Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Interesting Quote: Sam Worthington

It's kind of humbling the way they described your performance against Christian's, but we have no control over that. We just have try and do the best character we can do at that time. And I can nitpick with the best of them, man, and go down the list of things I saw on IMDB where they found holes in it and go, 'You are f***ing right. If there was a big ten-ton robot coming outside that gas station, surely we would f***ing hear it!' And I missed that! So I go, 'I gotta be a bit better when I'm looking through my scripts!' So that kind of raises my games a bit, cause I feel like an idiot for not saying it to McG.

Sam admitting that Terminator 4 made no-ass sense.

We knew that, honey. But I'm glad your fine self realized that.



  1. I liked T4 a lot. But yeah there were plot holes I could have walked through. MAYBE in T5 they'll do better instead of go after PG-13 ratings so DUMBASS kids can get it.

  2. Can't wait to see him in Clash of the Titans.

  3. Wow... I thought the only person who took T4 seriously was Christian Bale.
