Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What I DON'T want to see in the Wonder Woman TV Series

There's a lot of talk about Wonder Woman coming back on TV. And while I'm excited about it, I want to put out somethings I don't want to see in this series. Maybe somebody will see it.

Okay, here are my things.

CAMP- No campy, foolishness. It can be funny, but no dancing babies or dancing Wonder Tot.

Hippolyta must look like Queen of the Amazons, not a Queen of the Drag ball - In the original TV series Hippolyta look like she was going to perform Goldfinger in drag. She is a Warrior Queen, she must look the part.

A Lily White Diana- She is pure Greek and she should look that way. And her hair should be curly... In other words TV folks, make her realistic.

No secret identity- In her 2nd run by George Perez, Diana did not have the 'Diana Prince' title. She was the 'new girl in town'. Plus the whole secret identity thing is sooo Hanna Barbera.

No costume for all occasions- This is hard, because I love the swimsuit, but the motorcycle and skateboard attire will not work today.

No Invisible Plane - She can fly.

No Broke Ass Wonder Girl story- If they introduce Donna, follow her original origin.

Make Diana a pretty girl and that's It- She is a warrior, not a model.

Give her a love interest- not in the 1st season.


Damien said...

I agree with all of this but i dont think she should have a swim suit - in the comics "reboot" ww didnt have a swim suit.

Judy C. Adanna said...

Amen and amen!
They need to hire you as a creative consultant. Get a few gay fans who grew up revering WW, and we would protect her from any clowning.
WW needs to be at least part badass; as much as I loved Lynda C's message of peace, I think it is much more interesting to make WW a warrior who sometimes has to struggle to not solve all problems by whooping ass. Kind of like the Kingdom Come WW, who was prone to violence. I always thought Etta Candy should have been a Western-culture foil to a WW raised in a warrior culture, not just the target of cheap fat jokes. Etta would be comfortable talking about her feelings, her love life, her physical appearance-- things which would not have as much importance in a warrior culture. They don't need to make the Amazons into a bunch of This-is-Sparta extremists, but coming from a tougher, more militaristic background would give the new show a lot of territory to explore as WW is a fish out of water in more ways than just not being accustomed to seeing cars on paved streets.
Also, the actress who plays her needs to be trained to fight. None of the old show's grabbing the bad guys and throwing them. WW would be an expert in any kind of martial art you could think of; as Batman said, best hand to hand melee fighter in the world. As in, even without super strength, she can still beat most opponents.

I also agree on the costume- no swimsuit. They are never going to find someone who fills that iconic but ridiculous costume out like LyndaC. It must be adapted; not to the point of putting a red S on a Prada ski jacket like Smallville has done, but you have to sympathize with them, Tom Welling doesn't want to put on the iconic costume because he knows how silly it looks on a real life human (much as I would like to see him in a red speedo).

Prince Todd said...

Now I TOTALLY agree with you on the keeping her a white girl part. Writers these days will try and make her appeal to a mass audience by making her multiracial...NO! Keep her a Greek goddess.
Besides, there are black amazons too in the comics. Just don't radically alter a legendary character for political correctness.

Judy C. Adanna said...

I would be fine with her being black, remember when the rumor was that Beyonce wanted to play WW in a movie? Yes, it would have been ridiculous, but think how great she would have looked. We all know there is no way in hell Hollywood is going to put a woman of color in a part like WW. I just don't want to see some CW-looking blond anorexic chick. She doesn't have to be as hard as Jessica Biel, but we don't need a repeat of that Cathy Lee Crosby nonsense (though I kind of liked the track suit costume).

WilsonW said...

Can we add to this to not make her a high school student. Start her at college age at the youngest. Making her an adult in a brand new world will make things different enough for her that she will still need to explore the same ideas and issues that a teen would have to. I just think it would be more effective and pronounced if they were happening to an adult versus a teenager. Really playing up the fish out of water idea will help us get to know her character.

As far as the costume is concerned, just give homegirl some pants. Basically how her new costume looks without the jacket. Have you seen what her costume looks like without the jacket Vic?? It looks much better that way.

She should be white, but she should also be very olive skinned. She is Greek as you noted.

Hopefully they'll do this well! If their was a series I woulld LUV Joss to do it is this one!! He would kill!!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.