Thursday, December 31, 2009

Interesting Quote: Amanda Simpson

“I’m truly honored to have received this appointment and am eager and excited about this opportunity that is before me. And at the same time, as one of the first transgender presidential appointees to the federal government, I hope that I will soon be one of hundreds, and that this appointment opens future opportunities for many others."
Amanda is on the board of directors of the National Center for Transgender Equality and she has been appointed Senior Technical Advisor to the Department of Commerce by Obama.


Jan 10, 2010, Teabaggers will Officially become Fools of the US

Rachel Maddow calls out the teabagger foolishness... Again

Can we ship them to Iraq?

Patrick Stewart will be Knighted

Great news for Patrick/Picard fans.

Patrick will be Sir Patrick for now on...
Patrick Stewart has been awarded with a knighthood for his services to drama.

The 'Star Trek' actor was named in the Queen's New Year Honours list, alongside other famous faces including Status Quo musicians Rick Parfitt and Francis Rossi.

Stewart commented that he is "very proud" of the accolade, adding: "This is an honour that embraces those actors, directors and creative teams who have in these recent years helped fill my life with inspiration, companionship and sheer fun."

He deserves this, congrats Sir Pat!


Old School Crush: Miles O'Keeffe

This man was my fantasy back in the day.

Y'all may not remember Tarzan the Ape Man, but HBO played the hell out of it.

This is his big role as Tarzan. Here's a homoerotic clip that I always watched.

I fell in love with him after seeing this scene.

He still looks good now

Back Flash Video Thursday

The New Year is coming, so I need some Patti

Justice for Ahmet Yidiz

Howard and Bob posted this on their blogs, hoping to send the message. Please spread the word.
It was five month ago when Ahmet Yildiz told Turkish prosecutors that he had received death threats from members of his family. The prosecutor’s office declined to pursue the case and now Ahmet’s friends claim his family is responsible for his murder. He was gunned-down outside a cafĂ© Wednesday, July 16th near the Bosphorus strait. After coming out to his family last year, Ahmet’s friends say he endured increasingly dangerous threats from them. He was a physics student and travelled to San Francisco to represent Turkey at an LGBT rights conference in 2007.
Some friends of Ahmet Yildiz are calling this homophobic murder an ‘honour killing’ in reference to their belief that his family is responsible and the fact that his family refused to remove his body from the morgue for an unusually long time.

The LGBT and Bear Community worldwide wants to pay homage to Ahmet Yildiz as a reminder of all the people that suffer discrimination in the world based on their sexual orientation, and to ask to all governments in the world to fight against hate crimes.

more here

Is Rick Warren Broke?

Interesting drama, kids.

Ricky Warren posted this letter on his website:

Dear Saddleback Family,

THIS IS AN URGENT LETTER unlike any I've written in 30 years. Please read all of it and get back to me in the next 48 hours.

I have thrilling news to share with you below but first some seriously bad news:

With 10% of our church family out of work due to the recession, our expenses in caring for our community in 2009 rose dramatically while our income stagnated. Still, with wise management, we've stayed close to our budget all year. Then... this last weekend the bottom dropped out.

On the last weekend of 2009, our total offerings were less than half of what we normally receive - leaving us $900,000 in the red for the year, unless you help make up the difference today and tomorrow.

Basically he's begging his sheep for money. This sounds familiar...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rush rushed to the Hospital

Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital due to chest pains in Hawaii. Sources say he was in serious condition.

Paramedics responded to a call at 2:41 p.m. from the Kahala Hotel and Resort where Limbaugh is vacationing, KITV reported. The station, citing unnamed sources, said the 58-year-old Limbaugh was taken to The Queens Medical Center in Honolulu.

Kit Carson, Limbaugh's chief of staff, told The Associated Press from Milwaukee that he wasn't able to provide any information.

Queens spokeswoman N. Makana Shook said the hospital was unable to comment on the report.

Emergency Medical Services spokesman Bryan Cheplic said paramedics took a male of unknown age to an area hospital from the Kahala Hotel and Resort. He said he had no further information.

More to come.


Malawi Couple faces Prison Time

A Malawi couple, Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza were arrested for trying to get married last weekend.

Today, the couple pleaded "not guilty" in court and was sent back to jail.
Prosecutors say they will send the pair to hospital to prove they have had sex together.

They face three charges of unnatural practices between males and gross indecency.

