Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, stop this Foolishness!

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone is an idiot! He thinks homosexuality is cause of the sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church!

He said:
"Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true," said Bertone. "That is the problem."
Come on, Tarcisio! Who are you talking to? You know and we know that's some bullsmack!

If he's going to run around with this mess, I can run around saying heterosexuality causes White males to be serial killers. It makes NO SENSE! To believe or say something so ridic has dangerous and reckless effects.

If Tarcisio is truly a man of God, he will take that statement back!

This foolishness has to end!



  1. Why is it that every time I see a pic of someone from the catholic church I vision myself skull fuck'n them to death.
