Tuesday, August 25, 2009

They are Watching you, Pastor Steve L. Anderson

After threatening us and claiming Obama is the demon, Baal, Pastor Steve L. Anderson's number has been called.

He's gaining attention, but not what he'd hoped. He is being watched by the media, the public and the government.

Silly dog... Did he think his little rants wouldn't draw attention?

I'm writing him a letter later today. He needs to know how I feel about his hate filled gospel.


  1. he needs his ass whooped...i wanna talk to him...i dont want to write no damn letter!

    now i realize violence on top of violence is not good, but some folk need their ass beat!!

  2. I'd like to issue a fatwa against Anderson.

    While I'm at it, Maggie Gallagher of NOM would be on the fatwa list too.
