy and one count of third-degree sexual abuse. He and his ex-boyfriend, Kiah L. Lawson were accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy that the two had met through Grindr.
Terry, also released a statement:
"To all my friends, please be assured that I am innocent of all these charges. My lawyers have insisted that the facts come out in the courtroom and not in the press, but I am eager to share the truth, and I am grateful for all of your support you have shown me during this time. Thanks, Terry"Terry is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 3.
Michelle MacLaren will direct 'Wonder Woman'
Well, it's official.
Michelle MacLaren will be directing the Wonder Woman movie.
Michelle has directed episodes of Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and 11 episodes of Breaking Bad. This will be her first movie completely in her control.
Also, she will be the first female director to helm a superhero franchise. I'm sure she will do well... Let's just hope the script is good.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Don Lemon OBVIOUSLY smells Weed amongst Black Protesters in Ferguson
Don Lemon is the worst.
He's at Ferguson now and in typical Don Lemon fashion, he continues his stupid statement tour.
Check out this Vine video
Yes, Don said:
“Obviously there’s a smell of marijuana in the air”
Obviously? That's so typical of him.
He's at Ferguson now and in typical Don Lemon fashion, he continues his stupid statement tour.
Check out this Vine video
Yes, Don said:
“Obviously there’s a smell of marijuana in the air”
Obviously? That's so typical of him.
HRC releases a Statement on the Grand Jury's Decision on the Michael Brown Case
HRC released the following statement from HRC President Chad Griffin:
“Michael Brown’s family and the American people deserve to have this case fully adjudicated in a public trial. Today’s deeply disappointing decision by the grand jury denies them that opportunity. Until we as a nation make a meaningful commitment to ending police profiling—and to fully prosecuting individual cases of brutality—the kind of violence that ended Michael Brown’s life will only continue. As advocates for equality, it’s our job to show solidarity with a growing national movement to break this cycle of police violence.”
“While we cannot begin to imagine the pain that the Brown family is facing at this moment, we send our thoughts, prayers and condolences to them during this heartbreaking and difficult time. We also stand in solidarity with the family's encouragement of peaceful protests and reflection following this decision.”
In August, HRC joined dozens of prominent national and local LGBT and other civil rights organizations in an open letter of solidarity with the family of Michael Brown. A portion of that letter is included below:
“The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community cannot be silent at this moment, because LGBT people come from all races, creeds, faiths and backgrounds, and because all movements of equality are deeply connected. We are all part of the fabric of this nation and the promise of liberty and justice for all is yet to be fulfilled.”
BREAKING: No indictment for Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in Michael Brown shooting
This is a sad day in America!
All Eyes on Ferguson
The decision from the Grand Jury could come out today or this week. The amount of tension is palpable in that town, so much is at stake... So much.
I hope the right thing is done... I hope Darren Wilson is found guilty. The info from him and the Ferguson PD are not adding up.
The truth has to come out and shine bright.
Hoping for the best.
The University of Nottingham strips naked to fight Homophobia
Well, this is an effective way to fight homophobia in sports.
17 members of the University of Nottingham team goes nude to stop homophobia. This is a part of the Voice Your Rights Project, a student group on campus whose mission is for all people "to live in a society in which every person is respected and treated as equals."
Here's the video
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is Stepping Down
Folks are reporting that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is stepping down... Well, actually forced to resign.
This has a lot to do with a series of global issues, especially the threat posed by ISIS.
I'm sure that the GOP will run with this and Benghazi will come up in the conversation, too.
More to come.
Rumor Alert: Is this the First Footage From Star Wars: Episode 7?
Rumors are burning the fields about this GIF.
SlashFilm and Io9 are reporting that this GIF could be from the teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
SlashFilm also reports that the teaser might be shown in a limited number of theaters during the Thanksgiving Holiday.
These sources are usually good, so it could be possible.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
More Drama: HRC Co-Founder Terry Bean used Grindr to meet the 15-Year-Old Boy
Lord, the soap opera drama continues for accused HRC co-founder Terry Bean.
New info reveals that Terry and ex-boyfriend, Kiah Lawson met the minor on Grindr. Quick rewind, Terry is being investigated over trying to hook up with a 15-year-old boy. The ex-boyfriend reported all of this to the cops, however, he's in the mix as well.
