Thursday, March 30, 2017
Mike Flynn will Testify in Exchange for Immunity
Fired national security adviser Mike Flynn told the FBI and congressional officials that he's opened to be interviewed about trump and Russia, in exchange for a grant of immunity from prosecution.
We have always suspect that Mike would sing and if he gets immunity, the shit will hit the fan.
Go to the Wall Street Journal for more
Here’s the entire #HB2 repeal bill
Tweet of the Week: Maxine Waters
Trump is hiding something. This is why he continues to lie & distract from investigations.The truth will be uncovered & he will be impeached
— Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) March 29, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Interesting Quote: Sen. Chuck Schumer
Go here for the whole story
"Chairman Nunes is falling down on the job and seems to be more interested in protecting the president than in seeking the truth. You cannot have the person in charge of an impartial investigation be partial to one side. It's an inherent contradiction."
trump Administration Excludes from the 2020 Census
The Fake Administration continues their foolish journey.
According to OUT magazine, they excluded LGBTQ folks from the list of data categories it will collect for the 2020 Census and the American Community Survey (ACS).
Here's more:
Although “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” were proposed subjects in the appendix, today’s version of the report excluded LGBTQ people from the list of subjects for the Census and ACS. A subsequent notice issued by the U.S. Census described the original inclusion of LGBTQ categories as inadvertent. In response, GLAAD's CEO, Sarah Kate Ellis, branded the movie as a "systematic effort on behalf of the Trump administrationn to erase LGBT people."
Last year, various federal agencies urged the Census Bureau to include sexual orientation and gender in their data as it was crucial to their role in enforcing the law. The current census only allows for a snapshot of same-sex households, but Democrats in Congress had pushed for more indepth questions around sexual orientation and gender identity to improve results. The logic was simple: With more focused questions law makers would be better equipped to ensure appropriate legislation to improve the lives of LGBTQ citizens.
Although the Supreme Court, in 2013, struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, paving the way for the census to change the way it tracks same-sex households, the White House has sent yet another powerful signal that it considers LGBTQ rights as frivolous.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
40 Members of Congress demand trump to apologize to President Obama
40 Members of Congress sent Trump a letter, demanding he apologize to President Obama for his baseless wiretapping claims.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Only 17% is feeling Trumpcare
The Quinnipiac University poll keeps dropping gems!
When it comes to the trumpcare, only 17 percent of the public approves of it, while 56 percent disapproves. Then, 6 percent of respondents say they strongly approve of the law, and 43 percent strongly disapprove.
See for yourself
When it comes to the trumpcare, only 17 percent of the public approves of it, while 56 percent disapproves. Then, 6 percent of respondents say they strongly approve of the law, and 43 percent strongly disapprove.
See for yourself
TIME: Is Truth Dead?
Wow, TIME is going there.
This is their latest cover and here's their explanation:
Generations of American children have learned the apocryphal tale of young George Washington, bravely admitting to his father that he chopped down the cherry tree. The story sprang from a culture that wanted even its fables to serve the ideal of truth. By that standard, the House Intelligence Committee hearing on March 20 should have been a massive humiliation for the President, who followed Washington 228 years later. It is rare for such hearings to be unclassified–and thus televised–but FBI Director James Comey found the largest possible audience for his rebuke of the sitting President.Go here for more
He had given Donald Trump nearly three weeks to walk back his incendiary tweets accusing President Obama of “wire tapping” Trump Tower during the campaign. If such surveillance had been done through legal channels, the FBI would have known; if done illegally, it was a scandal of historic proportions and the FBI should be digging into it. Either way, Trump’s accusation implicated the integrity of Comey’s bureau, which is why the former prosecutor felt compelled to push back as the cameras rolled. “I have no information that supports those tweets,” Comey said. “We have looked carefully inside the FBI. The Department of Justice has asked me to share with you that the answer is the same.”
The statement was concise, direct and damning. The President of the United States had been marked as a fabulist by one of the top officials in government charged with finding the truth. And yet, for the man being called out, the rebuke was nothing of the sort.
