Wednesday, June 16, 2010

State Senator Paul Koering takes a Porn star to Dinner

What is up with Gay politicians and young gay boys? Anywho, State Senator Paul Koering (Minn. Gay Repub) became FB friends with Brandon Wilde, a 20 year-old porn star last year.

Paul stayed in contact with him and later asked him out to dinner while he was in town.

The Sword reports:

In an exclusive interview with The Sword this morning, Koering was unapologetic: "I don't see anything wrong with going out with him. Do I think that being a porn star is the best thing? No. But that's his choice. I think he's a nice guy."

The Sword spoke to Wilde, too, who revealed that his date with Koering was casual, yet awkward:

"I think he wanted to get in my pants, truthfully. And he was pretty flirty. But it was just dinner. We both were checking out the waiter though. It was fun."

While Wilde has worked as an escort in the past, he insisted that Koering did not pay him for his time; he only paid for dinner.

Wilde stated that Koering added him on Facebook last year ("We probably had mutual friends or something, since I'm from Minnesota," he explained), and the two had been online friends only--until this past weekend when they met in person at a gay pride picnic in Brainerd.

"He knew the girl that ran the thing, and she's my mom's best friend, so he met my mom and me there, and that's when he asked me to dinner."

At dinner, Koering revealed some of his future political goals to Wilde.

"He told me he wants to be President one day!" Wilde told The Sword. "But first, he needs to win his re-election. He said once he was re-elected he'd work on gay rights issues and NOH8 stuff, you know? He said he'd make it so gay marriage was legal in Minnesota."

Paul said he didn't talk about gay rights issues, but he did ask Porn boy out for another date. Now, to be honest, there are so many red flags flying high as the dawn.

I'm not sure if this is a wise thing for Paul. Seems to be very careless and dirty bastard-like, but to each their own, I guess.


EMikeGarcia said...

I wouldn't be so quick to judge... I'm sure any older man would've asked an attractive young man out to dinner if they met at some kind of event. The more press this situation gets and more statements like "dirty bastard-like" and "has worked as an escort in the past" only serve to hurt people who may be trying to do something good. They definitely don't help situations at all.

That said... I totally agree, though. If he wants to be President one day, that last thing he should be doing is dating a porn star!

Daij said...

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

WilsonW said...

@Mike---You know what though, I think it depends on how far in the future it is before he decides to run. Nowadays him openly dating a porn star may actually work to his advantage and coolness factor. (Sad though that may be.) People become huge media stars for far less and things are skewing towards winning over people personally rather than politically. I doubt the next generation will care about that type of thing. Like I said, it may win him coolness points! We'll see.

kayman said...

***KANYE SHRUG*** Let the guy be, he obviously don't know the legal ramifications of dealing with or even being associated with a porn star in the world of politics.

Prince Todd said...

That porn star is CUTE!

Unknown said...

Even porn stars need to eat I guess

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.