Tuesday, August 25, 2009

David Hedrick is really sipping on Dumb-Aid

David Hedrick, stop talking. You are embarrassing yourself.

And Sean, stop putting idiots on your show, you're just making easy for us to make jokes.


  1. Another white dude calling Obama a Nazi. Do these fools read. If Obama were living in Germany during Hitler's time he would had being one of the first one in the oven. Hannity is another asshole that needs to be put in check for his fear mongering propaganda, they are the real fascists.

  2. Yeah ok, I believe a marine vet who has VA health coverage.

  3. What's SICKENING is how they are completely MINIMIZING the enormous effects that Hitler's Germany had on a nation and the WORLD surrounding it.

    This is nowhere in the same UNIVERSE as Nazi Germany. People just look incredibly stupid and insensitive when they say shit like that. I dare you to ask an old jewish woman (who was in concentration)whether or not Obama's healthcare initiative is even in the same league.

    This is all rhetoric. They know that many Americans want to believe that bullshit so these racist bigots continue to perpetuate the myth. Sick, sick, sick.

  4. It appears that you where not listening. The congressmen compared his constituents who have an opposing view to "Brown Shirts" in reference to the Nazi movement. He simply asked his congressmen to look in the mirror before using that analogy. If you study pre Nazi Germany and look at how their socialized medical system morphed into a system of who's life/health has more "value" than the next persons you would see that there is precedent for such skepticism.

    It is easy to say "it won't happen to us" but once you open that bottle you can not get the Genie back in and the program will grow and grow. Medicare and Medicade are perfect examples.

    Fix them first! then expand them to include more folks who don't have access to health care.

  5. Again, I highly doubt in our system we'll create a hitler.

    Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh anonymous.
