Friday, October 31, 2014
New Study says Too Much Bottoming can cause Prostate Cancer
This is why I'm still a 'lady'.
I read on Queerty that too much bottoming could lead to prostate cancer, but there's a catch:
A new study out of the University of Montréal has found that men who have sex with 20 or more partners during their lifetimes are less likely to develop prostate cancer. But there’s a catch: It only applies to straight guys. Gay men who bump uglies with 20 or more partners during their lifetimes are more likely to develop prostate cancer.
Epidemiologist Marie-Élise Parent and her researchers surveyed more than 3,200 guys in the Montréal area who answered a comprehensive questionnaire that covered many aspects of their lives, including their bedroom activities. About half of respondents had been diagnosed with prostate cancer between 2005 and 2009.
According to the study’s findings, straight male sluts are 28 percent less likely of one day being diagnosed with prostate cancer than their more chaste counterparts, and those that do develop prostate cancer are 19 percent less likely to develop an aggressive form of the disease.
I think we need more research on this.
In North Carolina: New Poll shows a High Number of Anger towards the Gay Marriage Rulings
This is not a surprise, but still disheartening.
According to the High Point University, almost 60% of North Carolina voters oppose the federal court decisions to legalized gay marriage. However, 36% strongly or somewhat favor the court rulings, so there is some hope.
Recently, NOM has been raising money for NC House Speaker Thom Tillis, using folks' anger over the rulings. It's sad to see how ignorance and basic hate is getting in the way of celebrating change.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Hot Rumor: The Wonder Woman film will set in the 1920?
This is a rumor... I really hope this is a rumor.
I saw on Bleeding Cool that the Wonder Woman movie is set in the 1920s... The 1920s... Her original origin is set in the 40s, but who's... Okay, anyway, the story will focus on Paradise Island where the amazons are at war with each other. Then a man shows up which will start up the challenge of the amazons where Diana becomes WW.
It sounds... Interesting. Remember, Joss Whedon created a period piece and WB didn't like it. So, that's a bit off for me.
Also, BC reports that the sequel will be set during World War II, and the third film in the modern day. Again, I hope this a rumor. I'm not feeling this at all right now.
Apple's CEO Tim Cook officially comes out
In an op-ed in Bloomberg Businessweek, Tim writes about being gay and how the world continues to change.
He wrote:
For years, I’ve been open with many people about my sexual orientation. Plenty of colleagues at Apple know I’m gay, and it doesn’t seem to make a difference in the way they treat me. Of course, I’ve had the good fortune to work at a company that loves creativity and innovation and knows it can only flourish when you embrace people’s differences. Not everyone is so lucky.Tim is a very powerful person. His role can inspire others to follow suit and perhaps live fantastic lives. I appreciated this op-ed and encourage y'all to check it out.
While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now. So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me.
So Excited to see It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
This is a tradition I've always kept! I LOVE this special since I was a kid.
Funny, after all this time I still think the Great Pumpkin will show.
WATCH a Woman receive Verbal Harassment from Men in the streets of NYC
Shoshana Roberts recorded a moment of her life as she walks in the city of New York. What you see is a lot of cat calls and invasive comments that are too crazy to believe.
You might bee shocked to see this, but it's real and sad. To see men behave like this isn't new, but it's always disturbing.
You might bee shocked to see this, but it's real and sad. To see men behave like this isn't new, but it's always disturbing.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
In Texas: Mayor Parker Drops Subpoenas against Anti-Gay Pastors
In an interesting turn of events, Mayor Annise Parker will withdraw its controversial subpoenas of five pastors tied to a lawsuit over the city's equal rights ordinance (HERO).
Days ago, I posted the press conference from the religious leaders, claiming they would rather go to jail than support HERO. After a meeting with these 'leaders', Mayor Parker decided to let it go.
Here's more:
The announcement came amid a national firestorm about the subpoenas, which have prompted outrage among Christian conservatives. Parker said two meetings yesterday, one with local pastors and another with national clergy, persuaded her to pull the subpoenas altogether.
"The goal of the subpoenas is to defend against the lawsuit and not to provoke a public debate," Parker said.
She is ordering the subpoenas removed for the sake of Houston, not because the request were in any way illegal or intended to intrude on religious liberties, Parker said.
"I didn't do this to satisfy them," Parker said of critics. "I did it because it was not serving Houston."
