Friday, May 3, 2013

5 other Witches that are better than Vampire Diaries' Bonnie Bennett

I have a secret, I watch Vampire Diaries. It's not True Blood or Buffy, but it's cute.

However, I hate the way they write Bonnie's character. She supposed to be a natural witch, but she can't do nothing... Witchy. She's the worst witch I've seen on TV.

In fact, there are 5 other witches she can learn from. (BTW I love the actress Kat Graham)

Check them out after the jump

Miss Switch from the The Trouble with Miss Switch

Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Aunt Clara from Bewitched

Nancy from The Craft

Vivian Sotherland from Midnight Offerings


Jezza said...

What do you mean?! Did you not just see the ass smacking she gave Elena?!
That said, I have to agree (a little). For such a powerful witch, they write her very weak. but it feels like ALL of the witches in the Vampire Diaries seem pretty weak. The only seem to be able to start random fires and cause migraines. Oh, and the occasional and convenient locator spell.

Willow will probably remain my favorite TV show witch. I have yet to be as thoroughly entertained and to fall in love with a wich as much as I did with Willow.

Maurice said...

I disagree completely. I love Kat Graham too, and the character Bonnie she plays on the show. I think she is better then all other witches on TV past and present because she has flaws and real issues to deal with in her life. I think if I woke up on day discovering that I’m a witch who is descended from a long line of powerful witches. Plus most of my friends are supernatural creatures of some sort or in love with one. It would be a very difficult thing for anyone to deal with. The fact that Bonnie is an outsider who does not have anyone to turn too for guidance on how to be witch is why i relate to bonnie more then any other character on the show.

Her strength and selflessness as a person facing such diversity, and still is trying to figure her life coupled with the task of coming into her own as a powerful witch and a woman. Is what makes the character Bonnie my fav witch of all times. Plus it is great to see someone who looks like me on TV being a real person with flaws who make mistakes. Just my opinion though.

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.