Friday, June 1, 2012

Family Research Council calls on their Prayer Team to Fight the Gays

The FRC are in fear of the Gayness in the air. So, they are going to their prayer team to draft up an attack against us.

Check out this mess from their site

Our courts went from prohibiting prayer for children to aborting children, to giving special benefits now to same-sex partners, and the military now admits openly practicing homosexuals. Several states have legalized same-sex marriage, and instead of prayer, public school children are given explicit instructions on how to have "safe" homosexual and heterosexual sex. President Obama has placed homosexual activists in leading roles throughout his administration. Our President now endorses same-sex marriage, and has ordered colleges, including religious schools, to offer students insurance covering "free" contraceptives, abortifacient drugs and sterilization.

"Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof" (Lev 25:10), is inscribed upon the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. It refers to the Jubilee God ordered to be proclaimed every 50 years in ancient Israel. 2012 marks 50 years since the freedom to pray was taken from America's school children. Americans now find themselves subject to spiritual, economic, political and religious oppression beyond anything the founders faced. Will you pray with me that 2012 will be a year of Jubilee in our own nation and that we will see the tide turn from oppression to real liberty?
Good Grief... read more after the jump

DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional - Judge Claudia Wilken of the U.S. District Court for Northern California has become the third federal district judge to declare the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional. The law protects states that disallow same-sex marriages from being forced to recognize such marriages performed elsewhere. It also defines marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman.
President Obama has refused to defend the law in court and now, pledging his support for same-sex marriage, has set the stage to over turn it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has said he may put forward a bill to repeal DOMA this year and expects to see a plank supporting same-sex marriage to be in the Democratic Platform this year. This issue is destined to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court (see DOMA Ruling; Harry Reid).
  • May God stir the American people to speak up in favor of marriage, both to their elected representatives and at the polls in November. May we neither be silent nor dull on this! May Congress and the Court uphold DOMA (Ps 30:12; 107:2; 110:3; 119:126; Acts 4:24-3).
Watchmen on the Wall Pastors' Briefing - several hundred pastors from 46 states attended the 9th annual Watchmen on the Wall Pastors Briefing in Washington, D.C. Many declared it to be the best briefing yet. A team of over 40 experienced intercessors kept the prayer fires burning throughout the 2 ½ day event. Special sessions were offered to help equip pastors and wives to embrace their calling to make prayer of first priority, to preach what God's word has to say about the issues being debated in our culture today, and to partner with other pastors to impact upon our communities, states and nation. The main sessions were taped and are available for anyone to see via the Internet. Those who pray will find them valuable. Please give this to your pastor (see 2012 WOW Video Archive)
  • Praise God for what He did at this briefing. May God use each pastor to encourage, and stir other pastors in their own and other states to pray, preach and stand for righteousness in the public square. May they stand with Tony to help 40,000 pastors become effective "Watchmen on the Wall" in their churches and our nation! (Is 6:6-8; 62:6-7; Eze 33:7 ff; Joel 2:17-18)
Maryland Marriage Referendum - Maryland Governor O'Malley made passage of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage his first priority this past January. With promises and arm-twisting, he persuaded members of both houses of the Maryland Assembly to pass the measure narrowly. Yesterday, Pastor Derek McCoy, President of the Maryland Family Alliance and Director of the Maryland Marriage Alliance, delivered more than 122,000 petitions to the Secretary of State's office - more than double the signatures needed (55,736) to put a same-sex "marriage" repeal question on the November ballot. The Alliance's goal is to turn in 150,000 signatures by the June 30th deadline. Pro-SSM activists have big money and backing from the state's political machine. Moreover, Maryland's Attorney General Doug Gansler, has vowed to overturn the ballot should the people vote to overturn the new law in November. Gansler plans legal action before hand-picked judges appointed by O'Malley (Twice as many Signatures, Contribute to Help in the Maryland Fight, Gansler Plan).
  • Praise God for His favor at this stage of the fight. May He now provide the necessary finances to get out the message for marriage and to counter the campaign planned by homosexual activists. May Marylanders stand for marriage! (Is 10:1; Rom 8:37; 2 Cor 2:14; Phil 4:19)

1 comment:

  1. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
