Monday, September 30, 2013
AFER takes the Gay Marriage Battle to Virginia - WATCH
They are doing it again.
AFER (American Foundation for Equal Rights) and the Dream Team, Ted Olson and David Boies are joining a case to challenge Virginia's ban on gay marriage.
Here's more
AFER (American Foundation for Equal Rights) and the Dream Team, Ted Olson and David Boies are joining a case to challenge Virginia's ban on gay marriage.
Here's more
A Trans journalist was Dehumanized at the Xbox One Event at Eurogamer Expo 2013
Mess in the morning.
A Trans journalist, Laura Kate Dale, was completely dehumanized by some low-rent comedian during an Xbox One Event at Eurogamer Expo 2013. The comedian's name is Fraser Millward and he's an ass. He kept making horrid jokes about her look and gender, saying things like: "he," "it," "thing" and "this one"
![]() |
The ass |
Laura took the matter to Twitter, but was met by more ignorant and stupid statements. At this time, Eurogamer Expo is investigating the incident. Fraser was hired by Microsoft to entertain, instead he just revealed how insensitive and messy he really is.
I hope Laura can move pass this mess. As geeks and gamers, we have to do better.
My Top 5 (really 6) Secret Identity Transformations
Sometimes, life would be so simple and more interesting if we could spin in circle and change into something else.
Or at least into some hot new fashions.
Growing up, I was obsessed with these transformations scenes for years. How cool would it be to do this? Okay, I'm geeking out... a moment please.
Alright, so you know the score, I talked about these transformations and now, I have to share them.
Check out the Best Transformations EVER after the jump
Breaking Bad... Did you see it the final episode?
I just watched the entire series... What a show!
Did you watch the series? And did the ending fit the show?
I thought so, it was a nice closure. Please share your thoughts if you were a fan.
Question of the Day: Obamacare Showdown
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Gay Fave Ben Cohen does the Cha Cha on Strictly Come Dancing on BBC One
Truth be told, I'm not on the Ben Cohen train like most gays, however after seeing his dancing debut... I have to say: he could get it.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
I'm calling Poppycock on the latest 'Wonder Woman in the Man of Steel sequel' Story
Bleeding Cool posted a HUGE rumor this past week.
They asked if the mystery casting of a woman in the next Man of Steel film is Wonder Woman? When I saw the post... I laughed.
In the midst of Comic Book movie gossip, of course, talking about Wonder Woman is gold. But this post was clearly pushing the gossip wagon. However, some folks took it as fact, including totally believing this story and even claiming how real it is.
But seriously... It's such a vague ass rumor, (sorry for being bitchy) that you have to be a little daft to believe it.
If you read the BC post, you can easily see it for what it is. However, if you can't, I will break it down for you.
Let's start with some of their statements:
I’ve learned today that they’re looking for a new female lead, but the information they’re giving is incredibly light.
I can tell you that she’ll be somewhere between twenty five and thirty three – or at least leave the impression of a woman in that age range, whatever that might be.Okay, that part was truly all you need to know. This is a random casting call. WW is not a random casting call. If they were casting her, trust, they wouldn't have put out a random call for her. They know WW is a big role and a big deal, I'm sure they have someone in mind IF, she's in the movie. Again, I express IF.
I can tell you that she needs to be physically strong. They’re specific about that.
Another one:
And I can tell you that the discussion in some agencies who have been submitting actors for this role is that they’re sending up candidates for the role of Wonder Woman. They don’t know that it’s her, it’s just become their expectation, or at least a rumor that’s coloured their conception.Chile, they been sending actresses up to the main office since it was announced months ago that a Justice League film will be made. These agencies are desperately trying to get their actresses in the mix. It's their job.
Also, this same type of rumor came up during the first Man of Steel film. Folks thought that WW was in that one too, but turned out to be Faora-Ul.
Bleeding Cool was just asking a question and trying to figure something out. But in no way this was proof that Diana is about to make her debut.
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling I'm not.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Marriage Equality is in New Jersey
What a Friday!
couples in New Jersey will soon be able to marry.
Judge Mary Jacobson of the Mercer County Superior Court ruled that gay couples can get married in New Jersey starting October 21.
The judge said:
The judge said:
"This unequal treatment requires that New Jersey extend civil marriage to same-sex couples to satisfy equal protection guarantees of the New Jersey Constitution as interpreted by the New Jersey Supreme Court in Lewis. Same-sex couples must be allowed to marry in order to obtain equal protection of the law under the New Jersey Constitution."This is big stuff!
Jamie Lee Curtis attached to a new Horror Drama
This sounds sublime!