Here's more:
Bean and Lawson are accused of setting up an encounter with the teen through the iPhone app Grindr, a mobile social network that helps men find "local gay, bi and curious guys for dating.'' The app advertises, "Meet the men nearest you with GPS.'' Bean, 66, and Lawson, 25, are accused of having sex with the boy at a Eugene hotel on Sept. 27, 2013. A Lane County grand jury indicted both on two counts of third-degree sodomy and one count of third-degree sexual abuse.
On Friday afternoon, Lawson pleaded not guilty to the three-count indictment in Lane County Circuit Court. Bean, who posted bail, is set to appear in court Dec. 3. "The surprising thing to me is Kiah was indicted in this case because it was Kiah who helped authorities find this kid,'' said Jeffrey Dickey, Lawson's attorney at the time. "If someone is going to cooperate and be helpful for the police there should be some kind of reward for that. It could have a chilling effect on others coming forward.''
Here's more on the Bean and Lawson drama:
The Lane County indictments follow a tumultuous relationship between Bean, 66, and Lawson, 25, that unraveled after Lawson discovered Bean had a hidden camera in the bedroom of his Southwest Portland home in the West Hills, according to Dickey.
Lawson had found Bean was surreptitiously videotaping his sexual encounters with Lawson and a handful of other men, Dickey said. The falling out led to each taking out restraining orders against the other earlier this year, and Bean trying to evict Lawson from Bean's Jantzen Beach condo.
Bean and Lawson met in 2013. Soon, Lawson was living in the condo and was paid about $400 a week by Bean, according to Dickey and Lawson's restraining order against Bean. Lawson accompanied Bean on several trips, to his Palm Springs' home, to a meeting with President Obama at the White House, to the Dominican Republic and Italy, Dickey said.
"Kiah was totally sucked into this world with this 'jet setter,''' Dickey said.
Yet jealousies developed, and Lawson one morning went looking through Bean's iPad, left near a nightstand in the bedroom of Bean's West Hills home, Dickey said. Lawson found images from security cameras around the house. He looked further, according to Dickey, and found more images from Bean's bedroom of sexual encounters between him and Bean, and Bean with at least a half-dozen other men.
Here are my questions:
Why was this this boy on Grindr? And did he use his real age?
What kind of rules does Grindr have on minors using the app?
Did the ex realize he was going down too?
I tell you, this mess is too much.
For DC Major Marion Berry has Died
The troubled Mayor of DC, Marion Berry has died.
There's not a cause of death noted yet, however, he was battling diabetes and high blood pressure. Marion made a comeback after his drug scandal, but was never taken too seriously. In his later years, he flip flopped on gay rights, when he became the sole member of the DC council to opposed DC's gay marriage law.
Sadly, it became a part of his embattled legacy.
Here's one of his last TV interviews.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Interesting Quote: Michael Sam
“If I had it my way, I never would have done it the way I did, never would have told it the way I did. But the recruiters knew, and reporters knew, and they talked to each other, and it got out. If I didn’t have the year I did, nobody would have cared. But I have no regrets. Some people can argue that I had the potential to go higher in the draft. But I think everything happens for a reason. It looks good to see me in the position I’m in now, because I can show the world how good I am and rise up the ranks. I’m at the bottom now. I can rise up, show I’m a football player. Not anything else. Just a football player.”
NOM wants to fight Gay Marriage for 100 Years
In a press release from NOM chairman emeritus Robert George:
"We have to resolve that we will stand for marriage and fight for however long it takes - it might be 20 years, it might be 50 years, it might be 100 years - to rebuild the marriage culture and to restore in law, where it has been displaced, a sound understanding of marriage. As a result of this, we will draw ridicule. We will bring scorn upon ourselves, because powerful people in institutions reject our understanding of marriage. They reject what everyone understood marriage to be until yesterday. And they claim that anyone who disagrees with them is a bigot, or a hater, or is motivated by irrational animus, or archaic religious beliefs. Yet we must suffer that, be willing to suffer that opprobrium, perhaps discrimination, perhaps the loss of friends, perhaps even conflict within the family, for the sake of rebuilding marriage, because so much for people depends on it, and especially for the poor."
Friday, November 21, 2014
In Kansas: Gov. Sam Brownback Won't allow Marriage Rights to Gay Couples
You know, what? Gov. Sam Brownback is an asshole.
