Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day Two of Vegas (NSFW)

So our last full day has ended, but once again I will give y'all some nuggets of the day.
  • I will not have another 44 oz "drank" for a while.
  • Where are the scantly dressed men? I'm tired of seeing the Pussycat Dolls-like women running around.
  • Why are families here on The Strip?
  • Hell, where are the gay people in this town?
  • Penn & Teller is a great show to see in Vegas.
  • Buffets are overrated, just go to Denny's.
  • And speaking of buffets, the lines are way long, government cheese long.
  • This was the smut the 'Girls Direct' people were passing out to tourists today.
  • The slot machines are a scam!
  • I was told that Ed Hardy is the official attire of Vegas. I almost cried.
  • There should law on the number of 'Girls Direct' people on The Strip. They're like zombies!
  • Don't buy any clothing on The Strip.
  • Always tip your waitress/waiter, they are working hard out here.


  1. Each time I'm in Vegas I wonder where the gay people are too. The strip, hotels, pools, casinos are filled with such hot hot guys. But the gays are very under-represented.