Mr Monjeza, 26, hinted that he may consider calling off the proposed wedding, as he was sent back to prison.

"I am sad I am going back to Chichiri Prison," he said. "The condition are terrible there. People are exaggerating this thing. I may just as well dissolve this marriage."

Mr Chimbalanga, 20, dressed in women's clothes, refused to speak to journalists, beyond accusing them of writing "stupid" things.

They were arrested on Monday at the home they share.

Malawi is a deeply conservative society but recently a group of campaigners came together to form a gay rights organisation, Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP).

CEDEP's executive director, Gift Trapence, says the laws used to arrest the couple are invalid because they are against the Bill of Rights enshrined in the 1995 constitution.

Correspondents say some voices in government have also started to call for more openness about homosexuality as the authorities try to tackle high rates of HIV/Aids.

If found guilty, they could be locked up for 14 years.


The Tale of 2 Maps

This is interesting and weird. New York Times has a map of states where gays can get married and states where you can marry your first cousin.

Sad, yes

Very telling, yes, especially in The South

Day Two of Vegas (NSFW)

So our last full day has ended, but once again I will give y'all some nuggets of the day.
  • I will not have another 44 oz "drank" for a while.
  • Where are the scantly dressed men? I'm tired of seeing the Pussycat Dolls-like women running around.
  • Why are families here on The Strip?
  • Hell, where are the gay people in this town?
  • Penn & Teller is a great show to see in Vegas.
  • Buffets are overrated, just go to Denny's.
  • And speaking of buffets, the lines are way long, government cheese long.
  • This was the smut the 'Girls Direct' people were passing out to tourists today.
  • The slot machines are a scam!
  • I was told that Ed Hardy is the official attire of Vegas. I almost cried.
  • There should law on the number of 'Girls Direct' people on The Strip. They're like zombies!
  • Don't buy any clothing on The Strip.
  • Always tip your waitress/waiter, they are working hard out here.

IU Professor Stabbed to Death at his Home

Gay Indiana University professor, Don Belton, was stabbed to death at his home during the holidays. The killer, Michael J. Griffin, told police he visited Don to confront him over two alleged sexual assaults.

According to the cops, Michael showed no remorse.

Here's more.

Don Belton was a fierce voice about Black masculinity, he will be missed.
There will be more info as this story develops.

Zelda Rubinstein's Health is Fading.

Zelda Rubinstein, the actress who played Tangina in the Poltergeist films has been hospitalized for over a month at Cedars Sinai hospital in L. A.

Yesterday, they took her off of life support due to the failure of two of her major organs.

Doctors fear she has little time to live.

I will always remember her from Poltergeist, but I was just made aware of her work and support for AIDS research. The Advocate talked to her about her support. I never knew she was a strong advocate for us. I hope she is surrounded by the people who love her.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2nd Divorce for Karl Rove

This is interesting. Mr."Fight for the Sanctity of Marriage" is getting his second divorce.
Karl Rove, former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, has been granted a divorce in Texas after 24 years of marriage, family spokeswoman Dana Perino said. “Karl Rove and his wife, Darby, were granted a divorce last week," said Perino. "The couple came to the decision mutually and amicably, and they maintain a close relationship and a strong friendship. There will be no further comment, and the family requests that its privacy be respected.”

A family friend told POLITICO: “After 24 years of marriage, many of which were spent under incredible stress and strain during the White House years, the Roves came to a mutual decision that they would end the marriage. They did spend Christmas together with their son, and they plan to spend time together in the future. They maintain a strong friendship, and they both feel that that friendship is a source of comfort and inspiration for their friends and family.”

This turd was actually marriage twice? Wow!


Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni will Lighten the Anti-gay Bill

After much criticism, Ugandan President Museveni vows to soften the Anti-gay bill.
In its current form, the bill proposes life imprisonment and even the death penalty for gays and lesbians in Uganda.

Museveni's top aide said on Thursday that the president was planning to intervene to address the concerns of Uganda's Western partners who have expressed strong opposition to the bill.

"We should not have an extreme position. The president will harmonize the two sides and address the concerns of the Europeans and our other development partners." said Museveni's spokesman.

Cute, but if they just get rid of this bill, all will be good in the 'hood.