This fool is all hurt over gay marriage in Kansas he won’t allow any state recognition of the unions. Sam won’t offer any of the benefits, like name changes on a driver’s license or employee benefits for state workers.
Really, Sam Brownback? You're going to sit up here and be defiant like some 5 year-old child?
He claims there's too much legal ambiguity on same-sex marriage, so he rather be safe than sorry. Personally, he's being an asshole
A Couple of LGBT Groups are not overly excited about the Immigration Action
Some LGBT group voiced their opinions over President Obama's Immigration plan.
NCRL stated
Francisco Dueñas, Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Proyecto Igualdad at Lambda Legal stated:
NCRL stated
“We welcome today’s announcement as a first step towards repairing a broken and discriminatory immigration system that has victimized undocumented immigrants and their families, including at least 267,000 undocumented people who identify as LGBT,” said National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) Policy Director Maya Rupert. “We applaud the vision and courage of our President in making good on his promise to act on immigration reform. We know that this is a first step and we are gratified that many of the cruel policies of the past will be replaced with more humane and effective strategies. However, we remain deeply concerned that the plan leaves out too many LGBT immigrant families. LGBT families are less likely to have legally recognized or biological relationships with each other, and thus relief based wholly on familial ties will exclude too many LGBT families. In addition, many of the restrictions requiring consistent employment and limiting access for people with non-violent criminal histories will disproportionately impact LGBT immigrants, especially in the transgender community.”
Francisco Dueñas, Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Proyecto Igualdad at Lambda Legal stated:
"While we praise President Obama’s efforts to do what is in his executive power to improve immigration, we are deeply disappointed that his plan unfairly excludes many members of the LGBT community. President Obama’s plan allows immigrants who have children who are citizens or lawful permanent residents to obtain legal work documents and temporarily be protected from deportation.The president said it's not perfect, so I hope these pieces are noted and considered in later plans.
"We urge President Obama to undertake reforms that are more LGBT-inclusive, such as recognizing length of residency as a stand-alone qualification. Thousands of LGBT immigrants, many who have fled countries where LGBT people are unprotected and subjected to horrific abuse and violence, have been waiting for humane immigration reform for years due to Congressional inaction and cannot afford to wait any longer.
"This effort by the President does not absolve Congress of its responsibility to provide a permanent fix to our outdated immigration system so that it is fair to all the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US today, waiting to be fully American. So while we commend this order for providing much-needed immediate relief to many undocumented immigrants, we note that requiring individuals to have children disproportionately excludes LGBT immigrants who are childless because the barriers to creating a family are higher for people who cannot afford assisted reproduction or are disqualified from adoption by antigay laws.
"We need a plan that recognizes community ties and longtime residency."
Full Text of President Obama's speech over Immigration Action
My fellow Americans, tonight, I’d like to talk with you about immigration.
For more than 200 years, our tradition of welcoming immigrants from around the world has given us a tremendous advantage over other nations. It’s kept us youthful, dynamic, and entrepreneurial. It has shaped our character as a people with limitless possibilities – people not trapped by our past, but able to remake ourselves as we choose.
But today, our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it.
Families who enter our country the right way and play by the rules watch others flout the rules. Business owners who offer their workers good wages and benefits see the competition exploit undocumented immigrants by paying them far less. All of us take offense to anyone who reaps the rewards of living in America without taking on the responsibilities of living in America. And undocumented immigrants who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities see little option but to remain in the shadows, or risk their families being torn apart.
It’s been this way for decades. And for decades, we haven’t done much about it.
When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders. Today, we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. And over the past six years, illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it’s been in nearly two years. Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts.
Meanwhile, I worked with Congress on a comprehensive fix, and last year, 68 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents came together to pass a bipartisan bill in the Senate. It wasn’t perfect. It was a compromise, but it reflected common sense. It would have doubled the number of border patrol agents, while giving undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine, started paying their taxes, and went to the back of the line. And independent experts said that it would help grow our economy and shrink our deficits.
Had the House of Representatives allowed that kind of a bill a simple yes-or-no vote, it would have passed with support from both parties, and today it would be the law. But for a year and a half now, Republican leaders in the House have refused to allow that simple vote.