Deadline reports that ABC Family may present a horror series starring the scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis and directed by Friday the 13th's Steve Miner.
The spec-script is called The Final Girls.
This is premise:
the drama revolves around a group of girls who have, in essence, survived their own personal horror stories and are brought together by a mysterious older woman (Curtis) to channel the stress and scars of their experience for some greater good.Sounds interesting, I will be into it.
A Trans Woman was murdered in New Jersey
We have lost another family member. 26-year-old, Eyricka Morgan was murdered in New Brunswick, N.J. She was allegedly stabbed to death by Devonte Scott. He was arrested and is currently held in jail on a million bond.
Eyricka was known to be a vibrant person. She was a former student at Rutgers University and involved in social justice issues. She very open about her experiences and active with queer women of color in the area.
We have to stop losing our trans sisters this way.
She will be missed.
Interesting Quote: Jean-Claude Killy, chairman of the IOC Coordination Commission
"The Olympic Charter states that all segregation is completely prohibited, whether it be on the grounds of race, religion, color or other, on the Olympic territory. That will be the case, we are convinced. Another thing I must add: the IOC doesn't really have the right to discuss the laws in the country where the Olympic Games are organized. As long as the Olympic Charter is respected, we are satisfied, and that is the case."Speaking for the IOC, he feels that Russia's Anti-Gay Law doesn't violate Olympic charter
Thursday, September 26, 2013
BackFlash Video Thursday: Olivia Newton-John
Since it's Olivia's birthday, I picked one of my favorites from her
Question of the Day: Sochi 2014
Are we predicting the worst in Sochi?
Sometimes, I feel we are overreacting about this.
Should we be worried or will everything be alright?
Interesting Quote: Barilla Pasta chairman Guido Barilla - UPDATE
“I would never do an advert with a homosexual family…if the gays don’t like it they can go an eat another brand. For us the concept of the sacred family remains one of the fundamental values of the company. Everyone has the right to do what they want without disturbing those around them. I have no respect for adoption by gay families because this concerns a person who is not able to choose."I guess we ain't buying Barilla anymore.
UPDATE- he apologizes... Kinda
George H.W. Bush serves as a witness at a Gay Wedding
Wow, this pic is no lie.
Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara were official witnesses to the wedding of Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen. Helen posted this pic above on her Facebook page.
This is really something to see. This is a Bush doing this.
I guess the times are a'changing.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Jon Jones hopes to be first gay black man elected to Atlanta City Council
If he wins, he will be the first openly gay black man elected to the city council.
Jon said in GA Voice:
"I would send a tremendous message to have a black gay man, the first, elected to the Atlanta City Council in the city ...,"Jon has a list of things he would like to do for the people and the city. I wish him luck and I hope he makes history.
Question of the Day: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Did you watch the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
If so, what did you think?
Oh, and by the way... The premier earned a 4.6/14 with 11.9 million total viewers and scored the biggest drama premiere in 4 years.
If so, what did you think?
Oh, and by the way... The premier earned a 4.6/14 with 11.9 million total viewers and scored the biggest drama premiere in 4 years.
Mitt Romney's Adopted Black Grandson's Name means 'Little Dark One'
Someone please hold my hand.
Mittens Romney told the world about his new adopted Black grandson on Twitter, however he didn't talk about the meaning of his name.
His grandson is named Kieran James Romney. Kieran's name means ‘little dark one’. Why would they choose that name, I don't know. But I have a feeling that Kieran will need therapy when he grows up.
Fox gets a Batman-ish series, 'Gotham'
Is this another Birds of Prey?
Fox is now the proud owner of Gotham. Gotham is a Warner Bros TV series that will focus on the origin of Commissioner James Gordon and some of the Batman villains.
Batman won't be in the series but I'm curious to see how this show will work. Do folks care about a Gordon series? And which villains will show up?
More to come.
Take a look at the Fools speaking at the Values Voters Summit
This is a pic of the crazies speaking at this year's Hatapoloza.
Take a look, some of them you know and there are some new faces as well.
Take a look, some of them you know and there are some new faces as well.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Colorado's Sen. Kent Lambert: Democrats Use 'Mind Control' to push Gay Marriage in the State
This man's an idiot and somehow, he's elected into office in Colorado.
Today's statement from him takes the cake
He actually said this:
In Colorado we have a Constitutional prohibition against homosexual marriage, however (the civil unions) law turned that Constitutional provision on its head. There are no wavers or provisions for any contrary thought, whether it's religion or just people's expression of their own morality. It completely suppresses basically any ideas. It's a mind control experiment by the majority party, the Democrats, here in Colorado to force everybody, including children in schools, everything else, under penalty of law to believe in homosexual marriage.
