Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's My Birthday!

I'm a Proud 37-year-old Ho!


Ian said...

Happy Birthday Wonder Man! Hope every wish comes true for you today my friend.... How more days to Vegas weekend? LOL.

behrmark said...

Send lots of birthday hugs your way!

designing wally said...

Happy Birthday!
Have yourself a hoot.

Bob said...

Happy Happy Day!
Love the Wonder Woman cake!

Immanuel said...

Have a wonderful birthday! Thanks for posting such an informative blog. I find out about a lot of things first due to you!

robertga99 said...

Happy Birthday! Luv the cake!

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday and I love the cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday

Greg said...

Happy Birthday!!

David Dust said...

Happy Birfday!!!!!


Ron Buckmire said...

OMFG! Is that the actual cake?? Where did you get it made??

Mr. Bare said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

Unknown said...


Wonder Man said...

Hi all, This is not my cake. I just found the pic online

WilsonW said...

Happy Birthday Vic!!! Enjoy it to the fullest!

Damien said...


And what a GORGEOUS cake :)

Bruno Laliberté said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! he said sheepishly a day late...
and what an appropriate cake it could have been!! what was YOURS like actually???

Ken Riches said...

Sorry to miss the day, but the sentiment is the same. Happy Birthday.

Jezza said...

That is an AWESOME cake! and happy Birthday, again!

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.