Now, I continue to believe that the best way to solve this problem is by working together to pass that kind of common sense law. But until that happens, there are actions I have the legal authority to take as President – the same kinds of actions taken by Democratic and Republican Presidents before me – that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I am announcing those actions.
First, we’ll build on our progress at the border with additional resources for our law enforcement personnel so that they can stem the flow of illegal crossings, and speed the return of those who do cross over.
Second, I will make it easier and faster for high-skilled immigrants, graduates, and entrepreneurs to stay and contribute to our economy, as so many business leaders have proposed.
Third, we’ll take steps to deal responsibly with the millions of undocumented immigrants who already live in our country.
I want to say more about this third issue, because it generates the most passion and controversy. Even as we are a nation of immigrants, we are also a nation of laws. Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable – especially those who may be dangerous. That’s why, over the past six years, deportations of criminals are up 80 percent. And that’s why we’re going to keep focusing enforcement resources on actual threats to our security. Felons, not families. Criminals, not children. Gang members, not a mother who’s working hard to provide for her kids. We’ll prioritize, just like law enforcement does every day.
But even as we focus on deporting criminals, the fact is, millions of immigrants – in every state, of every race and nationality – will still live here illegally. And let’s be honest – tracking down, rounding up, and deporting millions of people isn’t realistic. Anyone who suggests otherwise isn’t being straight with you. It’s also not who we are as Americans. After all, most of these immigrants have been here a long time. They work hard, often in tough, low-paying jobs. They support their families. They worship at our churches. Many of their kids are American-born or spent most of their lives here, and their hopes, dreams, and patriotism are just like ours.
As my predecessor, President Bush, once put it: “They are a part of American life.”
Now here’s the thing: we expect people who live in this country to play by the rules. We expect that those who cut the line will not be unfairly rewarded. So we’re going to offer the following deal: If you’ve been in America for more than five years; if you have children who are American citizens or legal residents; if you register, pass a criminal background check, and you’re willing to pay your fair share of taxes – you’ll be able to apply to stay in this country temporarily, without fear of deportation. You can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.
That’s what this deal is. Now let’s be clear about what it isn’t. This deal does not apply to anyone who has come to this country recently. It does not apply to anyone who might come to America illegally in the future. It does not grant citizenship, or the right to stay here permanently, or offer the same benefits that citizens receive – only Congress can do that. All we’re saying is we’re not going to deport you.
I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it’s not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today – millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time.
That’s the real amnesty – leaving this broken system the way it is. Mass amnesty would be unfair. Mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. What I’m describing is accountability – a commonsense, middle ground approach: If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. If you’re a criminal, you’ll be deported. If you plan to enter the U.S. illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up.
The actions I’m taking are not only lawful, they’re the kinds of actions taken by every single Republican President and every single Democratic President for the past half century. And to those Members of Congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where Congress has failed, I have one answer: Pass a bill. I want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution. And the day I sign that bill into law, the actions I take will no longer be necessary. Meanwhile, don’t let a disagreement over a single issue be a dealbreaker on every issue. That’s not how our democracy works, and Congress certainly shouldn’t shut down our government again just because we disagree on this. Americans are tired of gridlock. What our country needs from us right now is a common purpose – a higher purpose.
Most Americans support the types of reforms I’ve talked about tonight. But I understand the disagreements held by many of you at home. Millions of us, myself included, go back generations in this country, with ancestors who put in the painstaking work to become citizens. So we don’t like the notion that anyone might get a free pass to American citizenship. I know that some worry immigration will change the very fabric of who we are, or take our jobs, or stick it to middle-class families at a time when they already feel like they’ve gotten the raw end of the deal for over a decade. I hear these concerns. But that’s not what these steps would do. Our history and the facts show that immigrants are a net plus for our economy and our society. And I believe it’s important that all of us have this debate without impugning each other’s character.
Because for all the back-and-forth of Washington, we have to remember that this debate is about something bigger. It’s about who we are as a country, and who we want to be for future generations.
Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law? Or are we a nation that gives them a chance to make amends, take responsibility, and give their kids a better future?
Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?
Are we a nation that educates the world’s best and brightest in our universities, only to send them home to create businesses in countries that compete against us? Or are we a nation that encourages them to stay and create jobs, businesses, and industries right here in America?
