Monday, December 27, 2010

My Review: Black Swan

Black Swan was a superb flick. I was possessed by the images, the torture and power of self doubt and ability. Many folks didn't get it, but I did, the life of a perfectionist, coupled with the internal darkness took a life of its own.

Although it's been weeks since I seen this, I thought I'll give you my quick, vague review.
  • Natalie Portman was stunning as Nina, the tortured perfectionist dancer, who wants the lead role of the Swan Princess.
  • The music and feel of the movie fits perfectly to the story.
  • Nina's mind was eerie as she struggled to discover herself; it's epic to watch her slowly crack.
  • Mila Kunis was very good as the 'bad girl'.
  • Winona Ryder's role spoke in volumes.
  • The creation of the Black Swan was a slow hot burn, applaud this style of storytelling.
  • Watching Barbara Hershey as the mother was grand. She played this role to the T.
  • The pace of the movie was nice, not too slow or too fast.
  • The transformation dance scene was priceless.
  • This was a creative person's movie. Many folks didn't get it, but if you read comics or like psycho-thrillers, this is your movie.
  • This was one of the best movie of the year.
Please see this movie! I love this MOVIE!


    Anonymous said...

    sounds like a must see for me:)

    Wonder Man said...

    Sorry Robert, I accidentally erased your post. (this is why I don't need an iPhone) but here is your post

    robertga99 has left a new comment on your post "My Review: Black Swan":

    It is my second fav movie of the year. Right behind Toy Story 3. I know it's a cartoon...but that is one good movie!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unknown said...

    This had to be the best movie I've seen all year. Here are my top three movies of the year:

    1. Black Swan
    2. Inception
    3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

    Black Swan, by far, was the best! It was creepy as hell. I'd rather my daughter be a stripper at Magic City than a ballerina anyday LOL

    Kyle Leach said...

    V, thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to seeing this one on DVD.

    The Stuff

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    Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.