Day One in Vegas

In Vegas, you can see a lot of funny things and a lot of hot mess. So I will give y'all some nuggets from the first full day in Sin City.
  • The Strip is the straight guys' gayborhood.
  • The guys are slightly hotter in Caesars' vs O'Shea's.
  • There are a lot of older interracial couples, like over 50 years of age.
  • There's not enough men strip shows here.
  • Louis Vuitton should not allow tourists in the store. Their dirty hands will ruin the merchandise.
  • They have a Pink's here, but they doubled the prices! Filthy Whores!
  • I'm actually working out at a gym in the hotel, but that workout's dead, because I just had a 44oz frozen daiquiri.
  • A girl just asked me if I like White meat and I told her I do, just not girl meat.
  • I can't comment on some of your blogs (Blogger, fix this), but I'm reading them.
  • I'm realizing that the Strip is a big Flea market.
  • I'll drop over a $1000 on a Louie bag, but won't put $20 on a craps table.
  • I re-read Kid Christmas by Eric Arvin and I realized that Eric has a super dirty mind. Actually, it's dirtier if you read it in Vegas. Crazy, I know.
  • I've eaten too much.
So that's day one.

Disappointments of the Year

Yes we had many, but here are my top ones

Just try to get something moving with LGBT rights

Levi Johnston-Could've shown more

Chris Brown-He may never come back from this

G.I. Joe the Movie- This flick broke my heart

Britney Spears-Lackluster CD, lackluster videos. It's time to take a break, girl.

National Equality March- I think Barney was right on this one. It was done, people marched, but besides that, nothing else came from this. This is sad, because there's so much that could've happened.

Gay Marriage Losses- took a licking, but we WILL keep on ticking.

Blister Palin sues Levi for Custody

What is this? Bristol wants full custody of their baby.

The custody battle between Levi Johnston and Bristol Palin became public last week when two Superior Court judges issued orders unsealing the court record and denying the use of pseudonyms to protect the feuding parents' identities.

A Dec. 23 order from Judge Kari C. Kristiansen denied Palin's motion to close the proceedings and opened the case file to public access, while an order issued the same day by Presiding Judge Sharon Gleason denied Palin's request to use John and Jane Doe in place of Johnston's and her own real names.

Johnston wasn't playing along, however. In an opposition to Palin's motion for a gag order, Johnston's attorney, Rex Butler, said: "Simply put, this matter is public in nature, the courts are not refuges for the scions of the elite to obtain private dispensation of their legal matters because the public at large has an interest in the proceedings."

There's another factor in the mix, of course: Palin's mother, former governor Sarah Palin, with whom Johnston has repeatedly locked horns in the press, and from whom he claims to fear retaliation.

"I do not feel protected against Sarah Palin in a closed proceeding," Johnston said in an affidavit accompanying Butler's filings. "I hope that if it is open she will stay out of it. ... I think a public case might go a long way in reducing Sarah Palin's instinct to attack and allow the real parties in this litigation, Bristol and I, to work things out a lot more peacefully than we could if there is any more meddling from Sarah Palin."

Johnston's affidavit did not disclose exactly what "meddling," if any, the former governor has engaged in during the custody case's brief lifetime; however, he theorized that the closed proceedings might be intended to conceal some "fairly aggressive" tactics.

But Levi is the only one making money to support the baby, will that count? Well, it's Playgirl money, but it's money!


Rolling the Ball on DADT in 2010

Folks are trying to get DADT on the move in 2010. Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) has written a letter Defense Secretary Robert Gates about the matter.

Dear Secretary Gates:

We write today with regards to the current prohibition on openly gay and lesbian service members in the military, commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT).

This discriminatory policy results in the Department of Defense losing tens of millions each year in unrecoverable recruiting and training costs. The 2006 Blue Ribbon Commission’s report on DADT found that the Pentagon wasted over $360 million due to this policy from 1994 until 2003, the last year studied. Since its enactment in 1994, over 13,500 service members have been discharged under DADT, including 730 mission critical soldiers and over 65 Arabic and Farsi linguists vital to the war on terrorism.

To increase transparency on the effects the DADT policy is having on our military and by extension our national defense, we request that the Office of the Secretary of Defense provide data on the current number of DADT discharges since January 1, 2009 to the present, no later than January 15, 2010. In addition, we request monthly reports thereafter to Congress detailing the number of enlisted service members and officers discharged under the policy including their job specialty (MOS), time in the service and branch of the military. Through these monthly updates, Congress and the public will get a clearer picture of the continued costs and damage to our national security inflicted by this policy.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a timely response.


James P. Moran

DADT could be added in the Defense Department budget authorization bill, just like the Hate Crimes bill. Hopefully, we can gain the same success.