Here is a video that catch you up on the drama after the jump (autoplay)
Anti-Gay Attacker at the Dallas Airport will not Face Jail Time
So do you remember the video of the redneck McCleish Christmas Benham attacking a supposed gay guy at the Dallas airport? Well, you know he was taken down by some folks and I think Paul Rudd. He was also arrested.
Now the full report has been released and he's currently charged with public intoxication and simple assault, both class-C misdemeanors each punishable by a maximum $500 fine, but no jail time. However, if the prosecutors choose to apply the Texas’ hate crimes law, they could beef up the assault charge to a class-B misdemeanor, which would be 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine per offense.
The full report read the below
Interesting Quote: Dolly Parton on Gays
They know that I completely love and accept them, as I do all people. I've struggled enough in my life to be appreciated and understood. I've had to go against all kinds of people through the years just to be myself. I think everybody should be allowed to be who they are, and to love who they love. I don't think we should be judgmental. Lord, I've got enough problems of my own to pass judgment on somebody else.
5 Actresses (Besides Katee Sackhoff) who could be Captain Marvel
Yesterday, Marvel Studios revealed their movie line up. In that impressive list of films, Captain Marvel was announced for 2018.
Fanboys and girls are completely geeking out over this news. I mean, it's Captain FRAKKING Marvel! Carol Danvers!
Now, we just need to know who will play this major Marvel character. Katee Sackhoff is a fan favorite, but here are 5 other ladies who could step into the role.
See them after the jump
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Chadwick Boseman cast as Marvel's Black Panther
Chadwick Boseman has cast as the Marvel Comics character, Black Panther. Marvel made this announcement today at a special event in DTLA.
What was the first Music Video you watched?
This was my first one. It was Squeeze's Black Coffee in Bed. It's stuck with me for years and I love the song. So, what was yours?
So, how does Ben Affleck sound as Batman
Some of us are curious about how Ben Affleck will sound as Batman. Christian Bale's voice was 'interesting' so the bar is very low. Honestly, I'm worried, but his wife Jennifer Garner is giving me some good vibes.
In an interview in Empire Magazine, she said that his voice is sexy:
"We were not privy to the Batman voice at home, but I've been on set enough to hear bits of it. It's spot on. Growly and decisive and sexy, if I do say so myself! Exactly what you would hope it to be!"I'm happy to hear that.
Interesting Quote: Tim Cook
"As a state, we took too long to take steps toward equality. We were too slow on equality on African-Americans. We were too slow on interracial marriage. And we are still too slow on equality for the LBGT community."Tim speaks on Marriage Equality for Alabama .
In Texas: Marriage Appeals Hearing scheduled on January 5th
And, Texas marriage case is tentatively scheduled for week of 1/5/15 as well:
— Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) October 27, 2014
This will be good to watch
Monday, October 27, 2014
Benedict Cumberbatch is Marvel's Doctor Strange
I have to say it is an interesting choice. Benedict is a great actor and should do well in the role.
Question of the Day
How you feel about all this hype over Renee Zellweger’s look? I know it’s been a few days, but I really don’t get the big deal. Let her do what she needs to do to be happy.
Leaks in the Michael Brown Case are causing a Huge Stir
Last week, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch posted an article about Michael Brown's leaked autopsy report. In the article, it quotes California forensics expert Dr. Judy Melinek, claiming that Michael Brown was reaching for Darren Wilson's gun. Several news outlets covered it, even though, it’s considered propaganda. Later, the article was found inaccurate because of the way it written.
Dr. Melinek clarified that she never said the autopsy supported Darren Wilson's story. She also discussed this matter on her blog and on MSNBC. The info quickly spread on Twitter and Facebook, labeling St. Louis Post-Dispatch as instigators and liars. And apparently, this unnecessary drama didn’t sit well with AG Eric Holder.
At a news event in Los Angeles, Eric spoke about this leaked story and expressed that he was bothered by it. In fact, he said that he was "exasperated" to see leaks.
It’s clearly an attempt to change the public opinion about Darren. However, it has only created more questions on the story and who’s leaking the information.
Hopefully, this type of action and mess will force Eric and the DOJ to take the case. It doesn’t seem to be in good hands down in that area.
In Michigan: Religious Leader say they will go to Jail, before supporting an Inclusive Civil Rights Act
More religious foolishness.
About 400 Michigan Pastors and Christian leaders got together on the steps on the State Capital in Lansing, Michigan and held a press conference over the addition of in opposition include sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in the state's Civil Rights Act.
