Friday, June 1, 2012

Judge has revoked George Zimmerman's bond, Has 48 hours to turn himself in

Well, that sweet freedom was quick. George has screwed up and now he's wanted back in court.

MSNBC lays it out
Prosecutors alleged that Zimmerman, 28, misled the court regarding his finances when $150,000 bail was granted April 20 and accused him of holding a second U.S. passport that he did not surrender to the court. Zimmerman is facing second-degree murder charges in the shooting death of Martin, 17, in February.

In a hearing in Sanford, Fla., Judge Kenneth Lester said Zimmerman engaged in a "material falsehood" about his finances.

The state attached a copy of the application for that passport to its motion. The state claims in its motion that Zimmerman obtained the second passport after filing a claim that his original passport had been lost or stolen. 

Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, conceded there was a second passport, saying, "It's not devious or inappropriate" to have a second passport if first one is lost or stolen. He said the second passport has never been stamped. He said Zimmerman filed for a second passport after thinking he had lost his first one; Zimmerman later discovered he had not lost the first one.
Lies! If he's lying about that, you know he's lying about Trayvon!


  1. Second passport?
    What an ass.

  2. The truth always comes out in the end. This Zimmerman has more excuses than than a cloud of raindrops. Unfortunately for him, it digs him deeper every time one is offered. Now that he's to remain behind bars, hopefully, the circus will end.

  3. Sometimes the media gets information faster than the cops do and we get to thinking they are racist and slow but they got this.
