Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sore Losers: NOM goes after Councilmember David Catania

Still feeling the slap in face in D.C., NOM's bitterness is shining through.

They are trying get rid of Councilmember David Catania, by supporting Rev. Anthony J. Motley for the 2010 City Council election.

Motley has accepted two campaign contributions from NOM, and another from the Committee to Elect Delano Hunter. Hunter is running for a seat to represent Ward 5. He has also been supported by NOM.

''Obviously we're interested in electing candidates that will support traditional marriage and allowing voters of D.C. the right to have their say on the issue,'' Brian Brown, executive director of NOM, says. ''Rev. Motley does.''

Marriage should not be the main piece in this battle. Folks are not stupid, they will not jump to the booths to save straight marriage. There's too much going on in D.C. for many to care as much as NOM, so leave our happiness alone!

And maybe it's time for a Fight Back D.C. to put NOM to sleep.



Bob said...

And we should all be vocal in our support of Catania.

Jamie Paisley said...

Why say "save straight marriage"? There's going to be hetero marriage either way.

Perhaps instead of calling it traditional marriage, we should call it exclusivity marriage or better yet co-op Prejean's opposite marriage.

Anonymous said...

I really wish we could get a political organization together and fight NOM right up front on this crap. Pump tons of money into friendly candidates coffers.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.