Why is Rick Perry meddling in the election of Texas A&M SGA
Can somebody explain to me why Rick Perry is questioning the election of the student body president?
Especially, since the winner is the first gay person to do so?
Here's more
In an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle, Perry argues that the rightful winner of the Texas A&M student body election was disqualified due to anonymous charges of voter intimidation and for failing to disclose the receipt for glow sticks used in a campaign Facebook video.
“Brooks did not win the election. He finished second by more than 750 votes to one Mr. Robert McIntosh,” Perry wrote, referring to Bobby Brooks, the election runner-up who assumed the post as president.
Brooks is the first openly gay man to serve as the school’s president.
“However, McIntosh was disqualified by the SGA Election Commission and Judicial Court through a process that — at best — made a mockery of due process and transparency.”
McIntosh, Perry says, was acquitted of the voter intimidation charges following an appeal, though the glow stick charges stuck. Many of the voter intimidation complaints were found to be from people who backed Brooks, Perry said.
Perry in the op-ed said the school’s Board of Regents was never made aware of the accusations of voter intimidation. The former Texas governor claimed the university is “choosing preferred outcomes over equal treatment.”Why is he up in their business like this? He needs to learn how to do his new job that he's unqualified for.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
CNN’s Jake Tapper hammers GOP Rep. Devin Nunes over trump Investigation
CNN's Jake Tapper is really hitting Nunes hard about his bogus claim today.
Republican House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes went on TV and stirred up mess about trump's lie about wiretapping. This very similar to what Comey did to Hillary during the election.
Please watch
Republican House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes went on TV and stirred up mess about trump's lie about wiretapping. This very similar to what Comey did to Hillary during the election.
Please watch
White Folks are losing hope in trump
According to today's Quinnipiac University national poll, trump is losing support among Republicans, white voters and men, leaving him with a negative 37 - 56 percent job approval rating.
Here's more:
Today's job approval rating compares to a negative 41 - 52 percent approval rating in a March 7 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.
President Trump is losing support among key elements of his base:
Men disapprove 43 - 52 percent, compared to a 49 - 45 percent approval March 7;
Republicans approve 81 - 14 percent, compared to 91 - 5 percent two weeks ago;
White voters disapprove 44 - 50 percent, compared to a narrow 49 - 45 percent approval March 7.
Disapproval is 60 - 31 percent among women, 90 - 6 percent among Democrats, 60 - 31 percent among independent voters and 75 - 16 percent among non-white voters.
American voters' opinions of some of Trump's personal qualities hit new lows:
60 - 35 percent that he is not honest, compared to 55 - 39 not honest March 7;
55 - 40 percent that he does not have good leadership skills;
57 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans;
66 - 30 percent that he is not level-headed;
66 - 30 percent that he is a strong person;
59 - 36 percent that he is intelligent;
61 - 35 percent that he does not share their values.
"Although taking a beating, he keeps on tweeting to the point where even his fiercely loyal base appears to be eroding," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
"Most alarming for President Donald Trump, the demographic underpinnings of his support, Republicans, white voters, especially men and those without a college degree, are starting to have doubts."
This is great news
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
J.J. Abrams' Bad Robot to Produce Series Based on RuPaul
This is interesting.
J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot and RuPaul to create a half-hour dramedy series that covers RuPaul’s early days as a drag queen to a mega star. The series will be written by Power executive producer Gary Lennon, and it will be set in the 1980s.
RuPaul will executive produce alongside World of Wonder’s Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato, and Tom Campbell.
We will see if the networks jump to it.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Anti-trump Billboard pops up in Arizona
Have y'all heard about this?
In Phoenix, Arizona, this billboard is standing on high in their downtown area.
Artist Karen Fiorito created it and boy, is she causing a commotion. The billboard is art and it was commissioned by a Phoenix art gallery in January to focus on trump’s administration.
The billboard went up on Friday afternoon and quickly, Karen got feedback and death threats. Personally, I give her credit to do this in Arizona. I mean, it's Arizona, trump's base state.
Kudos to Karen.
Is YouTube restricting Queer Content?
What is YouTube doing?
