Sunday, December 27, 2009

Question of the Day

Buffy season 8 poster 2 Pictures, Images and Photos
If you could bring back a TV show, which one would it be and why?

Buffy for me, it was so damn good!


  1. Wow, that's an awesome poster! Especially of the giant Dawn. I would kill to have a season 8 of Buffy!

  2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles!
    Also the Dollhouse (well it is technically not off the air yet) and a completion for My Socalled Life! I want to write the script for the last one.

  3. Maybe a modern version of "Forever Knight"!

  4. For me it would be Wonder Woman - I loved it and it always made me feel SUPER cool afterwards.

    Yes - I said super cool and I am owning it.

  5. I WOULD vote for "my So-Called Life" as well, or Alias.