These bigots claim they will go to jail than to support the act. From their press release:
"We, the undersigned Christian Pastors of the State of Michigan declare our opposition to adding sexual orientation, gender identity or other similar designation to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act." -- Pastor Doug Levesque, Immanuel Baptist Church, Corunna, Michigan, reading a pastor's joint statement.Blah, Blah, Blah! They go on and on about nothing, however I would like to see them go to jail for this. Let them pray their way through prison.
The Pastors said that legislation in other states that were allegedly intended to protect homosexuals actually ended up discriminating against people of faith, citing the recent case in Houston, Texas, where the sermons, notes, and text messages of pastors were subpoenaed by the mayor.
"The homosexual agenda is an anti-freedom movement which has led to the persecution of pastors and Christian business owners across the nation, whose freedom of speech and freedom of religion are being taken from them, under the guise of so called gay rights. There is nothing civil about that!"-- Minister Stacy Swimp, President, National Christian Leadership Council
"Those wanting special rights for sexual orientation are seeking to rewrite the traditional moral fiber of our society." -- Tim Berlin, senior pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Warren
"I don't know of another example of pastors' sermons being subpoenaed, except for in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. I find it ironic that the first example of that happening in America is from the LGBT community." -- Pastor R.B. Ouelette, First Baptist, Bridgeport, Michigan.
If you're curious, here's a link to their site and below is the press conference they held.
So How did that FRC I Stand Sunday event go?
Well, you can see for yourself
This is who showed up for Tony Perkins and friends. Can you say OMEGA FAIL
via Scott Wooledge
This is who showed up for Tony Perkins and friends. Can you say OMEGA FAIL
via Scott Wooledge
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Bye October, barely knew you
This month is almost over! I think as you get older, time runs faster. Next thing you know, it's the end of the year.
Did anything excited happened to y'all this month?
Attorney General Holder Announces that the Government will Recognize Marriage Equality in Six Additional States
In a press release, Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed that the federal government will recognize same-sex married couples in Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Wyoming.
Here's more
The Attorney General’s announcement means couples married in these states will now qualify for a range of federal benefits, including those administered by the Social Security Administration and Department of Veterans Affairs.
“With each new state where same-sex marriages are legally recognized, our nation moves closer to achieving of full equality for all Americans,” the Attorney General said. “We are acting as quickly as possible with agencies throughout the government to ensure that same-sex married couples in these states receive the fullest array of benefits allowable under federal law.”
In addition, the Attorney General also announced that the Department of Justice has determined it can legally recognize marriages performed in Indiana and Wisconsin this past June. These marriages were performed immediately after federal district courts ruled that those states’ bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, but subsequent developments created confusion about the status of those marriages. Based on the Attorney General’s announcement, however, those couples married during that period will now have their unions recognized by the federal government.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
This is Marysville Pilchuck School Shooter
His name was Jaylen Fryberg, and he is known forever as the Marysville Pilchuck School Shooter.
Here's more from HuffPo:
Authorities said that Fryberg, a football player and homecoming prince, shot five students and then turned the gun on himself. He died at the scene from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.Jaylen's Twitter was riddled with anger over the girl.
Police confirmed that a female student died in the shooting, according to The Seattle Times.
Four other students were taken to local hospitals, three of whom were admitted with head wounds, a spokeswoman for Providence Medical Center said at a press conference. All the victims were younger than 18, police said.
The school, which participates in active shooter drills, was placed in lockdown. Students were later evacuated, and could be seen on local television walking across a field with their hands in the air.
A friend of the shooter, identified only as Bryce, told NBC News that Fryberg was a popular student, and that "everyone knew him." Bryce was shocked that Fryberg was the shooter, since he didn't consider him violent.
The extended Fryberg family are well known locally, a neighbor told The Huffington Post.
"They're known for having a larger family in the area and having been here a long time," Ellie Shipe, 27, said. She lives across the street from the high school. "it's horrific," she said about the shooting.
A motive is not yet known, but a student at the school told the Seattle Times that the "shooter was angry at a girl who would not date him, and that the girl was one of the people shot."
My heart goes out to the families and the community. This shouldn't have happened.
Hot Video: Phylle "I Love Him"
This video was very nice to see.
It's a celebration of love, sexuality and sensuality. "I Love Him" is by Phylle and it's cute.
Check it out
It's a celebration of love, sexuality and sensuality. "I Love Him" is by Phylle and it's cute.
Check it out
WATCH Bystanders take down a Homophobic Drunk at a Dallas Airport
This is unbelievable! This drunk attacks a man he believes to be gay and watch what happens next!
The guy should've kicked that redneck!
The guy should've kicked that redneck!
