Sunday, September 13, 2009

An Idiot explains why Obama Hates White People

This is what happens when you quit school too early


lelocolon said...

I think that lacking years of schooling is a not a good reason for racism and limited thinking. I do not equate one with the other. I know lots of people with plenty of education, hey even some graduates of Yale and Harvard, who are filled with hate and biases. I also know lots of people with no education that are compassionate, caring, who are not racist. One concerned about this video that I have is the fact that Fools like this are the ones getting the spot light. Organizations like Think Progress should be more careful in the attention that they give to this fringe. The guy is an idiot no doubt, but as to his level of education maybe he was a classmate with George W. Bush while at Yale.

Eric Arvin said...

I can't even watch this. I'm afraid it will give me another tumor. ;-)

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

Damn white people were waiting for one damn reason! One and now going off on some wild ass tangent!

Ken Riches said...

Glad they picked the most intelligent protester as their spokesperson :o)

Unknown said...


J. Clarence said...

I was glad today when some pundit finally said the obvious on one of the Sunday talk shows, which is that these protests and 9/12 nonsense have very little to do with Obama's policies (especially so many of them are old and looking forward to that socialized medicined own as Medicare) and the fact of who Obama is.

It is indicative of the fact that there remains a lot of work to be done on the race and education issue in our country.

Thanks for posting this!

Prince Todd said...

It is not about WHO Obama is. It is WHAT Obama is...a Black man who resides on Pennsylvannia Avenue. These filthy low rent degenerates (not to sound elitist but that is what they are. They are lowest common denominator in American society)care about onething and onething only...The President's color. If this were any of the other 43 Presidents we would not be having this discussion.

This is the drawback to freedom of speech in conjunction with youtube. Any moron can say whatever they want and get a guaranteed audience.

Make no mistake about it...Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and all those other racists no how stupid their audience is. These people are, plain and simply put, TOOLS. They are too stupid to even realize it.

Sad, sad, sad.

SteveA said...

Like I said before in my previous post...when people have no valid reason to say anything good - they revert to two things - religion and racism. It would have probably been acceptable is Bush did this - b/c he was white mainstream America. Now when there is change people find every reason to create chaos.

Anonymous said...

He's a secret Muslim who's a closet racist because of his 'support' of a controversial Christian pastor. These people just don't think before they speak.

Do they not know that Pres Obama's family is white? He's constantly talking about what a strong, positive influence his mother was on him.

Anonymous said...

This is why I am taking my black ass back to school!!!!

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.