Friday, June 1, 2012

One Million Lonely Wives get swamped by Gay Comic Fans

The Hateful Heifers continue their losing streak. They tried to go after DC Comics for Green Lantern, but it backfired big time. They linked the article on their FB page, but the comments were overwhelmingly positive. So, they got rid of the post.

The New Civil Rights Movement caught it all:
When I happened upon the posting, it seemed that there were more than 100 comments, but when I tried to access the post on it’s individual page, it came up with an error message: “The page you requested was not found.” (Original link here.)

I went back to the main One Million Moms Facebook page, noticed there were now only 83 comments, clicked to access the post’s individual page again, took a screen shot, but noticed there were only a few dozen comments.

I went back to the main One Million Moms Facebook page again, and noticed the post was gone. It appears that the administrator of the One Million Moms Facebook page attempted to delete the positive comments, then simply deleted the entire post.

What you see above is the screenshot I took, showing almost all comments but a few were positive. Amusingly, they also deleted a post at read that their “fans might need a time out,” or something similar.
It’s great to know that One Million Moms is aware they are not popular and their views are not shared by the vast majority of people around the world.

Please check out the screen shot after the jump


  1. OMM is in reality only about 40,000 people. So in terms of percentage, they only number 4% of their one million.

    And I doubt they have even 40,000 actual supporters. I'd say about 75% of that 40,000 is people just lurking and watching them for blog fodder. So that means there are only 10,000 moms - broken by 50 states that's 200 moms per state.

  2. I was going to write what truthspew said, but he said it already, and very well

  3. Just a tired tiny group of bigots and haters.
    Sad really.

  4. No offense to you women but it's one million cunts.