Sen. Ted Cruz Launches Anti-Obamacare Senate Filibuster - VIDEO
Let the crazy games began
and it's still going
and it's still going
Interesting Quote: Sarah 'Moose Mess' Palin
"Right now, Ted Cruz is speaking for us in this Obamacare fight. God bless him for it. Hang in there, Ted and Mike [Lee]. You have millions of supporters among ordinary hardworking Americans. We support you because you don’t shy away from the fray. May your colleagues in the Senate gain the wisdom to support your excellent efforts so that you can see that the view is better from inside the bus than under it. Oh, and a little reminder to Republican senators up for re-election in 2014: Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week."Sarah's trying to defend her follow crackhead partner in crime Ted Cruz
In Pennsylvania: Former School Officials send Racist Texts about Black Students and Staff
Foolishness Alert!
Coatesville Area School District's former superintendent Richard Como and athletic director Jim Donato are accused of sending a lot of racist text messages about staff and students in their school.
These messages are mostly against Black folks, using the n-word like it was nothing at all. These texts were discovered during a data transfer from an old school phone to a new one.
How bad are these texts? Well, read them for yourself
Check out the news coverage after the jump
Coatesville Area School District's former superintendent Richard Como and athletic director Jim Donato are accused of sending a lot of racist text messages about staff and students in their school.
These messages are mostly against Black folks, using the n-word like it was nothing at all. These texts were discovered during a data transfer from an old school phone to a new one.
How bad are these texts? Well, read them for yourself
Check out the news coverage after the jump
Random Thoughts: Movies
According to the movie world, the best and critically-acclaimed films in the Black genre are either about: Slavery, Tragedy, the Poor and Service folks.
If you look at the best films in the Gay movie genre, you have stories about: HIV/AIDS, Closeted, Death, Loss and Despair.
Basically, that's what Hollywood views as the 'Best' parts of my life to talk about... sigh.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Cassidy Campbell receives Hateful Messages over her Homecoming Queen Title
Silly haters came for Cassidy Campbell, the 1st Transgender Teen Homecoming Queen. They left horrible messages and comments for her, and eventually, it got her down.
Keep your up head up, Cassidy.
Remember, you made history and they didn't do sh*t!
Keep your up head up, Cassidy.
Remember, you made history and they didn't do sh*t!
Which Marvel Woman could carry a Solo Film?
There's a lot of talk of a female superhero film coming from Marvel. Many believe that it's Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel, however, what if it was another Super Lady? And who could she be?
I have some ideas, after the jump.
AIDS epidemic could end by 2030
Top United Nations officials believe that the HIV/AIDS epidemic could be over by 2030, due to the advancements in medication and prevention
Luis Loures, a deputy executive director of UNAIDS, said this:
"I think that 2030 is a viable target to say that we have reached the end of the epidemic. HIV will continue existing as a case here or there but not at the epidemic level we have today.”UNAIDS reports that new infections has fallen 20% over the past decade, and in 25 countries, by 50%.
Over the past two years, the number of people who are receiving treatment has increased 60%.
This is very good news, folks
LGBT Activist Sean Eldridge announces bid for Congress
Here's his campaign video
Interesting that his gay stuff is not in the video. However, it's in his campaign site.
Anywho, I wish him luck. I'm sure there will be more stories to post on Sean.
Casual Talk: Brunch
Friend 1: We've all done crazy things as teens. I used to steal lighters from Wal-Mart.
Friend 2: I used to make prank calls.
Me: I practiced Witchcraft.
Friend 1: Well, there you go.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
My Two Cents on this Unnecessary Anger over the HRC's Executive Pay
A few days ago the salaries of the exec board of the HRC came out.
The President Chad Griffin made over 300K, more than the previous president, Joe Solmonese. Well, within seconds, some of the gay activists went batcrap crazy and demanded for the head of Chad.
Yes, that was dramatic, but I'm just mirroring some of the foolishness surrounding this hateration. From a few blogs, some folks said the HRC wasn't doing this, wasn't doing that. Then, they talked about why the HRC didn't do something about ENDA and some more mess.
To be honest, the reasons for their anger was based off of assumptions and speculations. Nothing reasonable or concrete. Their anger over the HRC goes back some years. And while some of it is understandable, a lot of it is foolishness.
Now, I'm not a member of the HRC, nor do I donate to them, but this sorority girl hate some activists have about them is getting old and silly. They're not perfect, but they never claimed to be the end all, be all. If anything, they're trying achieve the same goal as the rest of us are. They just have more money to play with and powerful people in their sand box. If that's the reason why some activists are mad, then quit now, because it will always be like this. The execs will continue to make money and the HRC will keep moving on.