It looks like YouTube is restricting several popular queer YouTube vloggers. In fact, many of them are under the site's "restricted mode".
So what is "restricted mode?" Well, it enables users to filter out "potentially objectionable content," or not "family-friendly" stuff.
Here's more from queer vlogger, Rowan Ellis
YouTube responded
Lord, more to come
It looks like YouTube is restricting several popular queer YouTube vloggers. In fact, many of them are under the site's "restricted mode".
So what is "restricted mode?" Well, it enables users to filter out "potentially objectionable content," or not "family-friendly" stuff.
Here's more from queer vlogger, Rowan Ellis
YouTube responded
A message to our community ...
— YouTube Creators (@YTCreators) March 20, 2017
Lord, more to come
Friday, March 17, 2017
WATCH this Amazing Video by Clean Bandit
Clean Bandit gives us a wonderful, sad video for the latest song, Symphony.
In this video, we watch a gay love story of an orchestra conductor who loses his boyfriend in a terrible accident. It's a beautiful video, but be prepared to cry
In this video, we watch a gay love story of an orchestra conductor who loses his boyfriend in a terrible accident. It's a beautiful video, but be prepared to cry
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Trump’s State Campaign Chairman found with a Young Trick at a Hotel
Lord, this tea...
Trump’s state campaign chairman State Sen. Ralph Shortey was found in a hotel room with a teenage boy! Yes, he found this guy on Craigslist and this is what went down.
Shortey, using the screen name “Jamie Tilley,” responded: “How much you needing?” “I need money for spring break,” the boy answered. “Tilley” responded, “I don’t really have any legitimate things I need help right now. Would you be interested in ‘sexual’ stuff?”Here's more
Police were told the teenage boy had a history of drug abuse and “soliciting himself on Craigslist for sexual conduct.” Police launched the investigation after being called by the boy’s father, who had been contacted by his son’s girlfriend.
more to come
Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey turns himself in after being charged with engaging in child prostitution
— KFOR (@kfor) March 16, 2017
Appeals court says F**k You to trump's original travel ban
More great news!
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said that they will not rehear the case on trump’s original travel ban
The Hill reports
A judge on the appeals court requested last month that the entire 11-judge court vote on whether to assess the three-judge panel’s decision to uphold a temporary block on Trump's original executive order, put in place by a federal judge in Seattle.trump already had a set back with his travel ban, U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii has put his revised travel ban on hold.
Five judges on the court dissented, arguing the panel’s opinion should have been vacated “to clear the path for future relitigation."
One of the dissenting opinions criticized Trump's personal attacks against judges involved in the case.
“The personal attacks on the distinguished district judge and our colleagues were out of all bounds of civic and persuasive discourse—particularly when they came from the parties,” the opinion said. “It does no credit to the arguments of the parties to impugn the motives or the competence of the members of this court; ad hominem attacks are not a substitute for effective advocacy.”
Face it, this travel ban is a bust
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Transgender Women of Color to Rally on National Day of Action to End Violence
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 15, 2017—Today, the National LGBTQ Task Force is joining LGBTQ advocates in a National Day of Action to End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color. Since the beginning of the year, seven transgender women of color have been murdered across the country. In Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, hate crimes targeting transgender women have skyrocketed since the election of Donald Trump.
“Over 55 transgender and gender non-conforming people have been murdered since the start of 2015, the vast majority of whom were transgender women of color, and there seems to be no end in sight. We are in the midst of a national epidemic of violence targeting transgender women, and instead of using every tool in their power to end it, the Trump administration is spewing hate, intolerance, and discrimination. We must honor the lives of transgender women of color who’ve been murdered and we must continue the resistance against Trump’s agenda,” said Victoria Rodriguez-Roldan, Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.
WHAT: Day of Action to End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color
WHEN: Tonight, Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
WHERE: Freedom Plaza, 14th St. & Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 15, 2017—Today, the National LGBTQ Task Force is joining LGBTQ advocates in a National Day of Action to End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color. Since the beginning of the year, seven transgender women of color have been murdered across the country. In Washington, D.C. and elsewhere, hate crimes targeting transgender women have skyrocketed since the election of Donald Trump.