Tyra will End her show

Tyra Banks has decided to end the Tyra Banks show.

On her website, she says:

Hey there. I want to share some news with you. This will be the last season of The Tyra Show. I've been loving having fun, coming into your living rooms, bedrooms, hair salons for the past 5 years. The thing is, The Tyra Show is not leaving because of YOU. Most times, a show leaves the air because not many people are watching. Well, you all ARE watching, in record numbers. You must know this love and support is always felt by me and it's given me the courage to take more exciting steps in my life. So I thank you for that.

As many of you know, several years ago I made the decision to leave modeling - at the height of my modeling career - and although it was the most terrifying move, it was the BEST decision and led to me fulfilling some big lifelong dreams. Now, I'm a bit nervous and excited for my next HUGE steps which will allow me to reach MORE women and young girls to help us all feel as fierce as we truly are!

There's a lot cooking right now and a lot of fire burning in my heart, and for years, I've been working on the next big ideas and new ways to reach out to you. Besides continuing full speed with America's Next Top Model (which starts it's 15th season), True Beauty (which is in its second season), and, this year I'll be unveiling some HUGE surprises from me and my company Bankable - new out-of-the-box projects. And I'm incredibly excited to announce that I'll be launching Bankable Studios soon, which means my company will be making MOVIES!!! And what I love about creating new projects is that it also creates new jobs for talented people, in front of and behind the camera.

And if you've been reading the papers, you know that the television world is changing! And there's this little thing called the DIGITAL EXPLOSION that's flipping how the old companies are doing business and how people like me can talk and vibe with you. So a few months into the new year, you'll be seeing a whole new digital world.

I'm so excited and I wish I could tell you about ALL of the new stuff, but there are people here with me now telling me to stop typing and keep my lips shut about our new projects! So, I will...

Of course, I am saddened that my talk show staff will be affected by these changes. We all just got together for the holidays and rejoiced and celebrated together. They are the best people in the world. I really love them. But it's not goodbye to them, it's 'see you around the corner.' Because these people are so TALENTED! And their talent will lead them to great things ahead.

Before I go, I have to pay homage to the ultimate Queen of Talk, Oprah, who made a huge impact on my life by giving me my first shot in daytime TV. We all know she announced that her last year with her talk show will be in the 2010-2011 season. We will all miss her show so much. And to you Oprah: You have had, and continue to have, such an amazing impact on me. I salute you.

And I salute YOU, my amazing family of viewers: Thank you so so soooooo much for your support and love. Without you, there never would have been a Tyra Show. I really love you all.

But hey, we still have a lot of time together on the talk show this season on the CW. We're not wrapped yet. So keep watching. I have some fun episodes planned that you gotta see!

Fierce & Love,


Sneak Peek of Doctor Who's "The End of Time" part 2

I'll say it, part 1 was a little special. So part 2 better bring it!

Bring back, Rose and Martha!

The Federal Prop 8 Case update

The Federal Prop 8 trial starts on January the 11th and it may go on for a month, so don't start screaming and threatening a boycott. (jk)

Here's more:
The trial in the federal lawsuit seeking to overturn California’s Proposition 8 starts Jan. 11 in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

It could last a month.

Representing the gay side are famed attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies, who, in 2000, argued opposite sides of the Bush/Gore "hanging chad" election mess before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Intervening for the gay side are lawyers from Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Their request to join the case on the same level as Olson and Boies was denied after they angered Olson and Boies by speaking ill of the case, saying it was poorly timed and unwise. The city of San Francisco also has intervened on behalf of the gays.

For journalists covering the trial, they can use Facebook and Twitter. No lie.

So this may be entertaining.

Losers of the Year

Well, 2009 is ending soon, so I thought I would start my 'Of the Year' listings.

We will dive into the Losers first.

Beau Breedlove- this He-ifer got his 15 minutes by blasting his underage affair with the Mayor Sam Adams. Then posed nude in Unzipped to 'set the record straight'. Yeah, he was your typical famewhore.

Sarah Palin-Quitter, Liar, Mess

Carrie Prejean- This She-Mess tried to be Anita Bryant and ended up a Pam Anderson reject.

Jon Gosselin- Typical nerd with a power breakdown...I secretly feel sorry for him.

Perez Hilton-Karma slapped him this year. Hopefully, he has learned from his foolishness.

