Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shirley Sherrod is Suing Andrew Breitbart

Remember last year, when Andrew Breitbart sliced together some video of Shirley Sherrod and it got her fired? Well, it's payback time and Shirley's suing Andrew for his foolishness.

Media Matters has the story

Blogger Andrew Breitbart has been sued by former U.S. Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod who contends her reputation was damaged by Breitbart's posting last year of an edited video. 

The New York Times reports today Breitbart was served with the lawsuit at CPAC Saturday. Sherrod contends in the suit that a video clip he posted last year "has damaged her reputation and prevented her from continuing her work."

Breitbert, who first posted the clip on July 19, 2010, at his site, had been under scrutiny after it was revealed the clip misrepresented Sherrod's message during a speech in March 2010 before a group of NAACP members.

Fox then posted an online article reporting on the clip, linking to Breitbart's video. Breitbart did not seek comment from Sherrod prior to his report; Fox News also gave no indication that they had done so. She was forced to resign later that day.

Breitbart has recently claimed that Sherrod was not fired because of his video but because of her part in the 11-year-old Pigford case, in which black farmers sued for discrimination against the Agriculture Department.

He stated such a claim again on Thursday in an interview with Media Matters, in which he admitted he had no proof of the assertion, revealing it was a theory.
Liar! I hope she wins for his lies and mess.


Cubby said...

Hit him where it hurts the most: in his wallet.

Robyn said...

I hope she gets a nice six or seven-figure settlement out of this to make an example of Breitbart.

Anonymous said...

I hope she sues him into oblivion. Enough so that his web sites are taken down.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.