“Over 55 transgender and gender non-conforming people have been murdered since the start of 2015, the vast majority of whom were transgender women of color, and there seems to be no end in sight. We are in the midst of a national epidemic of violence targeting transgender women, and instead of using every tool in their power to end it, the Trump administration is spewing hate, intolerance, and discrimination. We must honor the lives of transgender women of color who’ve been murdered and we must continue the resistance against Trump’s agenda,” said Victoria Rodriguez-Roldan, Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.
WHAT: Day of Action to End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color
WHEN: Tonight, Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
WHERE: Freedom Plaza, 14th St. & Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C.
House Intel Chair Says There's No Evidence Of Trump's Wiretapping Allegations
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes said on Wednesday that the committee has seen no evidence supporting President Trump's claim that Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of Trump Tower last year.
But we knew that
But we knew that
Interesting Quote: Chris Evans
"I feel rage .I feel fury. It's unbelievable. People were just so desperate to hear someone say that someone is to blame. They were just so happy to hear that someone was angry. Hear someone say that Washington sucks. They just want something new without actually understanding. I mean, guys like Steve Bannon—Steve Bannon!—this man has no place in politics. Look, I'm in a business where you've got to sell tickets. But, my God, I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror if I felt strongly about something and didn't speak up. I think it's about how you speak up. We're allowed to disagree. If I state my case and people don't want to go see my movies as a result, I'm okay with that."
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Steve King thinks the Race War will be Between Blacks and Latinos
This crackhead thinks the race war will be fought by Blacks and Latinos.
See here:
CNN’s Chris Massie reported on Tuesday that the Iowa Republican predicted a race war between blacks and Hispanics before one of the groups overtakes whites as a percentage of the population of the U.S.
“When you start accentuating the differences, then you start ending up with people that are at each other’s throats,” Rep. King contended, as he targeted liberal Univision anchor Jorge Ramos. “[Ramos is] adding up Hispanics and blacks into what he predicts will be in greater number than whites in America. I will predict that Hispanics and the blacks will be fighting each other before that happens.”
This is right after his dumb ass tweet, saying “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
Monday, March 13, 2017
CBO confirms that trumpcare will leave 24 Million in Shambles
So Trumpcare is looking to be a disaster.
The Congressional Budget Office said that 24 million people would lose their coverage by 2026.
This really hits the middle class and anyone lower than that. And here's the tea, this knocks out most of trump's core base.
Vox has more
In its report, the CBO outlined another alarming effect on health: If implemented, the GOP’s American Health Care Act would kill the funding that established the Prevention and Public Health Fund, the federal budget’s largest budget allocation for disease prevention, by 2019.Lord, these folks are doomed
“Funding under current law [Obamacare] is projected to be $1 billion in 2017 and to rise to $2 billion in 2025 and each year thereafter,” the CBO report says. “CBO estimates that eliminating that funding would reduce direct spending by $9 billion over the 2017-2026 period.” This assessment “fails to take into account that these dollars will have to be replaced through the regular appropriations process,” the American Public Health Association pointed out in a statement, calling this a “health policy disaster.”
The ACA established the Prevention and Public Health Fund with a simple mission: to boost public health money, much of it for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to support activities that keep people from becoming sick. (At a time when more Americans would be gaining insurance, keeping people healthy and out of the health care system carried extra appeal for lawmakers.)
The Prevention Fund helps kids and their families get the vaccines they need. It supports programs that reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and lead poisoning in communities. “It also pays for key elements of the emergency preparedness systems that are in place throughout the nation,” explained John Auerbach, president and CEO of the public health nonprofit the Trust for America’s Health, “including the people who respond quickly when there is a weather disaster, a new infectious disease outbreak like Zika or an elevated number of fatal drug overdoses.”
