Monday, March 7, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner Charged for Additional Murders in 49-Count Indictment

This past Friday, Jared was charged with more courts for murder.

Here's more from TPM
From the beginning of the criminal case against Loughner, federal prosecutors have been grappling with which aspects of his alleged conduct constitute federal crimes. The latest version of the indictment shows that Justice Department prosecutors have found what they feel to be a proper legal basis for expanding the federal case against him. 

With today's new indictment, Loughner has now been charged in all six deaths in the Jan. 8 shooting. Previously, he'd only been charged with two deaths. Loughner has now been charged in connection with injuring all 13 of the people wounded that day. He had previously only been charged with the attempted murder of Giffords and two of her staffers. He's now been charged with 10 other counts of "injuring a participant at an activity provided by the United States." Loughner could still face state criminal charges. 

Loughner will also face charges for "causing the death of participants at a federally provided activity, namely the killings of Dorothy J. Morris, Phyllis C. Schneck, Dorwan C. Stoddard, and a child, referred to in the indictment as C-T G., who were shot while waiting to see Rep. Giffords at the Congress on Your Corner event," the Justice Department said. (C-T G. is 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green, who the Justice Department is not referring to by name because she was a minor.)
You can read the full indictment here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this show and Lonette stole that show with her ways. Lonette is a hottie.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.