Friday, October 24, 2014
Ted Cruz’s Deputy Chief 'Jokingly' blames Obamacare for Ebola hitting the US
Ted Cruz's Deputy Chief tweeted this crap yesterday
After Twitter attacked back, Nick quickly deleted the tweet, claiming it was a joke. Too late though, many folks captured the tweet and may possibly use this against Cruz if he decides to run for president.
Trying to politicize Ebola is not the way to go. Joke or not, this speaks a lot about Ted's company and who he has working for him.
Listen to Bristol Palin messy recount of the Palin Brawl
We have all heard about the Palin Brawl. It's mostly Bristol Palin's fault and it has quickly labeled her as the Queen of White Trash.
So far, we don't know what really when down, but now we have the audio
This one has Sarah on it
This family is a hot ass mess! And I love it!
So far, we don't know what really when down, but now we have the audio
This one has Sarah on it
This family is a hot ass mess! And I love it!
Am I heading towards a Mid-Life Crisis?
Sometimes, I feel like I'm about hit a mid-life crisis. I don't know why, but I feel like it's coming. Has anyone experienced this?
Well, let me rewind a bit. I kinda know why. I'm restless and I feel trapped in between life's goals and just living life. I want so much more, but I don't know how to achieve it. It's frustrating and it's making me rebellious in some strange way.
Don't worry, I'm not going to find some 20 year-old boyfriend and join a cult. I'm just feeling a bit lost right now.
This probably doesn't make any sense, but I had to get this out.
U.S. Rep. Steve King knows he won't see Gays in Heaven
U.S. Rep. Steve King knows that gay aren't in Heaven.
This freak of nature spatted off on a radio interview about his thoughts on gays and the pearly gates:
Those assessments from the conservative western Iowa congressman came during his forceful takes on a preliminary document released by a collection of Catholic bishops that calls for broader acceptance of homosexuals and people who are divorced or living together without being married.
“I would say that what was a sin 2,000 years ago is a sin today, and we need to stick to that principle,” King said in an interview with The Jefferson Herald.
The report from the bishops — which at the time of the interview King said he had “picked up little pieces in the news” about — is not a final guiding document, and is expected to generate animated debate in the church worldwide.
“I owe it to Pope Francis to read it carefully and read it with precision before I pass judgment on it,” King said. “I would just say that in fact to pass judgment on his document seems a bit presumptuous as I hear myself say that.”
Among other things, the synod document says “homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community,” and “with homosexual unions, there are instances where mutual assistance to the point of sacrifice is a valuable support in the life of these persons.” For the divorced, the report calls for “great respect.” And with regard to cohabitation, the working language includes the following thinking, “Such unions can display authentic family values or at least an inherent desire for them.”
King declined to say whether he thought divorce or cohabitation are sins.
God, he's a mess.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
In Kansas: Silly Couple file Brief Saying Gay Marriage is a Direct Theft of their Straight Marriage
In today's WTF news, this crazy ass couple filed a brief claiming that gay marriage is a direct theft of their straight marriage!
Yes, Phillip W. Unruh and Sandra L. Unruh believe that their marriage is in danger due to us getting hitched. As you read the brief below, you will laugh at how ridic this really is. But to the Unruhs, they truly think this is real.
Yes, Phillip W. Unruh and Sandra L. Unruh believe that their marriage is in danger due to us getting hitched. As you read the brief below, you will laugh at how ridic this really is. But to the Unruhs, they truly think this is real.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Federal Judge upholds Puerto Rico's Gay Marriage Ban
Oh man...
U.S. District Judge Perez Gimenez dismissed a challenge to the gay marriage ban in Puerto Rico.
Citing Baker v. Nelson and the First Circuit Court of Appeals decision striking down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) a judge in Puerto Rico has dismissed a challenge to its same-sex marriage ban.
In that DOMA case, Massachusetts v. HHS, the First Circuit had said that Baker v. Nelson is binding precedent on the issue of whether there’s a right to same-sex marriage; they then found that Baker didn’t prevent them from ruling on DOMA, which didn’t involve the states’ regulation of marriage.Lambda Legal said they will appeal this foolishness. Until then, stay strong folks, change is coming.
The Puerto Rico case can be appealed to the First Circuit, which hasn’t had an opportunity to review challenges to same-sex marriage bans since all the states in that circuit allow same-sex marriage.
In North Carolina: Senate Leader wants to Protect Bigoted Magistrate
Senate Leader Phil Berger Sr. is trying to do a stupid thing. He's going to introduce legislation that allows a magistrate the right to refuse marrying gay couples. Good luck with that, Phil.