Shep Smith shades the F**k out of Kellyanne Conway - VIDEO
He said: "Kellyanne Conway, whom we really don’t quote much anymore because, well, history"
That, my friends, is a READ
Looking at the Dark Side of Fundamentalist Rural America
This article is pretty good and sadly truthful about the Rural America. Here's a piece from the article to give you an idea:
In deep-red America, the white Christian god is king, figuratively and literally. Religious fundamentalism has shaped most of their belief systems. Systems built on a fundamentalist framework are not conducive to introspection, questioning, learning, or change. When you have a belief system built on fundamentalism, it isn’t open to outside criticism, especially by anyone not a member of your tribe and in a position of power. The problem isn’t that coastal elites don’t understand rural Americans. The problem is that rural America doesn’t understand itself and will never listen to anyone outside its bubble. It doesn’t matter how “understanding” you are, how well you listen, what language you use…if you are viewed as an outsider, your views will be automatically discounted. I’ve had hundreds of discussions with rural white Americans and whenever I present them any information that contradicts their entrenched beliefs, no matter how sound, how unquestionable, how obvious, they will not even entertain the possibility that it might be true. Their refusal is a result of the nature of their fundamentalist belief system and the fact that I’m the enemy because I’m an educated liberal.Check it out. It's on point
Friday, March 10, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017
WikiLeaks plans to give details on CIA hacking to Tech Companies
WikiLeaks trash leader Julian Assange is giving details about the CIA's hacking tools to tech companies so they can patch security holes.
Here's more
Here's more
Assange made the offer during a press conference Thursday. He said WikiLeaks has "a lot" of unpublished information about CIA hacking and spying that the organization would release after the tech companies fix security gaps.Why haven't they put Assange in prison? This man is the most vile crook in the game. I wish he would get locked up somewhere
Earlier this week, WikiLeaks published what it said were internal CIA documents showing that the agency has an extensive worldwide hacking operation that allows it to infiltrate phones and televisions to spy on people.
Apple and Google said shortly after the documents were published that they have already eliminated many of the potential vulnerabilities. Samsung and Microsoft said they were aware of the leaks and looking into them.
The Worst Part About Being Gay - VIDEO
Vlogger Ethan Hethcote talks about the low points of being gay.
Whatever Happened to Jaye Davidson?
I was watching The Crying Game the other day and I was wondering... Whatever happened to Jaye Davidson?
Jaye played Dil in the film and was nominated for an Oscar. I was always obsessed with him and I loved his androgynous look.
Well, I just learned that Jaye retired from acting. He's in Paris, just living life. Here's more from Wikipedia:
At the time of his short acting career, he said that his androgynous look alienated him within the gay community, saying "Homosexual men love very masculine men. And I'm not a very masculine person. I'm reasonably thin. I have long hair, which isn't very popular with gay men." He later adopted a more masculine look, with a shaved head, tattoos and more developed physique.This is him now
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
7 Trans Women have been Murdered in 2017
Here's the latest on the trans murders in 2017
Ciara McElveen, was found stabbed to death on Monday in New Orleans 7th Ward. That homicide came only two days after another black transgender woman, Chyna Gibson, was shot and killed in New Orleans on Feb. 25, the Anti-Violence Project reports.Stop killing our sisters
In Monroe, Lousiana Jaquarrius Holland was found murdered on Feb. 19, the Anti-Violence Project reports.
In Chicago, Keke Collier, also known to friends as Tiara Richmond, was shot to death on Feb. 22 while walking near her home in Chicago.
Earlier homicides involving transgender victims occurred Jan. 4, with the death of Mesha Caldwell, in Canton, Mississippi; the Jan. 6 death of Jamie Lee Wounded Arrow, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and the Feb. 8 death of Jojo Striker, in Toledo, Ohio, according to data provided to Hatewatch by the Anti-Violence Project.
McElveen’s murder brings transgender killings up to the numbers reported at the same time last year, with transgender women targeted at a slightly higher rate than in previous years.
Because Ciara McElveen and Chyna Doll Dupree were killed in Louisiana, a state with hate crime laws that do not offer protections for gender identity, it is unlikely the charge will be pursued without federal support for the investigation. Keke Collier’s murder is the only one of the six carried out in a state with hate crime laws that protect transgender people.
