Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where will Scott Brown Stand on DADT?

News is burning about Scotty Cosmo's role in the upcoming DADT repeal vote.

In January, this was his stance:
While he was running, he said NO to a repeal... See here

And later, (after he won) he said:

While some think he could be for the repeal, others think he will oppose it since he's running for re-election soon. However, it will be very interesting to see where the cards fall from Scotty's hand.


  1. Wow, ABC's media widget doodad really sux.

  2. Uh yeah, the little opportunist is showing how much of a joke he really is with the statement "I'm not going to make up my mind just now, I'll ask the generals on the ground first". Massachusetts obviously let this idiot through the backdoor into the main house when they should have been covering all the openings...