There's no G-A-Y in Immigration

The Immigration Reform Bill has many things in it, however it left out something important.

Gay Folks!

An alternative immigration reform bill introduced last week in Congress lacks sought-after language for LGBT families, but advocates of the provision remain optimistic the bill’s sponsor will support inclusion in future legislation.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) the guy in the pic above introduced the bill — titled the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security & Prosperity Act — in the U.S. House along with more than 90 other Democrats.

Because the legislation would, among other things, offer a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, the measure is seen as a more liberal alternative bill that would set the tone for comprehensive immigration reform legislation next year.

But Gutierrez’s bill lacks a provision that would allow LGBT Americans to sponsor their foreign partners for residency in the United States. Advocates had been pressuring Gutierrez to include such language, which is seen as necessary to stop the U.S. government from keeping apart more than 36,000 LGBT bi-national couples.

Steve Ralls, spokesperson for Immigration Equality, said his organization is disappointed the lawmaker didn’t include this measure in his bill. Still, Ralls noted that he remains optimistic Gutierrez will support the provision in the path toward immigration reform.

“We are extremely disappointed, and we pushed very hard to have our families included, but I do take Congressman Gutierrez at his word that when the issue begins to move early next year that he’s going to stand with us,” he said.

This isn't over, it is a possibility that a provision for LGBT bi-national couples will be added. Let's hope for the best.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Heading to Vegas!

I'm off to Vegas for 3 days, but I'll be posting stuff.

Sore Losers in DC place Ads on Buses

Still bitter over their loss, Stand for Marriage DC has placed ads on metrobuses that reads “Let the People Vote on Marriage”.

The ads are sponsored by Stand for Marriage DC, a group closely affiliated with the National Organization for Marriage, which was largely responsible for ending marriage equality in Maine by putting the issue on the ballot in that state. The D.C. council and the district’s election board have denied repeated attempts by SFMDC to put marriage up to a popular vote.
The gay group Full Equality Now DC has come out against the ad campaign, writing a letter to the city’s transportation authority demanding that the ads be taken down because they force gay people to “stare down discrimination as they board the bus to go somewhere or are even passed by an advertisement on the street.”

But not all pro-gay people are falling in line behind FENDC’s demands. Another group, led the Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance’s president Mitch Woods and a number of other activists, has come out in favor of SFMDC’s freedom of speech. In its own letter to the transportation authority, this group writes, “Free speech is not only for those whose beliefs we find acceptable. The proper response to offensive speech is more speech. Your proper response to Full Equality Now DC, therefore, is that those who object to ads for Stand For Marriage DC are free to place their own ads.”

Stand for Marriage DC hopes to rally enough support overturn marriage equality, but even that attempt seems far fetched. We will see how this goes.


Comic Con Drama!

This clip describes how I'm feeling right now! Think of me as Ann Margret.

The pass for Saturday's Comic Con extravaganza is SOLD OUT! Friday is still available, but Saturday is the day!

I'm so upset, mostly at myself for not buying the pass last week.
I can't give up yet.
Hopefully, they will open Saturday back up.

Question of the Day

Buffy season 8 poster 2 Pictures, Images and Photos
If you could bring back a TV show, which one would it be and why?

Buffy for me, it was so damn good!

Diva Moment... The Confessor

I don't watch The Legend of the Seeker, but I may have to after this dramatic mess. While I was on the elliptical, I saw this lady fighting in this dress on the TV screen.

But wasn't an average lady fighting, she was fighting with these long dramatic sleeves moving in slow motion.

I was totally mesmerized, in fact, I was moving super fast watching her. Please see here.

Okay, I know it's nothing, but I thought it was pure diva for her, fighting in this dress. This lovely lady is know as the Mother Confessor.

Very S & M, if you ask me.

Eminem leaves the Homophobic Lyrics behind

Eminem has been known to say some ugly stuff in his raps. Mostly his words about us (gays) has been the most eye popping.

But over the years, Em's has lighten up with the language. In fact, he's going to leave the homophobic lyrics at home.

Organisers of the Wireless Festival in Hyde Park have persuaded the rapper to drop his gratuitously anti-gay songs to avoid any demonstrations. Following Eminem's pledge, they have agreed a deal with gay rights groups not to picket the event next summer.

The last time Eminem toured the country in 2001, gay rights group OutRage! protested outside his shows, saying his lyrics were homophobic.

