I'm sure this will go over well with the masses.
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said the Senate is too swamped to truly deal with the repeal of DADT... For now.
The Pentagon brass is reticent and wants a go-slow strategy, while a majority of the rank and file in the military opposes changing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law. With no Republican co-sponsors for a repeal, key moderate Democrats such as Sens. Jim Webb of Virginia and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas remain uncommitted.
“We have a very heavy, busy agenda and a few months left to do it,” Durbin said in an interview recently. “So it may not be now, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be soon.”
It's being said that next year is the better time for the DADT battle. I think that's probably true. I know that's not the popular stance, but it could be a realistic one. With Patrick Murphy and others working with the military and other folks, it may be best to take the time and thoroughly hash this out.
However, since we are a culture of gun-jumpers, I can imagine how this will just become the fodder for bashing Obama and the gang.
However, since we are a culture of gun-jumpers, I can imagine how this will just become the fodder for bashing Obama and the gang.
It never ceases to amaze me how Congressmen are allowed to not get work done, because "there is a lot going on".
Imagine if other people like firefighters, doctors, teachers, etc could use the same excuse: "we're just too busy to help."
I understand that there is a lot to deal with, but, uhm, tough shit that's your job, to deal with it.
It doesn't make things any better that it is coming from the Majority Whip. Now that Ted Kennedy has passed I feel comfortable saying Democrats in the Senate are a waste of space. They might have people on board, but apparently lack the know-how on how to corral the rest of the caucus.
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