This type of misguided anger does no one any good, so let it go and find real reasons to be upset.
Interesting Quote: Maggie Gallagher
My case against same-sex marriage was always entirely secular. I believe we need a social institution that is about directing the passions of men and women attracted to the opposite sex -- 98 percent of people -- so that our sexual acts do not hurt the children our bodies create in passion. To me, that's the heart of "civil marriage" and the explanation for why the government is involved.
I don't see that changing. I hope I am wrong that gay marriage will change that as the public idea of marriage, but the evidence is pretty strong that I am right: It is very hard to see two men as a marriage, and still see marriage as integrally involved in procreation and family structure.
Would love for you to prove me wrong. I would love nothing more than to be wrong about this.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Chris Matthews Reads Rep. Blake Farenthold over the legitimacy of the Obama presidency - VIDEO
A MUST Watch
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Interesting Quote: Stephen King
“I read Twilight and didn’t feel any urge to go on with her. I read The Hunger Games and didn’t feel an urge to go on. It’s not unlike The Running Man, which is about a game where people are actually killed and people are watching: a satire on reality TV. I read Fifty Shades Of Grey and felt no urge to go on. They call it mommy porn, but it’s not really mommy porn. It is highly charged, sexually driven fiction for women who are, say, between 18 and 25. But a golden age of horror? I wouldn’t say it is. I can’t think of any books right now that would be comparable to The Exorcist.”source
Transgender Teen wins Homecoming Queen in Huntington Beach
Good news!
A Transgender teen won Homecoming Queen!
About a week ago, I wrote about Cassidy Campbell and her goal to be Homecoming Queen. Well, last night Cassidy won that title.
Cassidy makes history as the first Trans Homecoming Queen elected by the student body of Marina High School.
WATCH after the jump
Hot Pics: “Yorùbá African Orishas” Photography Series
These pics are amazing!
I just happen to stumble on these great pictures of African Gods and Goddess on Facebook.
Photographer and Noire 3000 Studios CEO, James C. Lewis gathered some hot models to give life to some ancient African deities.
These Gods and Goddesses come from the indigenous Yorùbá religion. The origins start in Nigeria and over time, moved other regions around the globe.
I have some individual pics of the deities after the jump, but check out more pics here
Friday, September 20, 2013
Oh, DC/WB... Rainfall Films made a Wonder Woman short film - PICS
A new Wonder Woman short is coming in September.
A company called Rainfall Films has completed filming on a WW short film and we will see it soon. The short film stars Rileah Vanderbilt as Diana and its directed by Sam Balcomb.
From the pics, it looks good. I will review the short when it comes out.
More pics after the jump
Guess who voted to Defund Obamacare?
The House GOP are on a roll with this foolishness. For some reason, they truly believe they can stop Obamacare, really, they have this fantastic idea that they alone can stop Obamacare.
And how they plan to do it? By passing this ridic bill, hoping to force the Dems to defund Obamacare or the government shuts down.
The House voted 230 to 189 to pass this mess and this makes the 400000 time they have tried this? FAIL across the board. Pure fail.
US Investigations Services Vetted and Approved Edward Snowden and Aaron Alexis
So, how do you know when your company needs a review?
When you approved a traitor and a killer for a job.
US Investigations Services is company who vetted and approved Edward Snowden and Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis for jobs. Interesting, right?
Now, I guess they can't be blamed for the aftermath, but when the USIS kinda denied their handling of Aaron Alexis' file... You can't help but to think something is wrong here.
And it doesn't help that the USIS is under criminal investigation on whether they lied to the government about the thoroughness of its background checks. I hope they have some good lawyers, because it could be some smoke in the city as this all unfolds.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Causal Talk: Chatting
Me: I'm a blogger and a writer.
Him: That's cool; are you published?
Me: Yes, in two magazines.
Him: So am I, we should connect more.
Me: Sure, do you have FB?
Him: I do,well, I did... We don't do that anymore, he has Syphilis.
Me: Um, I meant Facebook.
Him: Oh, fuck! I thought you meant, Fuck Buddy.
That's my life in the world of dating
Pope Francis speaks about Homosexuality: Church shouldn't 'interfere' with Gays
In a recent interview, Pope Francis had a lot to say about gays, abortion, and Women. But, I'll just focus on us for now.
On the Church meddling in our lives:
By saying this, I said what the catechism says. The catechism, the Catholic Church's book of official doctrine, condemns homosexual acts, but says gays and lesbians "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person."On if he "approved" of homosexuality:
"I replied with another question. Tell me, when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being."He's really saying something, isn't he?
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.