Event organisers were said to be worried that another such protest would cause major disruption to Wireless, which attracts tens of thousands of people.A festival insider said: “This is a huge signing for Wireless and it will be the hottest ticket this summer.

“The organisers were afraid campaigners could potentially ruin the event. So there was a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and Eminem only agreed to sign up when assurances had been made that there would not be any protests.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Charlie Why?

This man is always in the midst of mess.

Actor Charlie Sheen was arrested Christmas morning in an alleged domestic violence incident in Aspen, Colorado, authorities said.

Sheen, whose real name is Carlos Irwin Estevez, was arrested on suspicion of second-degree assault, menacing and criminal mischief and was being held with no bond, according to a news release from the Aspen Police Department. Police said they were called to 320 West Hallam Street in Aspen at 8:34 a.m. because of “a domestic violence situation,” according to the release. The alleged victim was not identified.

An ambulance arrived at the scene, but the alleged victim did not need to be transported to the hospital, authorities said. Sheen, 44, of Encino, is being held at the Pitkin County Jail.

Sheen was also arrested in an alleged domestic violence incident in 1996 when a 24-year-old woman told authorities that he pushed her to the floor during an argument at his Agoura home.

Charlie get some help or something. Once of these days, one of these girls is going to throw a pot of hot grits on you!


Secret Crush

I think Guy Fieri from the Food Network is really cute.

Am I the only one?

Lord, Not Again!

A fool claiming to be an agent of al-Qaida tried to blow up yesterday.
Flight 253 with 278 passengers aboard was about 20 minutes from the airport when passengers heard popping noises, witnesses said. At least one person climbed over others and jumped on the man. Shortly afterward, the suspect was taken to the front of the plane with his pants cut off and his legs burned, a passenger said.

One U.S. intelligence official said the explosive device was a mix of powder and liquid. It failed when the passenger tried to detonate it.
"It sounded like a firecracker in a pillowcase," said Peter Smith, a traveler from the Netherlands. "First there was a pop, and then (there) was smoke."

Smith said a passenger sitting opposite the man climbed over people, went across the aisle and tried to restrain the man. Syed Jafri, another passenger, said he saw a glow and smelled smoke. Then, he said, "a young man behind me jumped on him."

"Next thing you know, there was a lot of panic," said Jafri. Smith said the heroic passenger appeared to have been burned.
What was this freak thinking? This fool is still be questioned, but I find it interesting that he told everything right off the bat. I wondering if he's really with al Qaeda. I guess we will see.

The Power hijacked Hiram Monserrate's Party

Gay activists called, The Power, attacked Hiram Monserrate's Christmas party and protesting his betrayal in the gay marriage vote.

See the drama here

Here's more about The Power

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Deleted Scene from A Christmas Story?

Yes, there is a scene and here is the proof.
And more proof:

As with all movies there are several scenes in the script and filming that do not make it into the final cut of the movie. According to Stan Cole, editor of A Christmas Story there was pressure from the movie studio, MGM to keep the movie to around 90 minutes so that the movie could be shown every 2 hours in the theatre. Among the scenes cut were several possible opening scquences, a fantasy sequence in which Miss Sheilds visits Ralphie’s house and then Ralphie rescues Flash Gordon from Ming the Merciless on planet Mongo, and another fantasy sequence in which Ralphie rescues Santa from Black Bart and his men. Interestingly enough Flash Gordon and Ming the Merciless still made it into the credits for the movie. The costumes, skectches and pictures from this scene are part of the collection at A Christmas Story Museum. Unfortunatley none of the film footage of the scenes survived.

To read the script, go here

Diva Moment... Mrs. Parker from A Christmas Story

Mrs. Parker was the best movie mom I've ever seen.
Please watch one of her greatest moments.

To me, she made A Christmas Story. I just adored her in the movie.

Question of the Day: Holiday Edition

How are you spending your Christmas/Holiday?

Happy Holidays!

I hope y'all have a great holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jersey Shore may get Shut Down

Labeled as a modern day minstrel show, Jersey Shore, is getting heat from the NJ lawmakers!

The latest criticism comes from the New Jersey Italian American Legislative Caucus, which says the show promotes derogatory ethnic stereotypes and is "wildly offensive."

In a letter sent Tuesday to the president of Viacom, MTV's parent company, caucus chairman Joseph Vitale asks that the show be immediately taken off the air.

The state lawmakers also have asked advertisers to boycott the show, which focuses on eight tanned 20-somethings and their escapades in Seaside Heights, a popular New Jersey beach town.

