Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Levi Johnston is happy being a Gay Icon

He's really riding this ride.

More power to you, Levi. But, I think he's a lust icon, not a gay icon.


Forbidden Light said...

So being an opportunitist douche makes you an icon? That's amazing...because he's willing to allow men to look at his not-so-hot body, he's a gay icon.

He's a hustler...no amount of publicity can change that he's a two-star whore...

Bob said...

Sure he likes The Gays. They're the ones buying his nudies pics.
It's all, and always, about the money. Let us not call this man a gay icon.

Prince Todd said...

He's not very articulate now is he?
Maybe he should take that money and enroll in some junior college courses.
But he seems nice enough. I honestly think he is more handsome clothed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think Joy just has her terms mixed up. Levi is more lust object than icon. And I love when people who are famous for no reason use the term "fans." It's so cute!

Kyle Leach said...

Lust object, sure. Gay icon, never.

Greg said...

Geez...the word "icon" has lost its impact. How can he be an icon when he hasn't really done anything?

SteveA said...

I like Forbidden Light's and Bob's comments - I second!

kayman said...

I agree ToddyEnglish. He would have to grow on me for me to feel any real attraction to him. His just too dense in my opinion at this point...

kayman said...

I agree ToddyEnglish. He would have to grow on me for me to feel any real attraction to him. His just too dense in my opinion at this point...

Forbidden Light said...

I think it's especially frustrating because he isn't that attractive...

Unknown said...

What has he done for Gay Rights?

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.