That’s what this debate is all about. We need more than politics as usual when it comes to immigration; we need reasoned, thoughtful, compassionate debate that focuses on our hopes, not our fears.
I know the politics of this issue are tough. But let me tell you why I have come to feel so strongly about it. Over the past few years, I have seen the determination of immigrant fathers who worked two or three jobs, without taking a dime from the government, and at risk at any moment of losing it all, just to build a better life for their kids. I’ve seen the heartbreak and anxiety of children whose mothers might be taken away from them just because they didn’t have the right papers. I’ve seen the courage of students who, except for the circumstances of their birth, are as American as Malia or Sasha; students who bravely come out as undocumented in hopes they could make a difference in a country they love. These people – our neighbors, our classmates, our friends – they did not come here in search of a free ride or an easy life. They came to work, and study, and serve in our military, and above all, contribute to America’s success.
Tomorrow, I’ll travel to Las Vegas and meet with some of these students, including a young woman named Astrid Silva. Astrid was brought to America when she was four years old. Her only possessions were a cross, her doll, and the frilly dress she had on. When she started school, she didn’t speak any English. She caught up to the other kids by reading newspapers and watching PBS, and became a good student. Her father worked in landscaping. Her mother cleaned other people’s homes. They wouldn’t let Astrid apply to a technology magnet school for fear the paperwork would out her as an undocumented immigrant – so she applied behind their back and got in. Still, she mostly lived in the shadows – until her grandmother, who visited every year from Mexico, passed away, and she couldn’t travel to the funeral without risk of being found out and deported. It was around that time she decided to begin advocating for herself and others like her, and today, Astrid Silva is a college student working on her third degree.
Are we a nation that kicks out a striving, hopeful immigrant like Astrid – or are we a nation that finds a way to welcome her in?
Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger – we were strangers once, too.
My fellow Americans, we are and always will be a nation of immigrants. We were strangers once, too. And whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in, and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship. What makes us Americans is our shared commitment to an ideal – that all of us are created equal, and all of us have the chance to make of our lives what we will.
That’s the country our parents and grandparents and generations before them built for us. That’s the tradition we must uphold. That’s the legacy we must leave for those who are yet to come.
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless this country we love.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
HRC Co-Founder Arrested on Charges of Sex Abuse of a Minor
This ain't good at all.
The co-founder of Human Rights Campaign and Victory Fund Terry Bean was arrested on sex abuse charges involving a 15 year-old boy.
See here:
Law enforcement sources familiar with the case say Bean will be charged with two counts of sodomy in the third degree, a felony, and sex abuse in the third degree, a misdemeanor. He will be arraigned later in Lane County, where the crimes allegedly occurred in 2013.Wow... This guy raised tons of money for President Obama and the Democratic party. While, the truth is still out there, you just know the hate leaders are going to have a field day with this news.
The arrest comes after a six-month investigation that began with allegations Bean secretly made video recordings of men having sex in his bedroom. As WW reported in June, Bean accused a former lover, Kiah Lawson, of attempting to extort him over the discovery of a hidden camera. In the spring, Bean sought to keep the allegations secret and tried to reach a $40,000 settlement with Lawson.
After WW began asking questions, Bean went to the police asking them to investigate his allegations. Bean also handed over to police what he said was evidence of additional illegal activity by Lawson and others.
Lawson told WW that early this year he had discovered a hidden camera in a smoke detector above Bean's bed. Lawson claimed he was in more than one video that was made without his knowledge, and that video recording also captured at least a half dozen men “in a state of nudity engaged in intimate acts with [Bean].”
New Report: 226 Trans People murdered this year
This is so disheartening to hear, folks.
In the last 12 months, 226 Trans people have suffered horrible deaths! Some have been stoned to death, burned alive and had their eyes plucked out. According to GayStarNews, 11 of the victims were 18 years old or younger.
Here are some stories:
A 21-year-old trans woman, known only as Glenda, was beaten and stoned. Her half naked body was found weeks after her death in a Mexican waste land.Again, this is just some of the terrible deaths our Trans fam have experience. For more info, please go here
Suman Singh, a 20-year-old Indian, was set on fire by four people in January, dying from the injuries in hospital.
A Brazilian trans woman, known only as NN, was reported dead in August. Local newspapers reported she was found 'without eyes'.
