Monday, March 14, 2011

Glee Characters described as F**S by a Vanity Fair writer, but later Apologized for it

I saw this over at Towleroad and thought, "Really?"

VF's Brett Berk wrote a Gay Guide to Glee. In his piece, he wrote about this clip here

He said:
Okay, so I went over to the main source and got this
I would like to apologize sincerely to anyone I offended with the use of the term “fag” (now removed) in this “Gay Guide to Glee” column. As an openly gay writer writing in an overtly overblown style, my intent in using the word in this offhanded way was to continue my consistent efforts to confront and challenge stereotype, to unpack the way in which language works, and to deconstruct the clever gender politics at play in the scene I described: teasing out the purposeful incongruity of this (foamy) attempt to make the conspicuously gay Dalton Warblers seem “sexy” to females. Anyone with even a whiff of familiarity with my writing will know that I am, and have long been, a tireless agitator, here at and elsewhere, for gay rights, as well as a huge supporter of everything Glee has accomplished in advancing a meaningful dialogue about homosexuality in our popular culture—and in our youth culture in particular.
Glad he apologized, but this shouldn't go unnoticed. In this day and age, we can't afford this type of foolishness. Please be careful next time, Brett.


Bob said...

When I saw the episode, I thought the exact same thing, though without the use of the 'f'-word.
I wondered why all these gay guys were singing to, and trying to turn on, a group of girls.

Anonymous said...

I actually was more offended by "foam-party" then I was by fag.

Robyn said...

I thought Kurt and Blaine were "playing it straight" for a few minutes and that was all.

As for the author, what he did was just as bad as someone like Charles Blow at the NYT using the N-word in the same manner. Very stupid mistake to do that.

WilsonW said...

That all boy choral group is not all gay. At this point the only one we know is gay is the lead singer and Kurt. (To my knowledge anyway.) If I remember correctly they have even talked about dating girls and whatnot. They are just an open minded group of guys to whom sexuality is not an issue. They are meant to be the opposite of the football team at the other highschool. I think it's sad that a gay person would stereotype the all male group in the same way that a prejudiced person may.

As far as the article, I think it was done on purpose to incite attention. The thought by the writer being since I'm gay, the repurcusions may not be as dire if they were hetero.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.