Interesting Quote: Gavin Grimm
This case will not be resolved until after I graduate. But this fight is bigger than me. I came to realize that very early on, and it is truer now than it ever has been. This fight is for other trans youth in my high school. It is for other trans youth in Virginia. It is for all trans youth who are in school or one day will be. It is for the friends and loved ones of these youth, who want these children to be happy and healthy, rather than at risk and in danger as so many trans people are.
Monday, March 6, 2017
SCOTUS Won’t Hear Case on Trans Students Rights
When trump changed the position on Trans students using bathrooms of their gender identities, we hoped that SCOTUS would set it straight.
Well, they didn't. SCOTUS won't hear the case. They vacated an appeal’s court decision in favor of a transgender boy, Gavin Grimm, and sent the case back for further consideration.
Here's more from NYT:
The Supreme Court had agreed to hear the case in October, and it had been scheduled to be argued this month. It would have been the court’s first encounter with transgender rights, and there was a good chance the case would have been one of a fairly sleepy term’s biggest decisions.
The question in the case was whether Mr. Grimm could use the boys’ bathroom in a Virginia high school. There are other cases on transgender rights in the pipeline, including a challenge to a North Carolina law that requires transgender people to use bathrooms in government buildings that correspond with the gender listed on their birth certificates. The law has drawn protests, boycotts and lawsuits.
The Virginia case concerned the Obama administration’s interpretation of a federal regulation under a 1972 law that bans discrimination “on the basis of sex” in schools that receive federal money.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Friday, March 3, 2017
Interesting Quote: Trevante Rhodes
“It talks about a subject matter that is so prevalent today. Being a black man in American is relatively difficult right now, being a gay man in America is incredibly difficult and so being a black, gay man, like I’ve said before, can be perceived as the worst possible thing right now. So it is something that we need, that the world needs, and I’m thinking it’s a beautiful thing that people are receiving it. I didn’t think we were ready for something like that. And it’s really surprising and really refreshing to me to see that people are.”
Sessions wants to Stop probing Bad Police Departments
This is why Session has to go!
He's pulling back the federal scrutiny of police departments for civil rights violations against people of color.
Here's more
"Rather than dictating to local police how to do their jobs, or spending scarce federal resources to sue them in court, we should use our money, research, and expertise to help them figure out what is happening and determine the best ways to fight crime," Sessions said Tuesday.He's basically saying that the cops can continue killing, framing and wrongly accusing people of color of crimes they never committed. Session will send the message that it's okay to degrade Black and Brown bodies in the name of their blue fraternity.
Sessions is referring to the Obama-era policy of launching civil rights investigations into troubled police departments involved in the killings of unarmed minorities. The new attorney general was dismissive of police perpetrated shootings, even suggesting that viral videos—such as the ones showing the deaths of Philando Castile or Tamir Rice—were making life more difficult for police officers.
This is such a bad idea and opening a door to more mess.
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations
Fresh tea!
All yesterday and today, Jeff Session has been in the hot seat about his communications with Russia. After many called for him to Attorney General Jeff Sessions to step away from the investigation of trump's ties to Russia, he finally recused himself.
CNN reports:
Sessions made the decision after it emerged that he had failed at his Senate confirmation hearing to disclose two pre-election meetings with Moscow's ambassador to Washington, at a time when Russia was accused of interfering in the presidential race.So juicy!!
"I have decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States," Sessions told reporters.
"This announcement should not be interpreted as confirmation of the existence of any investigation or suggestive of the scope of any such investigation," he added.
Question of the Day
It's been over a month now... How have you been holding up during fake presidency?
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
National LGBTQ Task Force responds to trump's Joint Address
“Donald Trump’s address to Congress vividly illustrates just how out of touch he is with the reality of people’s lives. In his world, everything he does is ‘great’, when the reality is that his policies are causing pain, suffering, and uncertainty for millions, and most often for the most vulnerable. In just 40 days, he has aggressively used his executive powers to demonize and dehumanize immigrants, Muslims, and trans youth — and he’s just getting started. One thing that is certain though is that every time he opens his mouth, more people want to join the resistance movement against his extremism,” said Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.
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The Stuff

- Wonder Man
- Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.