And Alex, an eight-year-old from Rio De Janiero, told her dad she was a girl. He responded by beating her up so badly she died.
What do you think of the Bill Cosby drama?
What do you think about the Bill Cosby scandal? To be honest, I don't know how to feel about it all. I don't want to believe the rapes happened, I just can't believe he did that.
I also struggle with the stories. I know, I know I should be open, but my childhood dreams are clouding my judgement.
Hopefully, the truth will come out... It has to and soon!
Broke B*tches! NOM's Funding Drops Over 50%
The HRC has released some interesting news on NOM's financial status!
Check it out:
According to analysis of the organization’s 2013 tax filings done by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), NOM raised $5.1 million in 2013, dropping by over 50% since 2012. Just 2 donors accounted for more than half of the organization’s funding – further evidence that everyday Americans have little interest in furthering NOM’s extremist agenda. In addition, the NOM Education Fund also dropped by nearly $3.5 million in funding -- a drop of almost 70% since the previous year. NOM ended the year more than $2.5 million in debt.Somebody better get in the welfare line.
“NOM should start figuring out that people aren’t willing to give their hard-earned money to an extremist agenda that's going nowhere,” said Fred Sainz, HRC Vice President of Communications. “If I were Brian Brown, I’d be worried that my two or three mega-donors are soon going to come to terms with the fact that they’d largely be better off flushing money down the toilet. Americans certainly aren’t buying what NOM is selling, and it’s only a matter of time before the trickle of money keeping the lights on at NOM HQ dries up.”
Interesting Quote: National Campaign Dir. for Freedom to Marry Marc Solomon
We’ve always been set up as a campaign, and we are a campaign, and when we’ve won nationwide, we’re finished...I want to see some of the really good people stick around in LGBT stuff, or in other progressive causes, but Freedom to Marry’s done. That’s I think a great holding out is put yourself out of business.
His view about the future of Freedom to Marry
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Marriage Equality heads to Montana
A Federal judge overturned Montana's gay marriage ban!
This piece is from the ruling
The Court hereby DECLARES that Montana’s laws that ban same-sex marriage, including Article XIII, section 7 of the Montana Constitution, and Montana Code Annotated section 40-1-103 and section 40-1-401, violate Plaintiffs’ rights to equal protection of the laws as guaranteed by the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Court PERMANENTLY ENJOINS the State of Montana and its officers, employees, agents, and political subdivisions from enforcing Article XIII, section 7 of the Montana Constitution, Montana Code Annotated section 40-1-103 and section 40-1-401, and any other laws or regulations, to the extent that they prohibit otherwise qualified same-sex couples from marrying in Montana, and to the extent that they do not recognize same-sex marriages validly contracted outside Montana. This injunction shall take effect immediately.Moving forward
In South Carolina: Charleston County issues first marriage license for Gay Couples
South Carolina!
In Charleston County, a judge has issued South Carolina's first same-sex marriage license!
Charleston County councilwoman Colleen Condon and her fiance, Nichols Bleckley, were the first couple to have their application for a marriage license accepted.
Here's more:
FOX Carolina 21
In Charleston County, a judge has issued South Carolina's first same-sex marriage license!
Charleston County councilwoman Colleen Condon and her fiance, Nichols Bleckley, were the first couple to have their application for a marriage license accepted.
Here's more:
FOX Carolina 21
Jason Collins announces his Retirement from NBA
Jason Collins, who became the first openly gay Basketball player in the country, is retiring from the NBA.
Jason has played for 13 years in the NBA, he writes:
He will be missed.
Jason has played for 13 years in the NBA, he writes:
Among the memories I will cherish most are the warm applause I received in Los Angeles when I took the court in my Nets debut, and the standing ovation I got at my first home game in Brooklyn. It shows how far we’ve come. The most poignant moment came at my third game, in Denver, where I met the family of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student beaten to death in a 1998 hate crime on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyo. For the past two years I have worn number 98 on my jersey to honor his memory. I was humbled to learn that number 98 jerseys became the top seller at NBAStore.com. Proceeds from sales, and from auctioned jerseys I wore in games, were donated to two gay-rights charities.
