You remember IT. The Stephen King masterpiece and later a mini-series in the 90s.
Well, it's about to be a feature film. The screenwriter, David Kajganich talked about the progress.
When I heard Warner Bros. was going to give the novel a go theatrically, I went after the job hard. I knew the studio was committed to adapting IT as a single film, so I went back and reread the novel to see if I thought this was even possible, and to try to find a structure that would accommodate such a large number of characters in two different time periods, around 120 pages, which was another of the studio�s stipulations.
In all of my talks with the studio, it has only ever been discussed as a single feature film. The book's length is clearly more suited to a mini-series�and I understand very well why they went that route the last time around�but I think the book�s content is really more appropriate for cinema. I told the studio from the beginning that I felt I needed to be able to write for an R rating, since I wanted to be as candid as the novel about the terrible things the characters go through as kids. They agreed and off I went.
This could be promising.
I loved the book.
I tried to toss the scripts in the sewer, but they all float.
This is one of my fave book of all time - I remember being scared night after night and still continued to read it. The mini-series was good - I actually liked the cast!
However I fear that any Stephen King book made into a movie has been disappointing apart from The Green Mile and Dolores Claireborne!
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