On Wednesday, a Viacom spokesman referred a request for comment to an MTV spokesperson, who did not immediately respond. MTV has said its intention is not to stereotype or offend.

Wow, it's interesting how this show is getting hounded. I can't blame them, the show is horrible! I wonder if they will succeed with shutting it down.

UPDATE: Dell (computer peeps) has pulled their ads from the show.

Senate Passes Health Care Bill

Senate Passes Health Care Bill!

Without a single Republican vote, the United States Senate passed a sweeping health care reform bill in a landslide, shortly after 7:00 in the morning on Christmas Eve. After months of intense back and forth, and more than three weeks of continuous floor debate, the bill moved through the Senate by a gaping 60-39 margin.

The House of Representatives previously passed a much stronger version of reform with a tighter 220-215 margin. The two versions will now be merged in conference committee negotiations, with the House pushing for more generous subsidies for those required to buy insurance and the Senate attempting to hold the line. The cross-Capitol negotiations will not involve the Republican Party.

I don't want to get hung up on what's in it or not. That can actually change as the year ends. I'm just happy they got this done.


Interesting Quote: Andrew Sullivan

Change of this magnitude is extremely hard. That it is also frustrating, inadequate, compromised, flawed, and beset with bribes and trade-offs does not, in my mind, undermine it. Obama told us it would be like this - and it is.

And those who backed him last year would do better, to my mind, if they appreciated the difficulty of this task and the diligence and civility that Obama has displayed in executing it.

Yes, we have. And yes, we still are the ones we've been waiting for - if we still care enough to swallow purism and pride and show up for the less emotionally satisfying grind of real, practical, incremental reform.

And this is from one of Obama's harshest critics.


Worst Horror Flicks of 2009

I'll say it, Horror movies kind of sucked this year. I'm hoping for better stuff in 2010.

But to get to it, here are my picks:

My Bloody Valentine 3D- They f**ked this up. I enjoyed the original

Friday the 13th- This was too campy and lackluster. It had Michael Bay written all over it.

The Uninvited - a crappy ghost/'I'm imagining this cuz I'm insane' type flick

Sorority Row- Take the cast of Real World/Road Rules & use a mediocre 80's film and you get this.


The Unborn- This movie was a gumbo of pure mess. David S. Goyer should've been ashamed of himself.

Question of the Day: Holiday Edition

What was your favorite Christmas/Holiday toy?

Westboro Church Hates Lady Gaga!

Lordy Lord, these freaks!

Westboro Baptist Church has pulled a huge turd of foolishness on this one.
God Hates Lady Gaga

God, please take them in the night

Lafayette gets a man in True Blood!

Well we got a gay king, a hot ass werewolf and now, a man for Lafayette!

True Blood will bring him a possible love interest for season 3.

EW says:
It’s happening: Lafayette is getting a boyfriend! A True insider tells me that Alan Ball is quietly searching for a sexy Latino actor in his 30s to play a lust interest for everyone’s favorite same-gender-lovin’ blood dealer. (Over the summer, Ball confirmed that viewers would see a more “vulnerable” Lafayette in season 3.)
Hot! I wonder if his "man" will have special powers?

Boys will be Boys

My friend just told me something quite interesting.

Back in his college days, he and some of his frat brothers would jack off together. They would watch some straight porn and just jack away.

Now, they wouldn't touch each other at all. They would just do their own thing (as a group). However, he did say they would cheer each other on when they got close to popping their corks.

I was floored to hear this. I mean, I thought this was an urban legend. How could they do something like this without breaking into full orgy mode?

And the cheering piece? If I was there, I would slip up and say something like: Yeah, John! Let me help you out! or Yeah, Dave jack that fat hard hot cock for me! I would have blown it and not in a good way.

He said it was no big deal and they thought nothing of it. I have a hard time believing that statement. I know some of them had to hook up after those "bro" sessions.

Have any of you experience something like this?

Crazed Janet Fan will kill us all to Save her!

Somebody lay hands on Frank Paul Jones!

This fool claimed he was married to Janet Jackson and believes she's sexuality confused.

With that in mind, Frank blames us (gays) for this and will... Kill us for sexually confusing Janet.

This is what he said:
"The situation ... is centered around her confused sexuality. I'm gonna try to kill every homosexual on the face of the earth. If I can't save my wife, they can't be saved."
I may need to speak in tongues to heal this fool.