Friday, February 7, 2014

10 LGBT activists Arrested on the opening night of the Sochi Olympics

Grani.Ru reports that 10 LGBT activists were arrested today/tonight (Not clear on their Time).

I translated the article:

On Red Square detained 10 LGBT activists, who on the opening night of the Sochi Olympics came with rainbow flags and sang the Russian national anthem. Reports the correspondent of "Fringe." How clarifies ATS-Info detained Elena Kostyuchenko, Anna Annenkov Lynn Reid, Knicks Nemeni Olga Mazurova Gleb Warrior Tarja Polyakova, Daria Starshinina and two subjects Sweden: local leader of the Union for the rights of LGBT (RFSL) and Ulrike Vefterlund activist of the organization Kerstin Burman. All are delivered in the OP, "China Town".

Supposed to perform at the Olympic hours on Manezh Square, but this place is surrounded by a triple ring of police.

Police waiting LGBT activists at the output with gathering places - from the cafe "Chocolate" on the GUM-skating rink. Share on Red Square lasted less than a minute.

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.