Here's more:
The state court system has said any magistrates who refuse to heed the recent federal court ruling striking down the state's same-sex marriage ban are violating their oaths and could face dismissal. Berger said magistrates and registers of deeds who refuse service to gay couples are within their rights under constitutional protections guaranteeing freedom of religion.This is mess, and it's not going to fly. But if he feels determine to do so... go for it and fail in abundance.
"The court's expansion of the freedoms of some should not violate the well-recognized constitutional rights of others," said Berger, R-Rockingham. "Complying with the new marriage law imposed by the courts should not require our state employees to compromise their core religious beliefs and First Amendment rights in order to protect their livelihoods."
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Michael Sam cut from the Dallas Cowboys Practice Squad
The team released a statement earlier and Michael followed up on Twitter.
I wish Michael the best in all of his future endeavors.
Sarah Palin's SarahPAC helped No one but Her
So, Sarah Palin's SarahPAC is a sham! Her PAC really didn't help anyone but herself.
According to Open Secrets, her PAC paid for her trips, lodging and books:
For the two-year 2014 cycle, the former Alaska governor’s PAC, a vehicle that helps her stay in the game amid talk that she may run in the 2016 presidential contest, has raised $2.5 million on top of more than $1.1 million that was in the bank at the start of the cycle. It has spent $2.7 million, with about $150,000 — or 5.5 percent — going to candidates.
That’s right about on par with the PAC’s parsimoniousness in 2012. Of the 417 leadership PACs that made at least one contribution in that cycle, SarahPAC was one of only 19 to give less than 10 percent of its total expenditures to candidates, other PACs or party committees. And it was one of only three of those spending more than $1 million to do so — the others being Rep. Ron Paul‘s (R-Texas) Liberty PAC and Sen. Marco Rubio‘s (R-Fla.) Reclaim America PAC. Paul was a presidential candidate, and Rubio may be one in 2016.
What did SarahPAC spend most of its money on, then, in the third quarter? Many of the same consultants she has used all along — for speechwriting, fundraising, logistics and research. There’s even someone paid to consult on “coalitions.” Travel, presumably for Palin, is part of the equation; a PAC like this is useful for keeping a high profile nationally without having to pay those pesky airline and hotel tabs out of personal funds. And the PAC sent $10,885 to HarperCollins — publisher of all three of Palin’s books — for “books for donor fulfillment.” That wasn’t the only book purchase by the committee: A lump sum of $13,000 was listed as being spent for “lodging, SUV rental, books for donors.”
She's so messy
GOP Congressional Candidate Anthony P Culler calls Gays Gremlins for Destroying Marriage - WATCH
This fool is a congressional candidate in South Carolina. Recently he took to his Facebook page to rant about gays being Gremlins and abortion.
Here are a few examples:
He even made a video
Here are a few examples:
Sodom and Gomorrah...
How many of the commenters on the subject of "gremlins" support the sins of same-sex marriage and abortion?
The majority.
How many of these commenters that support same-sex marriage, abortion, and seek the destruction of traditional families will vote in South Carolina's Sixth District on November 4th?
Less than 1% of 1%. (Have a great day filling up my page, your page, Twitter, etc. as I will be out campaigning to be elected to STAND against your evil.)
One more thing...
Christians around the nation are SO enjoying my candor. I was called here for this. Abortion, same-sex marriage, and the destruction of the traditional family-whose purpose it is to raise up Godly children, has severe consequences. I'm here to speak loudly against these things but it is the people that will choose. As will God.
A year ago God called me to this district. I knew maybe five of the 700,000 people. I obeyed and came. My campaign is drawing to a close. I ask for prayers.
In Faith,
Anthony Culler
He even made a video
Marriage Equality comes to Wyoming
State officials will not appeal the marriage ruling in the state.
As you can see below, they are not granting the injunction and marriages can more forward.
Go Wyoming!
Interesting Quote: President Obama
“Ultimately, I think the Equal Protection Clause does guarantee same-sex marriage in all fifty states. But, as you know, courts have always been strategic. There have been times where the stars were aligned and the Court, like a thunderbolt, issues a ruling like Brown v. Board of Education, but that’s pretty rare. And, given the direction of society, for the Court to have allowed the process to play out the way it has may make the shift less controversial and more lasting.”
Obama saying that gay marriage is a constitutional right
Legendary fashion designer Oscar de la Renta has died
The Fashion World has suffered a loss.
