Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Boys in the Band: NKOTBSB are coming this Summer

This summer, gays and girls will get to see the 2 biggest men bands ever: New Kids on the Block and The Backstreet Boys.

I have to say that NKOTB are looking delicious and nutritious!
BSB are cute, but I miss Kevin and those blue eyes of his.
Here's their promo video

Their sneak peek performance will be on the American Music Awards tomorrow night.


apitt said...! My dream has finally come true!

Allan S. said...

Hmmm, no Justin. I guess he doesn't need the money or return to fame. He's been swimming in it for since his boy band-days. You would think he would have joined up to help his former homies out.

Wonder Man said...

lol, Justin was with N'Sync

BosGuy said...

NKOTB are from Boston where I'm from. They were hugely popular here. However, I was always a Marky Mark kind of guy. ;-)

robertga99 said...

NKOTB is looking good these days. I still can't believe Donnie is with them. I thought he would be a hold out. DId you see BSB on Oprah recently? Kevin was with them

WilsonW said...

Still do-able, Mcintyre, Knight, Knight, Littrell. Maybe Dorough.

Allan S. said...

LOL...after awhile they all sorta blended together in my brain! LMAO

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.