Friday, September 11, 2009

New hope in a Wonder Woman Flick

Since WB wants DC Comics to be a serious contender in the movie biz, old thinking may completely change about certain characters and who should be in the movies.

Basically, Diana may FINALLY get a break... Maybe.

I say this because of 2 things.
  1. Joel Silver has been mulling over her for years and yet, made little progress. He wants her to be a big deal, but took the best thing the flick had going for it... Joss Whedon. Because of his bumbling many scripts, writers and ideas came and went, leaving her fans lost and very disappointed. However, with the new development of DC Entertainment, Joel may not have much of a say in a WW movie anymore.
  2. According to I09, WW writer, Gail Simone said...

    I have received THREE letters today from big-time Hollywood insiders, and they ALL feel that this change at DC actually increases the odds of a WW film being made tenfold.

    These people know what they're talking about. It's speculation, but it's INFORMED speculation. So it could be really GOOD news for WW fans. I'm just passing this along.

I really, really hope they can do this. And with the success of "Dollhouse" and the Buffy comic, they NEED to call back Joss. If this movie wants the "A" treatment, he can do it.

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.