Friday, June 1, 2012
My Rant: Christianity is the new Crazy
I don't understand how or why, anyone could sit in a church and let a pastor say things like, "kill gays" or allow a child to sing such hateful songs in the name of the Lord.
Are Christians that cocky? Do they think God approve of this violent and horrid behavior? Within a month, we have heard and seen such crazy ass talk from church leaders and their flock. They are warped in thinking they are speaking God's word by basically telling us to die and rot in Hell.
Well, I got news for them, that's hate. When you are being divisive, that's hate. When you threaten someone's life because of their sexuality, that's hate, When you rather see them dead than by your side? That's hate. That's not of God or anything God stands for.
When did Jesus start praying for the death of gays? Never! So why are they pushing such hate-fulled mess? I also find it funny how they claim that gay marriage will destroy their faith. I guess their faith is so weak, a same sex couple can ruin their relationship with God. Or if you called them out on their bigotry, they scream "You're trying to take my religious freedoms away!"
If that's the kind of mess you're spiting out, then yes I want to take that away. How is holding you accountable threatening your religious rights? And do you want to protect foolishness like that?
I can go on and on, but it is clear... Christianity is now the new Crazy. It's no longer just, fair or moral. It's divisive, riddled in bigotry and extreme.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.
If you've ever read the Bible you see there is a marked difference between the two groups of texts in the Old and New Testaments.
In the Old you have the petty, vindictive God. In the New you get truth, light, and the occasional misogynist or homophobic blathering by Saul of Tarsus aka St. Paul.
Now what you need to know about old Saul is that HE NEVER MET JESUS CHRIST. Instead he had a 'vision'. In other words, he was brain damaged, probably a TIA or stroke that caused the vision.
And in fact modern science is finding differences in the brains of true believers. Their fear centers are larger.
The Old Testament is about obedience; God took the Israelites/Hebrews and made a nation out of them. In return he demanded obeisance and observance of certain laws. As we know, those laws were not for the Gentiles but the Hebrews. Fast forward to the Gospels in which it is recorded that Christ said that he came not to replace the law but to FULFILL the law. And therefore, when he uttered, It is finished, the Law became complete. The Leviticus laws were fulfilled and there was no longer a need for them.
That is the point that most fundamental Christian sects/denominations miss.
Just sayin'.
Christianity is committing suicide right before our eyes. It's sad, really.
What's sad to me is that these people think God is murder, God is hate, God is homophobia.
She isn't.
One day these people are going to piss off someone major.
And the point is that, as Americans, we don't have to (nor should we) be forced to deal with their crazy ass issues.
They have their "religious beliefs". And I have my beliefs that they are a bunch of fuck heads. The difference being that I have tangible proof in the existence of them being fuck heads...
Anyway, it's very clear to me that the very things that they are preaching against (the loss of morality, wholesomeness, righteousness, honesty, and integrity) is happening. And these fuck heads are scrambling to point the finger of blame.
Now let me tell you why.
They have to.
Because if they didn't have us to blame for all the ill in the world, they'd have to examine where and why these things are happening anyway. And if it's not us, the only people left is them.
It's easier to point to an external source as the cause of a supposed misery than to do any kind of internal soul searching and admit that you are the one that hoed your row and you are the one that are now reaping what you have sown.
Case in point? Equal marriage. How exactly does the recognition of any one couple regardless of the sex/gender of that couple effect the health of another couple's relationship? It doesn't. The truth is that the only thing that is "weakening" straight marriages are the people involved in them, re: the current divorce rate.
I could go on and on, but I'll end this with a repeat of my main point.
They need us. They need someone to look down on. To look down on us, to make themselves feel that much higher. ANYTHING, to avoid actually looking at themselves because what they truly fear is what they'll see when forced to do so.
Well said brother.....
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