There are still no publicly gay players in the NFL, NHL or major league baseball. Believe me: They exist. Every pro sport has them. I know some of them personally. When we get to the point where a gay pro athlete is no longer forced to live in fear that he’ll be shunned by teammates or outed by tabloids, when we get to the point where he plays while his significant other waits in the family room, when we get to the point where he’s not compelled to hide his true self and is able to live an authentic life, then coming out won’t be such a big deal. But we’re not there yet.
He will be missed.
Casting Rumor: These Actors are being considered for a Young Jean Grey and Cyclops in X-Men: Apocalypse
According to TheWrap, Chloe Grace Moretz, Elle Fanning and Hailee Steinfeld are on the shortlist to play Jean Grey, while Ben Hardy, Charlie Rowe and Timothee Chalamet are in the running for Cyclops/Scott Summers.
Here's more about the actors from CBR
Although no official test offers have been made, the website's sources contend Singer has met in recent weeks with both Moretz ("Kick-Ass," "Carrie") and Fanning ("Maleficent," "Young Ones"), who would assume the role originated by Famke Janssen in 2000's "X-Men." That news comes with two caveats: That those three actresses aren't the only ones on the list, and it's unknown whether Fanning is even interested.
While Steinfeld, who earned an Oscar nomination for her role in 2010's "True Grit," is also an established name -- even at the age of 17 -- the same can't be said of those three actors reportedly in contention to play Cyclops: Hardy is best known as the latest actor to portray Peter Beale on the long-running U.K. soap opera "EastEnders"; Chalamet had recurring roles on "Royal Pains" and "Homeland," and appears in "Interstellar"; and Rowe currently stars on the Fox series "Red Band Society.Now the real question... Who will play Storm?
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Donnie Swaggart Says That Gay Rights Activists Would Love To Behead Christians
Foolishness runs in the family
New campaign to promote Marriage Equality: Texas for Marriage
Freedom to Marry has launched a new campaign for Texas.
It's called Texas for Marriage and here's what it's about:
Texas for Marriage is a broad, diverse public education campaign to amplify the bipartisan momentum for the freedom to marry in the state of Texas. The campaign, led by Freedom to Marry in partnership with Equality Texas, will work to broaden the conversation about why marriage matters to all couples and their families.
The campaign comes weeks ahead of an oral argument before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reviews DeLeon v. Perry, a legal case in which a federal judge declared Texas laws denying the freedom to marry to same-sex couples (and prohibiting in-state respect for marriages legally performed in other states) unconstitutional.
While the litigation in the state weaves its way through the appellate system, Texas for Marriage will grow the grassroots network of people throughout the state – including business leaders, people of faith, conservatives, First Responders, and everyday Texans – who are committed to ensuring this basic freedom is soon available to everyone in the state.
WATCH: Three Hours of Walking In NYC as a Gay Man
Following the trend of the female experience, YouTuber Dennis Cee dressed up as stereotypically gay guy and walked the streets of New York
This is what happened
This is what happened
Lord, Charles Manson is getting Married
This is their pic... This girl is 26, so what does she know about life?
Sad, I can't find someone, but a mass murderer can... sigh
Sad, I can't find someone, but a mass murderer can... sigh
Deep Kissing transfers 80 Million Bacteria
Something to think about when you make-out.
A 10-second kiss can transfer as many as 80 million bacteria!
Here's more:
Researchers from the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) asked 21 couples to kiss and tell. The pairs filled out questionnaires about their past smooching habits, including the frequency of their French kisses.
Scientists also swabbed their tongues and saliva to look at the composition of the oral microbiota, which are the microorganisms that live in your mouth.
For the controlled part of the experiment, one half of each pair drank a kind of probiotic yogurt that contained specific bacteria. They then gave their partners an "intimate" kiss.
Researchers calculated that 80 million bacteria were transferred during a 10-second kiss.
Oh man, I should be dead right now.
Missouri Governor declares State of Emergency in Ferguson
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency yesterday in the event of unrest or violence. He also called in the National Guard and reduced the role of the Ferguson Police Department.
Why did he do this? Who knows, but it has drawn a lot of attention to him and the grand jury who hasn't delivered their decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson.