Legendary fashion designer Oscar de la Renta has died. He was 82.
Here's more
Born in the Dominican Republic in 1932, de la Renta left home at 18 to study painting in Madrid. It was there he developed a love of fashion design and began an apprenticeship with Cristóbal Balenciaga, who became his mentor, and then, landed a job with Lanvin in Paris.
He made his name in the early 1960s when first lady Jaqueline Kennedy frequently wore his designs, and launched his own label in the mid-1960s. Since Kennedy, first ladies Betty Ford, Nancy Reagan, Hillary Clinton and Laura Bush all frequently wore de la Renta gowns.
Oscar recently designed Amal Clooney’s wedding dress. It is believed to be his final design.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Shonda Rhimes reads a Fan over 'Gay Scenes' in How To Get Away with Murder'
Some folks can't handle certain scenes in HTGAWM, like this Dina person. However Miss Shonda had to put her in check.
Get over it, folks. We have sex and more
. @Dabdelhakiem If u use the phrase "gay scenes", u are not only LATE to the party but also NOT INVITED to the party. Bye Felicia. #oneLOVE
— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) October 19, 2014
. @Dabdelhakiem There are no GAY scenes. There are scenes with people in them.
— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) October 19, 2014
Get over it, folks. We have sex and more
NYC Archbishop Cardinal discusses The 'Welcoming Gay Document' Backlash
Last week, it seemed that Catholic Church was changing their tune on gays. They released a document showing support to us however, that same document freaked out a bunch of Catholic leaders and they backtracked.
Yesterday NYC Cardinal Timothy Dolan talked about the document and the backlash
Yesterday NYC Cardinal Timothy Dolan talked about the document and the backlash
Brian Brown doesn't support Carl DeMaio
Over the weekend, Brian Brown sent out an email blast, detailing why he (and NOM) no longer support Carl DeMaio.
Here's some of the press release:
As you know, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is working with allies locally to defeat Carl DeMaio because he is terrible on critical issues facing the nation, including his avowed support for abortion and redefining marriage. DeMaio is part of an effort to strip the Republican party of their principled commitments to protecting innocent human life, and their advocacy for the family grounded in a mother and father who are married to each other. We are encouraging people to support Democrat Scott Peters even though he is not good on the issues. At least with Peters we will be able to remove him in a couple of years. DeMaio could hold the seat for years and serve as a terrible role model for children all the while.It's interesting that they will support a Dem over Carl, but seriously, why would tey support a gay person?
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Star Arrested in Idaho
Oh no!
Nicholas Brendon is in trouble again. He was arrested in Boise, Idaho on Friday night for suspicion of damaging property and resisting arrest and spent several hours in jail.
Here's more:
Nicholas Brendon is in trouble again. He was arrested in Boise, Idaho on Friday night for suspicion of damaging property and resisting arrest and spent several hours in jail.
Here's more:
The 43-year-old actor's manager had no immediate comment. Brendon was in town for an appearance at Tree City Comic Con.I hope he's okay.
Boise police said they received a call around 9:30 p.m. on Friday about a disturbance in a hotel lobby involving Brendon and staff members. When officers arrived, they found the actor showing "signs of intoxication" and said he "repeatedly refused officers' commands to stay seated while officers tried to speak with witnesses."
Police said Brendon tried to walk away, after which officers arrested him for resisting and obstructing. Authorities also said hotel staff reported that he had broken a decorative dish and that they wished to press charges.
Brendon was then booked into a local jail on charges of malicious injury to property and resisting or obstructing officers, which are both misdemeanors.
He was later released on a $600 bond after 6 a.m. on Saturday.
Interesting Quote: Cody Freeman
Feeling alone in a big city, walking from building to building without making a connection, I desperately wanted to meet like-minded individuals, but I found myself resorting to these apps to do that.
But instead of advancing the gay agenda of inclusion, I found the apps to perpetuate what people scorn about LGBT: promiscuity, impersonal behavior, and sexually motivated conversations. This is not the fault of the LGBT community, but these depersonalized conversations are what lead to depersonalized relationships. When an introduction to gay culture is through a sex-based app, it perpetuates the sex-based stereotype.
This is from a good article in TIME, check it out
In Arkansas: Federal judge won’t delay challenge to the state's Gay Marriage Ban
More good marriage equality news!
A federal judge has denied Arkansas’ request to delay marriages in the state.
Arkansas Attorney General Dustin McDaniel hoped that he could put proceedings on hold, but U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker rejected the request.
Now couples can prepare to move forward.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.