Friday, March 4, 2011

Question of the Day: The Crush Edition

Do you have a Blogger Crush?

I think most of us do. You don't have to say who it is, but if you like, please share the reasons why you have a crush on someone or more than one in the blogosphere.


Robyn said...

I've got one. On many levels the crush object and I seem to think alike on a lot of things.

Bob said...

Platonically speaking, um, well, yeah.

Cubby said...

Hell yes, I have a crush. If I was single and lived in the same city as him, I would pursue him with maximum effort. He's smart, warm, caring, a romantic but a little needy (which I adore), selfless, very emotional and cries a lot (which I adore even more because I am easy to cry too).

Jezza said...

Define "Crush" :D

If by "crush" you mean romantic feelings or daydreams about a future together, there might be a couple.

If by "Crush" you mean lust and daydreams about feeding and breeding them some JezzLoad goodness, then there are A LOT of them - especially after I interview them :D

Todd HellsKitchen said...


Dale Who. said...

Oh Hell yes. The bad (in a good way!) and carnal thoughts I have about that man last from waking up to going to sleep.... and even that doesn't always stop them...

Ian said...

Yes, I had one... Lord I think everyone knows I did at one point. You know who he is, He knows who he is. But it's cool, cause he's one of my closest friends. It's just best left alone and not discussed though...

Lesson learned? No more blogger crushes! LMBO.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.