The SOE reads:
WHEREAS, the City of Ferguson and the St. Louis region have experienced periods of unrest over the past three months; andsource
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Justice and St. Louis County authorities are conducting separate criminal investigations into the facts surrounding the death of Michael Brown; and
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Justice and St. Louis County authorities could soon announce the findings of their independent criminal investigations; and
WHEREAS, regardless of the outcomes of the federal and state criminal investigations, there is the possibility of expanded unrest; and
WHEREAS, the State of Missouri will be prepared to appropriately respond to any reaction to these announcements; and
WHEREAS, our citizens have the right to peacefully assemble and protest and the State of Missouri is committed to protecting those rights; and
WHEREAS, our citizens and businesses must be protected from violence and damage; and
WHEREAS, an invocation of the provisions of Sections 44.010 through 44.130, RSMo, is appropriate to ensure the safety and welfare of our citizens.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, JEREMIAH W. (JAY) NIXON, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri, including Sections 44.010 through 44.130, RSMo, do hereby declare a State of Emergency exists in the State of Missouri.
I further direct the Missouri State Highway Patrol together with the St. Louis County Police Department and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department to operate as a Unified Command to protect civil rights and ensure public safety in the City of Ferguson and the St. Louis region.
I further order that the St. Louis County Police Department shall have command and operational control over security in the City of Ferguson relating to areas of protests, acts of civil disobedience and conduct otherwise arising from such activities.
I further order that the Unified Command may exercise operational authority in such other jurisdictions it deems necessary to protect civil rights and ensure public safety and that other law enforcement agencies shall assist the Unified Command when so requested and shall cooperate with operational directives of the Unified Command.
I further order, pursuant to Section 41.480, RSMo, the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri, or his designee, to forthwith call and order into active service such portions of the organized militia as he deems necessary to protect life and property and assist civilian authorities and it is further directed that the Adjutant General or his designee, and through him, the commanding officer of any unit or other organization of such organized militia so called into active service take such action and employ such equipment as may be necessary to carry out requests processed through the Missouri State Highway Patrol and ordered by the Governor of the state to protect life and property and support civilian authorities.
This Order shall expire in thirty days unless extended in whole or in part by subsequent Executive Order.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, on this 17th day of November, 2014.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Interesting Quote: Andrew Caldwell
First of all, I'm delivered. And when I was a homosexual, I never looked at an old man. I would never touch an old man. Like I said, I dated a couple of football players, I dated church people. So I would never ever date an old person. That's not my type. That's nasty. If folks want to know if I'm sleeping around right now and stuff, let me tell you something, I have no tastes for those desires. You know how people were smoking and they stop smoking for years? God took the taste out of my mouth. Trust me, I would NOT ever, ever in my life, touch an old man. Because you know why? If you could see me when I was a homosexual, I was a very attractive person. I would never touch - what do I see in an old person? I am delivered, I am set free.
LISTEN to the interview
Anonymous Cyber Attacks the Ku Klux Klan over Ferguson Threats
Last week, the Ku Klux Klan said it would use 'lethal force' on Ferguson protesters if Darren Wilson goes free. Well, that quickly caught the hacktivist group Anonymous' attention. So, in their noted fashion, Anonymous seized two primary KKK Twitter accounts and release pics of the Klan without their hoods.
Anonymous had a YouTube video made, but it's been taken down. However, I have the transcript below from ZD Net:
Anonymous had a YouTube video made, but it's been taken down. However, I have the transcript below from ZD Net:
KKK it has came to our unfortunate attention that you have been interfering with Anonymous.
We are not attacking you because of what you believe in as we fight for freedom of speech…
We are attacking you because of what you did to our brothers and sisters at the Ferguson protest on the 12th of November.
Due to your actions we have started Operation KKK. The aim of our operation is nothing more than Cyber Warfare. Anything you upload will be taken down, anything you use to promote the KKK will be shut down.
DDos attacks have already been sent and have infiltrated your servers over the past 2 days… d0x's have also been launched on leaders of the KKK. All information retrieved will be given to the public.
You messed with our family and now we will mess with yours…
Let the cyber war begin.
We are legion.
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Ku Klux Klan you should have expect us.
Follow Us On Twitter @GroupAnonAU
Solange Knowles’s Wedding Portraits are the Deal!
Solange Knowles (Beyonce's sister) got married this weekend and it broke the internet!
These are the wedding pics to die for. Hell, I want to get married just to take pics like this. Anywho, Solange married video director boyfriend Alan Ferguson in New Orleans and they looked wonderful. Get into this pics.
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- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.