Monday, April 12, 2010

Scott Brown Snubs Moose Mess

Scotty "Cosmo" Brown was asked to join Moosey for a Dummy R Us meeting in Boston, but declined.

Here's a reason why:

Brown, who took heat for the alleged misbehavior of some of his supporters at campaign events, may be trying to distance himself from what could be a volatile event, said political analyst Lou DiNatale.

“You’re worried at a rally that there’s a sign, a statement, an incident that’s certifiably cuckoo occurs,” DiNatale said.

“To win re-election, Scott Brown floating to the right is a serious problem.

“And showing up at a Sarah Palin, Tea Party event is not the way to the middle.”

I think this very wise for Scott to do this. In time, the Tea Party's relevance will just whittle into a bunch fools complaining about issues that actually helps their dumbasses.

Plus, if Scott wants to be taken seriously, he will need civil minded folks on his side.


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