Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Interesting Quote: B. Scott

As I was getting ready (hair, makeup, wardrobe), various members of the production team were in and out of my trailer making sure I had everything I needed. A producer visited my trailer as I was getting my makeup done. Another producer was there when I was getting my hair straightened. They were even there outside waiting as I was putting on the finishing touches of my outfit.

After rushing to make it to the red carpet in time, I was escorted by several members of production down to the stage. Everybody I spoke with commented on how fabulous I looked. There was never any indication that there was an issue. There was no pushback. I was simply there to do my job.

After interviewing AJ Calloway for my first segment I was literally yanked backstage and told that my look from head to toe “wasn’t acceptable.”

They asked me to pull my hair back, they asked me to change my attire.
B. Scott explains what happened with him and BET


Bob said...

That's ridiculous.
If you hire B. Scott, you're gonna get B. Scott, so don't act like you didn't know.
Shame on BET.

K. Clark said...

So wrong. Like Bob said, why hire B. Scott and then expect him not be B. Scott?

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.